New WTC-7 Photos Released
Kudos to JREF Forum member Big Al for pointing these out (zip file). This photo shows once again the substantial damage to the southwest corner of the building:

Also note this for the "minor office fires" as Box Boy Gage would claim:

Update: Bob McIlvaine pushes the WTC-7 smoking gun nonsense for NYC-CAN and Box Boy.
Note in particular that McIlvaine's son died in WTC-1, but Bob's pushing an investigation into WTC-7. Note as well the moronic inclusion of the Silverstein "pull it" clip.
I saw Bob's presentation at the Treason in America Conference; apparently the Troofers have convinced him that his son died in the "explosion" that Willie Rodriguez reports came before the plane hit the North Tower. Sad stuff.
Update: See this video of McIlvaine discussing his belief that his son died before the plane hit (starting about 7:10):
Labels: Aerial Photos, Bob McIlvaine, NYC-CAN, WTC-7
I'm saying this to be a dick like I'm usually trying to be, but wow. That first picture and looking at the bottom of the building and all the damage there sure makes the case for a structural collapse... damn. I'm surprised the building held up for as long as it did.
Brian Good's fire boats would have saved the building, no doubt.
Also, I'm beginning to miss Petgoat. Boris has the same megalomania issues and failure-in-life status, but he's just not as entertaining.
I'm with you there, New Yorker.
Bobbie McIlvaine died in Willie's basement blasts? How's that? Bobbie was on the 106th floor. Pat, I think your scholarship is about as crummy as Kevin Barrett's.
Fireboats: there were three 19000 gpm fireboats in the yacht harbor two blocks from WTC7. Hose lines were run to West Street, and pumper engines were hooked up to relay the pressure. West Street is 1/2 block from WTC7.
"Fireboats: there were three 19000 gpm fireboats in the yacht harbor two blocks from WTC7. Hose lines were run to West Street, and pumper engines were hooked up to relay the pressure. West Street is 1/2 block from WTC7."
And that has what to do with anything, you retarded mamrmoset?
"Fireboats: there were three 19000 gpm fireboats in the yacht harbor two blocks from WTC7. Hose lines were run to West Street, and pumper engines were hooked up to relay the pressure. West Street is 1/2 block from WTC7."
Yeah, forget about looking for the 350 or so lost FDNY that may be trapped in the rubble. Got to fight that fire inside a building that all FDNY recognized as structurally compromised. The fact that it was leaning has got to tell you something. But no, let take men off search and rescue to go inside that damaged building that had no people inside to fight a huge fire.
What a moron you are.
"...his son died in the "explosion" that Willie Rodriguez reports came before the plane hit the North Tower."
So one person reports an "explosion", and it becomes gospel truth among the Twoooofers.
[sits at computer blinking in bewilderment]
Explosion that hit tower 1 before the plane crash? Don't the troofers know that there is footage of the tower with three second to go before inpact? An explosion would have been visable.
I feel sorry for that man's loss but to allow himself to be used in the name of insanity is sad.
An explosion in the basement would have been visible from the exterior?
You guys have some crazy theories.
Big squib damage there.
Anonymous, have you seen McIlvaine's speech from Valley Forge? Because he's the one with that theory, not me.
HOOWAA, Dave sure can drool.
No really, buddy, how about the superT, NORAD stand down, Scary Larry's unheard [at that time]terror attack insurance addendum, rate of freefall, firefighter's radio trans last 12 minutes in south tower, etc?
This oughta be good.
" chava said...
HOOWAA, Dave sure can drool.
No really, buddy, how about the superT, NORAD stand down, Scary Larry's unheard [at that time]terror attack insurance addendum, rate of freefall, firefighter's radio trans last 12 minutes in south tower, etc?"
Can someone translate these babblings into Sane for me?
Well - according to these troofers Bob McIlvaine's son didn't die in the WTC on 9/11 and he is just a paid actor.
Do these tirds get anything right?
Good answer Laza, you're at the top of your game.
It's too bad that McIlvaine was taken in by the frauds and charlatans of ae911truth.
They made sure to disable comments on the youtube video so we couldn't point out that salient fact.
Funny how those so called basement explosions never showed up on the seismic data from Palisades NY. We see the first aircraft impact at 08:46:26 EDT and the second, of course the collapse of the towers, but no explosions.
The seismic record contains no evidence that would be indicative of explosions before the collapse. Not even close to what you would expect from explosives that have a distinct seismic signature.
"chava said...
Good answer Laza, you're at the top of your game."
WTF are you nattering about?
I like how they say "The basement" like it was some moldy storage room like the one in their mom's house before they converted it into their rad appartment.
The "basement of the WTC had a friggin' shopping mall and train station. Many in WTC exited the building through the basement and NOBODY reported an explosion.
Watch the footage of the north tower. The explosions go down the building as the powdered concrete comes down around as well. Squib blasts would'nt register on scale. There are numerous accounts of people detailing explosions.
We are talking about 9/11 correct? From what your proffering, you havnt forwarded any accurate info. However, you do very well at insulting and belittling. Its flat out ignorant to accuse 'truthers' of disrespecting victims families. Your comments towards Bob's son are horrific.
The group here reminds me of the 'cool guys' in high school with the foul language, belittling comments, abusive behavior, disrespectful, laughing at others expense. Those guys were the insecure ones, victimized by another. Without question you are a crass, classless and clueless group.
"chava said...
Watch the footage of the north tower."
I have. Numerous times.
"The explosions go down the building"
There are no "explosions".
"as the powdered concrete comes down around as well."
So, does the term "powdered" have some magical significance here?
"Squib blasts would'nt register on scale."
There were no "squibs".
That hoary old myth has been debunked so many times only an idiot would believe in them.
"There are numerous accounts of people detailing explosions."
Never heard an electrical transformer explode?
What do you think the sound of tons of steel or concrete crashing into each other might sound like?
Sorta like an explosion?
"However, you do very well at insulting and belittling."
And believe me, it is well deserved on your part.
"Without question you are a crass, classless and clueless group."
This from an insane Twoooofer™.
Yeah, Pat. WTC 7 looks "fully involved" alright. How many floors are a 'raging inferno', Pat? What percent of the building looks completely intact to you? Did the column fail over 8 floors, as you said it did? How did its failure cause collapse without resistance for 100+ feet? Can you point to a source that addresses these specific questions? Are you ready to address these issues, or are you going to be a coward again?
Philip Morelli reported explosions in the basements of the Towers.Can Sack of Shyte and his fellow traveler from Grimey 'splain those explosions for us?
"Philip Morelli reported explosions in the basements of the Towers.Can Sack of Shyte and his fellow traveler from Grimey 'splain those explosions for us?"
Yes, Morelli was mistaken. He mistook the crash of the first plane as an explosion. That is why few others report these basement explosions. That is why the seismic record contains no evidence that would be indicative of explosions before the collapse.
"WTC 7 looks "fully involved" alright. How many floors are a 'raging inferno', Pat?"
10? 11?
An awful lot, anyway.
"What percent of the building looks completely intact to you?
Looks to be abour a 14 of 15 floor gouge out of the building.
Which would, you know, compromise the structural integrity.
Well along with 10 or 11 or 12 floors being on fire.
"Did the column fail over 8 floors, as you said it did?"
Well if he said it, it's gospel.
"How did its failure cause collapse without resistance for 100+ feet?"
It didn't.
"Can you point to a source that addresses these specific questions?"
Do your own fucking reseach, moron. Try theis new site called "Google".
"Are you ready to address these issues, or are you going to be a coward again?"
Oh, ok.
Happy now, you short bus riding, window licking retarded marmoset?
" Arhoolie said...
Philip Morelli reported explosions in the basements of the Towers.Can Sack of Shyte and his fellow traveler from Grimey 'splain those explosions for us?"
Nobody cares.
"Philip Morelli reported explosions in the basements of the Towers."
Hell you self-loathing Jewish fuck, Kevin McPadden even heard a countdown!
Shall we take a closer look at this fucktard - fucktard?
LL you are as blind as ignorant. The evidence is obvious.
You standing by what your govt has shoved down your throat already shows you are gullable zombie.
At days end it really doesnt matter what you think. You are the problem. America is beyond the tipping point, the citizens are divided. Those who know its a big lie and those who lick gvt balls. Its going to be hilarius when the feds take away your guns. Then you will have to fight me hand to hand, old school. I would fly back to the states for that.
" chava said...
LL you are as blind as ignorant. The evidence is obvious."
What "evidence"? The same bullshit you've been posting on the internet for the last 8 1/2 years?
Yeah, good luck with that.
"You standing by what your govt has shoved down your throat already shows you are gullable zombie."
Oh, never mind, Twoooofers™ don't have any.
"At days end it really doesnt matter what you think."
Well, yeah, it does. I'm sane, you're not, and like me and the vast, vast majority of people who love America, think you're an America-hating paranoid nutbag.
"You are the problem."
No, I'm the solution.
"America is beyond the tipping point,"
You just keep on telling yourself that. I'm sure it's comforting as you sit in Mom's basement, eating Mom's Cheetos and drinking Mom's Mountain Dew.
"the citizens are divided."
No, they're not. Twoooofers™ are a tiny little minority of America.
"Those who know its a big lie"
Prove it then. Take someone to court. Sue someone. See if you can get a prosocuting attorney in NYC interested in indicting someone, ANYONE, for mass murder commited on 9/11.
"and those who lick gvt balls."
You sound jeoulous.
"Its going to be hilarius when the feds take away your guns."
Typical fascist. Never heard of the Second Amendment, asswipe?
"Then you will have to fight me hand to hand, old school."
Ooooooo, another internet tough guy.
"I would fly back to the states for that."
But would you use a plane?
BTW, where are you, Great Britain?
Then change the Mom's basement consumption to crisps and Irn Brew.
This comment has been removed by the author.
"LL you are as blind as ignorant. The evidence is obvious."
Well if the evidence is so obvious, why do so few of the brightest and best in the fields of structural engineering, physics and science see the events of 9/11 as anything but a fire induced collapse. Why are the only one pimping the conspiracy theorist lie failed professors, theologians and a bunch of amateur architects?
I guess all those hundreds of FDNY firemen are a bunch of chicken shits too afraid to demand an explanation of this obvious controlled demolition? After all they were right there.
And why is it all the truthers you see people of low intelligence? Not exactly MENSA material are they?
"Few others"?!? Well,half right,as usual! There WERE others besides Willie and Morelli who were hurt by and experienced explosions in the sub basement of the North Tower.The idea that a crashing plane 100 stories up caused severe damage and serious injuries in the sub basement is pretty ridiculous.Anyone from the Debunker Cult care to elaborate on Willie Rodriguez' motivations for concocting a false story? Apparently Philip Morelli is in on the latest wacky conspiracy theory emanating from the bowels of the insane circle jerkers.Can't you just see General Curtis E. PornBoy and Shyte berating Morelli with something like:"Who you going to believe,us or your lyin'eyes?".
What percent of the building looks completely intact to you?
The percent that's not responsible for supporting the weight of the building, you fucking imbecile.
There WERE others besides Willie and Morelli who were hurt by and experienced explosions in the sub basement of the North Tower.
When I was nine, I "experienced an explosion" in a small garage fire. Turned out it was a can of spray paint.
There are at least 6 million innocuous explanations for "explosions" in a building that was collapsing and on fire.
Assuming, of course, the people weren't using the word as a metaphor, that sixth-grade literary concept that Truther idiots like you have so much trouble with.
Anyone from the Debunker Cult care to elaborate on Willie Rodriguez' motivations for concocting a false story?
Money. Fame. Power. Attention. You know, the same things every other human being desires after.
But hey... you belong a movement that's ascribed the 9-11 conspiracy to everything from shredding documents to stealing gold to defending a non-existent oil pipeline to invading countries that are still un-invaded nine years later to blocking the announcement of the true NESARA law. So let's just say that determining motives isn't your strong suit.
"Anyone from the Debunker Cult care to elaborate on Willie Rodriguez' motivations for concocting a false story?"
Ummmm, I'm just noodling here, but could it be because he's an asshole?
"idea that a crashing plane 100 stories up caused severe damage and serious injuries in the sub basement is pretty ridiculous."
You realize, do you not, that that is a moronic statement?
Guess the idiot never heard of elevator shafts.
You see Bubba, parts of the building or plane parts falling many stories down an elevator shaft can create and awful explosive sound. And vaporized fuel igniting in an enclosed space like an elevator shaft can make quite a boom as well.
You should also know others in the lobby of the WTC were injured by flaming fuel falling down the elevator shafts. That is just a well established fact that you being a "dumb as a box of rocks" truther wouldn't know about. You would think you would try and be more informed.
"There are numerous accounts of people detailing explosions."
Well let me educate you little boy. Explosions don't necessarily require explosives in the classic sense.
In big fires there is a phenomena called a smoke explosion. All firemen know of this because it is a very dangerous situation. Fires give off gasses and these gasses can be explosive if given the right combination of oxygen and an ignition source. They have been known to blow houses apart. So the sound of an explosion in a burning building is nothing new.
Firemen know this as do people who keep themselves informed. But truthers being what they are know very little.
"Philip Morelli reported an elevator falling and fire from the elevators"
Funny when you listen to what he says it matches the so called official story.
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