Dave Thomas to Debate Box Boy Gage and Harrit on Coast to Coast
It's apparently going to be a four-hour extravaganza tomorrow (Saturday night) on the show best known for alien abductions and Bigfoot. Dave has already done an admirable job of debunking Gage in an impromptu debate and I am confident that he will shred Box Boy in this one, for which he's been prepping awhile. Check your local listings for the time and station. If you want to play a little drinking game, here's a bingo card:

Adventurous souls with strong livers could do a drink after completing either a row or column; I'd be very surprised if half that card isn't filled in in the first ten minutes.
Labels: Coast To Coast, Dave Thomas, Richard Gage
My wife loves Coast to Coast, and even I listen to it with her from time to time on car trips to California. I have to point out what's bullshit to her a lot of the time. I swear, every show there's someone screaming about chemtrails.
I am so tempted to call into this show. We all should.
password test - problems with Google password
The OZ truthers are in a fizz for being ignored.
They sent a lengthy letter about 9/11 to Catherine Taylor, associate editor of an on-line debating site (part of the government-run media outlet).
Her reply:
"Many thanks for the pitch but we will not run a piece on it at this time."
The truthers were not impressed, and whipped out this infuriated, how-dare-you reply:
"The brevity of your reply is matched only by my passion and my determination to break your shameful blockade on this subject - using all lawful means at
my disposal.
To say I am insulted by your response barely scratches the surface - I am merely a messenger from a vast group of decent humanitarian people in this
country who you have knowingly denied a voice.
Let me be clear: your organisation has betrayed it's charter and we, the people, will hold you to account for that - both personally and collectively.
Your job is funded by our taxes - the same taxes which are being used to fund an unjust war based only on lies - lies which your organisation has propped up from the beginning.
Ultimately this is about the age old struggle for liberty and human rights Catherine. Your organisation has positioned itself firmly on the side of a brutal, ruthless regime and you personally have allied yourself with their
How do you sleep at night, really?
Yours in truth
Hereward Fenton
Since that missive did absolutely nothing (gee, that's a surprise), now they've organized a “Catherine Taylor project” in which they are asking truthers to call or email Catherine.
And, with this helpful hint; 'Please don’t mention the word “Zionism”!'
I kid you not.
sorry for the double post - the first time it said the info was too big, so I did it again
Man, having problems with posting this...
Anyway, OT:
The OZ truthers are in a fizz.
They wrote Catherine Taylor, associate editor of an online news magazine (funded by the government) asking for an article about 9/11.
Her reply:
"Many thanks for the pitch but we will not run a piece on it at this time."
The truthers sent back an infuriated how-dare-you reply:
@Dear Catherine,
The brevity of your reply is matched only by my passion and my determination to break your shameful blockade on this subject - using all lawful means at my disposal.
To say I am insulted by your response barely scratches the surface - I am merely a messenger from a vast group of decent humanitarian people in this
country who you have knowingly denied a voice.
Let me be clear: your organisation has betrayed it's charter and we, the people, will hold you to account for that - both personally and
Your job is funded by our taxes - the same taxes which are being used to fund an unjust war based only on lies - lies which your organisation has
propped up from the beginning.
Ultimately this is about the age old struggle for liberty and human rights Catherine. Your organisation has positioned itself firmly on the side of a brutal, ruthless regime and you personally have allied yourself with their
How do you sleep at night, really?
Yours in truth
Hereward Fenton"
Having received no answer from that missive (what a surprise!), they've now stared the 'Catherine Taylor Project', asking truthers to call or email her.
With this helpful hint:
'Please don’t mention the word “Zionism”!'
Dear god, what a farce.
And, how about busking for 9/11 truth:
"It started off a bit slow as first we had to navigate the Council's strict and heavily policed busking regulations, then the weather forced us to compete with other buskers for limited undercover busking space, all the while under the surveillance of the State's authoritarian apparatus checking our papers and photographing us. But finally we found a good spot and Hereward and Chris let rip with a rousing duette..."
One of the Chem-Trails guys is out of Sacramento, CA. He was one of the first 9/11 troofers, and by "first" I mean he was faxing a list of talking points on 9/13.
Should be good for a laugh on my drive home tonight.
And, how about busking for 9/11 truth:
I see the antipodean Truthers are just as competent as the ones up here:
I filmed our confrontation with 'Powerhouse' security staff but I didn't hit record! :(
But hey, at least they didn't get their cameras stolen. That puts them one point ahead of the New York City bunch.
Hey GB, you around? What's some good debunking of Richard Gage's bullshit. I'm thinking of calling in.
Actually, nevermind. I've just been reading up on Dave Thomas. I think he's got this one.
So close to a bingo already...
(Heh, my verifcation word is refards!)
Love the Box Boy Bingo card!
Wish I'd seen it before I started listening. At JREF we're skolling when Gage pimps his website too.
Holy christ, this windbag is jumping all over the place...
"But the dogs weren't trained to look for thermite."
Because... thermite isn't a goddamned explosive, maybe?
Wow, took two hours to finish the 4th row, but he's knocking them out now.
Yep, we've got the top row and the bottom row, and 7 others. :D
I'm pissed they didn't take ONE caller who wasn't a moon bat trooftard...
Sorry, OT again. Yes, Aussie truthers, again;
The 911oz truthers are all in a tizz.
They asked Catherine Taylor, the associate editor an online government-funded news outlet (marketed towards twenty somethings) to do a story on the 9-11 'anomalies'.
Her reply?
"Many thanks for the pitch but we will not run a piece on it at this time."
Infuriated at this outrageous insult to their inflated sense of importance, the head truther penned a blistering reply:
"The brevity of your reply is matched only by my passion and my determination to break your shameful blockade on this subject - using all lawful means at my disposal.
To say I am insulted by your response barely scratches the surface - I am merely a messenger from a vast group of decent humanitarian people in this country who you have knowingly denied a voice.
Let me be clear: your organisation has betrayed it's charter and we, the people, will hold you to account for that - both personally and collectively.
Your job is funded by our taxes - the same taxes which are being used to fund an unjust war based only on lies - lies which your organisation has propped up from the beginning.
Ultimately this is about the age old struggle for liberty and human rights Catherine. Your organisation has positioned itself firmly on the side of a brutal, ruthless regime and you personally have allied yourself with their agenda.
How do you sleep at night, really?
Yours in truth
Hereward Fenton
For some inexplicable reason, Catherine chose not to reply to this, so the truthers, i.e. Hereward, have created the 'Catherine Taylor project'.
Yes, I know it sounds like a late 1970s band, but it means they want truthers to phone or email Catherine and tell her why she's wrong.*
To help the letter writers, Hereward gives them this helpful tip;
"…Please don’t mention the word “Zionism”!..."
Poor Catherine. I can laugh, but she's probably wondering what the fuck is going on.
* Actually, I think it’s to get a b&w photo of a good looking woman on their website. I think Cathy is rather hot.
Sorry, OT again. Yes, Aussie truthers, again;
The 911oz truthers are all in a tizz.
They asked Catherine Taylor, the associate editor an online government-funded news outlet (marketed towards twenty somethings) to do a story on the 9-11 'anomalies'.
Her reply?
"Many thanks for the pitch but we will not run a piece on it at this time."
Infuriated at this outrageous insult to their inflated sense of importance, the head truther penned a blistering reply:
"The brevity of your reply is matched only by my passion and my determination to break your shameful blockade on this subject - using all lawful means at my disposal.
To say I am insulted by your response barely scratches the surface - I am merely a messenger from a vast group of decent humanitarian people in this country who you have knowingly denied a voice.
Let me be clear: your organisation has betrayed it's charter and we, the people, will hold you to account for that - both personally and collectively.
Your job is funded by our taxes - the same taxes which are being used to fund an unjust war based only on lies - lies which your organisation has propped up from the beginning.
Ultimately this is about the age old struggle for liberty and human rights Catherine. Your organisation has positioned itself firmly on the side of a brutal, ruthless regime and you personally have allied yourself with their agenda.
How do you sleep at night, really?
Yours in truth
Hereward Fenton
For some inexplicable reason, Catherine chose not to reply to this, so the truthers, i.e. Hereward, have created the 'Catherine Taylor project'.
Yes, I know it sounds like a late 1970s band, but it means they want truthers to phone or email Catherine and tell her why she's wrong.*
To help the letter writers, Hereward gives them this helpful tip;
"…Please don’t mention the word “Zionism”!..."
Poor Catherine. I can laugh, but she's probably wondering what the fuck is going on.
* Actually, I think it’s to get a b&w photo of a good looking woman on their website. I think Cathy is rather hot.
Billman wrote, "...I'm pissed they didn't take ONE caller who wasn't a moon bat trooftard..."
Don't let it bother you, Bill. After all, George Noory is the King of the Moonbat Conspiraloons.
In fact, I so despise George Noory that I refuse to listen to the debate--not to mention wade through all the idiotic commercials. I'll wait until the debate is uploaded to YouTube.
It wasn't George Noory, it was Ian Punnet, and he did a good job trying to pin Gage down to a solid answer. Gage kept on weaselling out of answering questions and changing the subject, and Ian Punnet kept repeating the questions (in particular, how much thermite was used in the towers). At one point he got really annoyed with Gage! I was quite surprised, this being C2C and all.
Paul W,
That is brilliant! A perfect example of a completely self-absorbed Truther who thinks they represent all taxpayers.
What I had always thought about Richard Gage is that he was someone whose whole persona was based on the idea that he's one of the most level-headed guys. He voted for Ronald Reagan! He's a conservative who doesn't usually endorse crazy conspiracy theories.
And yet, on that debate he really let the bats fly.
I think he was being asked why the US government would actually do 9/11 to itself and at first he just squeaked out a Gulf of Tonkin...
Then he notched it up to USS Liberty, then he was rambling about false flags and how all wars are started by false flags and the Lusitania got the US into World War One and it was a false flag and Pearl Harbor and World War Two and it was a false flag and every single war was begun with a false flag...
For a few minutes he was really channeling Alex Jones. I had never heard Richard Gage get like that before.
As Orphia Nay says, the moderator there was good. He wouldn't let Gage make vague insinuations but ask him to be more specific and say what he meant.
I think he deserves a bit of an award for exposing the paranoid lunacy that we knew was in there somewhere.
"But the dogs weren't trained to look for thermite."
That is one hell of an admission from Gage. He's basically saying "why weren't dogs specially trained to test my theories?" What arrogance.
I hope the other panelists nailed him to the wall for that bit of vanity. But I can understand if they didn't; Gage's MO is to keep the bullshit flying fast and furious, and it's hard to keep up with it all.
I hope the other panelists nailed him to the wall for that bit of vanity. But I can understand if they didn't; Gage's MO is to keep the bullshit flying fast and furious, and it's hard to keep up with it all.
He did the usual thing of invoking explosives when necessary only to drop them for thermite to explain away explosive sounds only to bring back explosives to explain flying girders and presents earwitnesses (Kevin McPadden!) to prove it. Then its back to thermite when the seismic readings come up. But he says the seismic readings did register explosions... and on and on and on...
Yeah, I've always liked Ian Punnet myself. He seems less inclined to jump on the bullshit wagon than the other hosts. And George Knapp is alright, except anything UFO he eats up with a spoon. But I agree with GuitarBill that George Nory is kind of quick to believe everything.
I was just in shock that Gage ONCE AGAIN brought up "Pull it".
@Angrysoba: Yep, exactly. That's what makes radio an effective medium for Richard Gage. Most people listen to radio shows for short periods of time, and his arguments can sound convincing in small doses. Give him enough time and he'll relentlessly contradict himself. And say a hundred other stupid things.
Punnet kept pinning Gage down on the problem of no sounds of explosives going off. Gage kept defaulting to his "Oral Histories" where he has 119 (?) first responders claim that they heard explosions before the collapse.
Punnet asked why not one of the thousands of video cameras and microphones in the area around the WTC never recorded any such explosions? Gage just referred back to the oral histories.
I have actually been one floor below where a large concrete slab fell. Guess what it sounded like. BOOM! I almost crapped myself, and I hauled ass out of there refusing to go back inside until I knew that it was safe.
Where the debunker guy failed was that he needed to explain that those buildings began to fail internally before the external structure failed. This is why "explosions" were heard; floors or sections of floors had begun to pancake internally, which would also blow out windows with great force.
His grasping of the iron spheres in the dust was just sad because he is the only person who is upsetabout it. None of the scientists who did the original research found anything odd about their presence.
Good show.
Hey Orphia, what was the final score on the bingo card?
The thing wrong with Gage's statement is, Dogs are trained to find explosive material.
Ergo... Thermite is not fucking explosive material, therefore the Dogs wouldn't look for it because it couldn't have caused anything to explode.
Plus, how could you train an animal to search for what is basically aluminum rust but mixed in a different way? Wouldn't it still smell like aluminum rust? Smell can't tell you how an object is shaped, or mixed together. No Dog is gonna bark and point in the direction of a sqaure versus a triangle...
Gage is an arrogant douchebag. And you just KNOW there are troofers who think this is an awesome talking point and see nothing wrong with the retard logic you'd need to have to believe this.
'the Lusitania got the US into World War One'
Actually it was the Zimmerman Telegram. With such a firm grasp of the historical evidence as this, it's no surprise that Gage is going from strait-jacket ... sorry, strength to strength.
By the way, with the exception of BG, has any troofer visited this site since Pat changed the comments policy?
Here's a copy of the "debate."
Source: YouTube: Coast to Coast AM - 1 of 11 - 9/11 Debate.
You have to give Gage credit for peddling his garbage to pay for his next vacation to the right crowd. Did you listen to some of those loons who called in?
Here's the bingo card filled in.
Gage mentioned 17 out of 25 of his long-debunked truther canards. But I don't think he was trying hard enough! :-D
I wasn't able to listen to the callers-in segment, so maybe Gage (or Harrit) mentioned a couple more than I got.
Actually, I'm surprised at some of the ones that didn't get filled in. No "footprint" or "fireproofed"? That is a little surprising. Then again, I'd have bet money on him covering the entire card. Twice.
Actually, he nearly said "Footprint" when he said building 7 came "straight down".
Dave headed him off at the pass by pre-empting his points on "Fireproofing" and "Burned for weeks/months".
I think it bodes well that Gage didn't cover all of them. Dave and the host kept making him state definitive answers for his JAQing off, and used up his time so he couldn't throw more shit against the wall.
Actually it was the Zimmerman Telegram. With such a firm grasp of the historical evidence as this, it's no surprise that Gage is going from strait-jacket ... sorry, strength to strength.
I'm sure that some conspiracy theorists doubt the authenticity of that too.
Either way it gives us a little clearer idea of where Gage is coming from.
Who was it who said that a conspiracy theorist was someone who believed nothing he could read in a history book, and everything he could read on the internet?
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