Ryan and Gage at Nation of Islam Rally
I've seen or listened to most of their presentation and have the following comments:
Ryan's speech is simply a weak version of Loose Change. Like Dylan, he throws a blizzard of "facts" at you, but unlike Do-Over he doesn't tie it together into any sensible order. He does lead with a phrase that should make most "responsible" Troofers wince: "Muslims did not attack the US on 9-11." I was surprised that this statement got a very tepid response from the huge crowd, and thought maybe they weren't as gullible as Farrakhan. Big mistake, as we shall see later.
From there he starts the blizzard of nuttery routine. Atta ate pork, snorted coke and dated a stripper. Not true, of course, as the stripper was the source for the other allegations about Atta, and she has since admitted that she dated another guy named Mohamed. Ryan recommends Hopsicker and Griffin.
Did you know that half of the "alleged" hijackers are still alive? This one has always struck me as quite bizarre. Let's grant for a moment the Troofer fantasy that the US government was behind the attacks. Why, exactly, leave 9 or more or your supposed hijackers alive to contradict the official story? I mean, wouldn't it be relatively easy to, say, kidnap 19 young Muslims from various Middle Eastern countries, kill them, and then execute your plot and announce to the world that these were the guys who did it?
From there we gallop to "set up to fail" to the Afghanistan pipeline (still not built) to Norm Mineta to Sibel Edmonds. Ryan flat-out lies when he says FBI agent Robert Wright was investigating al Qaeda; in fact his job was investigating Hamas and Hezbollah. Able Danger gets wheeled out. Again, in the context of the conspiracy theory that Ryan apparently believes (no Muslim hijackers) Able Danger makes no sense. The Defense Intelligence Agency was tracking a guy who by the way didn't hijack a plane and is still alive! Inside Job!
Ryan expresses amazement that they knew the names of all the hijackers within 72 hours. Shall we play the "Hunt the Hijacker" game again? Ryan closes where he led off: The people accused of carrying out 9-11 were not Muslims. Poor wording, of course, as even the dullest Troofer would have to admit that the people accused are Muslims. He gets modest, polite applause, to the point where the junior minister emceeing the affair has to beg for another pity round.
Gage follows. He does the usual routine where he asks how many believe in the official story? Very few hands. How many aren't sure? Maybe 10 percent. How many believe the government was behind it? Almost everybody. So apparently the tepid reaction to Ryan was not skepticism, but ennui.
Gage's presentation is fairly standard and long and I won't spend much time talking about it. I did find it interesting that he persists in using segments from Sofia Shafquat's 9-11 Mysteries film during his talk. As I never tire of pointing out, Sofia credits Holocaust Denier Eric Hufschmid with inspiring her crockumentary, and used to sell the Ernst Zundel Story on her website.
BTW, no sign of Kevin Barrett on that stage so apparently my source inside AE9-11 Truth was wrong on that score; maybe it was just a mix-up as to which loon named Kevin was appearing.
Labels: Amanda Keller, Holocaust Denial, Kevin Ryan, Nation of Islam, Richard Gage