Screw Loose Change Video Mentioned on Page Six!
Kudos to Markyx for getting noticed in the gossip section! Any truth to the rumors about you and Britney?

Labels: Charlie Sheen, Loose Change, Screw Loose Change
Kudos to Markyx for getting noticed in the gossip section! Any truth to the rumors about you and Britney?
Labels: Charlie Sheen, Loose Change, Screw Loose Change
The piece covers the event quite accurately, which is a nice change. While the mainstream media doesn't buy this crap the news pieces often treat the Deniers with kid gloves.
They discussed this last night on Hannity and Colmes. Hannity and Michael Regan unfairely maligned Martin Sheen, who has never been identified as a twoofer as far as I know. You can't hold Martin responsible for having a grown dipshit son. Little Chucky is another story, he deserves all the criticism anyone can hurl.
Hooray, I am famous because of a tabloid newspaper. Go me.
The piece covers the event quite accurately, which is a nice change.
Yeah, they finally didn't do the bullshit "balanced" take they normally love.
Then again this is a tabloid.
It's also the gossip column, which is where snark is de rigeur. Still I think it is quite an achievement, Markyx!
Markyx "work" was simply a useful tool (reference) that fit the purpose of Page Six. If you think there was any thought or appreciation that went into plug, you are taking it too seriously.
I believe Markyx is not playing modest; he understands as much.
Hannity and Michael Regan unfairely maligned Martin Sheen, who has never been identified as a twoofer as far as I know. You can't hold Martin responsible for having a grown dipshit son.
Meh. Sheen pere was last seen at candlelight vigils for noted children's book author (oh, and Crips co-founder and mass murderer) Stanley "Tookie" Williams. Not arguing to convert his death sentence to one of life; no, he was arguing Williams' innocence. He's a very special tree -- he drops not just fruit near him but fully formed fruitcakes.
Martin Sheen maybe guilty of at least extreme naivety and perhaps outright stupidity, however that is a far cry from claiming his own country deliberately offed 3K of its own citizens.
There is a big difference between a mushy-headed left-winger and an America hating ass.
"Sheen pere was last seen at candlelight vigils for noted children's book author (oh, and Crips co-founder and mass murderer) Stanley "Tookie" Williams. Not arguing to convert his death sentence to one of life; no, he was arguing Williams' innocence."
Hey Manny... Get your facts right before you post this defamatory crap.
Martin Sheen did not at any stage argue the innocence of Stanley Williams.
It's people like you who spew their venom to an obsequies audience just to satisfy their little inadequate lives that makes sites like this. a trash site.
I kind of want to see LCFC now, just to hear Trailer Guy growl; "The feature version... of the stupid YouTube video." C'mon, Dylan, make it happen! Truth in advertising at last!
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