Tuesday, July 18, 2006

More Science from Spooked911

This time he's got a challenge:

1) Obtain the Microsoft Flight Simulator Software and install it.

2) Learn to fly a Cessna 172 prop plane (if you already are a pilot, you can skip this).

3) Download and install the Boeing 767 plug-in, and take-off from Boston Logan airport.

4) Navigate to Manhattan as fast and efficiently as possible, then accelerate to 540 mph-- and on your FIRST ATTEMPT, fly perfectly through the middle of lower Manhattan, where the WTC used to be.

5) Let me know if you succeed.

If you DO succeed, also try a run taking off from Washington Dulles with a Boeing 757, going west for an hour, then turn around, and navigate to the Pentagon and try the "Hani Hanjour maneuver" (a 270 degree turn at 500 mph, then level off and approach the Pentagon on a flat approach, only a few feet off the ground.

Of course, you know what the toughest part of this challenge is? No, it's not buying Microsoft Flight Simulator. It's the part where you have to "take-off from Logan Airport". I've got an older Flight Simulator program; I think the name was F-2000, which simulated the entire San Francisco Bay Area. Drove me crazy trying to learn how to take-off with that plane. Apparently the designers realized that this was difficult, because they included an option where you could just take over the controls in mid-air (as happened on 9-11).

And when that difficult part was removed, flying the plane itself was actually quite easy.


At 18 July, 2006 08:02, Blogger Avery Dylan said...

Like, hey man, I mean, it's an experiment - and if he can't do it, it can't be done.

I mean, it's like the science in Loose Change - you can't argue with science.

At 18 July, 2006 08:15, Blogger The Artistic Macrophage said...

At first I didn't even want to validate the suggestion with a reply, but its so annoying, I was compelled.


I wish someone would take these people aside, shake the F@#king S^*t out of them, hit them with a big rubber hammer, and then put them back on the shelf where they came from.

At 18 July, 2006 08:42, Blogger Chad said...

If only the 9/11 Commission, NIST, and FEMA had thought of this idea first, maybe we wouldn't have as many woos as we do.

At 18 July, 2006 09:06, Blogger Manny said...

It's true. Also, the PNAC learned that if you learn just 5 patterns you could eat all the dots on any Pac-man level (PNAC = PAC-N = PAC MAN, of course) and that's how they decided to "eat" the Middle East and advance their plans.

"BIN laden" = Blinky
"New PearL Harbor" = Pinky
"Islam" = Inky
"World Trade CENTER" = Clyde


At 18 July, 2006 09:13, Blogger Avery Dylan said...

"BIN laden" = Blinky
"New PearL Harbor" = Pinky
"Islam" = Inky
"World Trade CENTER" = Clyde

Woooaoaahh, hey man, I think I need to put that in my new version. Loose Change Final Final FInal Cut 26.

At 18 July, 2006 14:12, Blogger Pepik said...

You people probably thought this was to obvious to point out, but if you don't mind, I will.

1. Take off from Boston Logan Airport.

Alright, step one and you already got it wrong. The hijackers didn't do the take off.

2. Hit it on your first try.

Why the first try? Because the highjackers couldn't have bought a copy of flight simulator and practiced it a THOUSAND times? How about this: get a commercial pilots license, and then practice EXACTLY THE SAME THING OVER AND OVER AGAIN for months on a flight simulator. Then see if you can do it "first try".

At 18 July, 2006 15:20, Blogger nes718 said...

And when that difficult part was removed, flying the plane itself was actually quite easy.

Yeah, it's easy to steer the plane, but is it easy to navigate? Did you take the challenge? Let me shed a little light here, IT CAN'T BE DONE!

At 18 July, 2006 15:25, Blogger nes718 said...

But some idiot on his MicroSoft Flight Simulator?

If it was good enough to convict Moussaoui, it is good enough to disprove the 9/11 official fictional bullshit.

At 18 July, 2006 15:27, Blogger shawn said...

If it was good enough to convict Moussaoui, it is good enough to disprove the 9/11 official fictional bullshit.

Let me save you the trouble - "the jooooos did it!"

At 19 July, 2006 06:44, Blogger Sword of Truth said...

I hate to be the first one to ask the obvious.

But if it's so bloody impossible to hit a building, then how can a pilot hit the runway (wich isn't much wider) when he lands?

Uhhh... oops?

At 22 July, 2006 08:10, Blogger Alex said...

I find it interesting that the Hijackers were able to locate their targets without any help from traffic controlers. A map and a compass?

I find it interesting that you were able to locate this website without any help from an operator. Did you see a newspaper add, or look it up in a phone-book?

At 08 February, 2007 18:23, Blogger MikeR said...

All of them are interesting experiments: but what if we are able to eliminate the need for any experiment? I've no wish to be a killjoy if you're still learning MS Simulator, but have a look at the first frames of the video at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oGmeAHvb_gM
Is that a sharply banking 767 coming into frame between 0:22 and 0:42? Anybody feel up to commenting on the likely flying skills of whoever might have had his hands on the yoke?


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