Sunday, September 03, 2006

As Mentioned in US News & World Report!

Great article by Will Sullivan. He focuses on the Deniers, but down squarely on the side of sanity.

A blog and movie called Screw Loose Change both specialize in snarky commentary about Loose Change's flimsy evidence. On a recent Saturday at ground zero, bickering between the 9/11 Truthers and their critics, who have also taken to showing up weekly, grew so heated that they were broken up by a police officer.


At 03 September, 2006 20:35, Blogger The Artistic Macrophage said...

Good article. It lacks the turn around that the article from today had. This guy seems to leave it as this "alluring" movement that people will continue yo join...where as the Time article brings things back down to earth...,9171,1531304,00.html?internalid=AOT_h_09-03-2006_why_the_9/11_co


At 03 September, 2006 20:38, Blogger Avery Dylan said...

Like hey man, I mean look at that picture!

I mean, holding the camera and everything!

I mean, like Goodbye Dylan the Dishwasher!

Loose Change - wait a minute, and we'll do it again!

At 03 September, 2006 20:39, Blogger James B. said...

Snarky? Who's he calling snarky? Well I outta...

At 03 September, 2006 22:12, Blogger nes718 said...

NIST's evidence is just as flimsy as it was quickly sold to China for scrap by Mayor Goo-liani.

And in ohter news:
Poll: Israelis believed Nasrallah over Peretz

Ha ha! Zionist PR gets a black eye.

At 03 September, 2006 22:55, Blogger Unknown said...

NIST's evidence is just as flimsy as it was quickly sold to China for scrap by Mayor Goo-liani.

Can you point out why? Or better yet point out how despite the fact that the steel wasn't "rushed" away you and other CT'ers still believe in that crap. I believe there was something on PBS that talked about how the Army Corps of Engineers had to dredge the bottom of the East River so that the ships carrying the steel wouldn't bottom out. I wouldn't call that rushing. Plus what's the point? Any evidence to you is evidence of conspiracy no matter how much is contradicts your lame theories.

At 04 September, 2006 03:34, Blogger Pepik said...

Don't feed the troll.

At 04 September, 2006 05:35, Blogger shawn said...

Don't feed the troll.

He actually believes this stuff.

At 04 September, 2006 07:53, Blogger AbrashTX said...

it was quickly sold to China for scrap

What crap. I interviewed Jonathan Barnett, Prof of fire engineering at Worcester Polutechnic and one of the investigators on the BPAT team. He told me he got all the steel samples he needed without any difficulty. He went to the collapse site itself and to Fresh Kills landfill.

The steel went through the normal fully documented chain of custody before it was sent to China. Nothing was rushed.

Basically you're saying that Barnett and the other BPAT team members are lying. In your zeal to blame everything on Guiliani and the Jooooz, you're smearing the professionals who risked their health and safety to find out what happened. Go to hell.

And you STILL haven't explained how the invisible team of demolition engineers prepared the buildings with no one noticing.

At 04 September, 2006 09:57, Blogger Pepik said...

Oh I'm sure he believes it. Its just that there are a lot of threads where nazync jumps in, makes a random remark totally unrelated to the topic, and then the thread gets hijacked as everybody tries to get him to admit the sky is blue.

If he can stick to the topic, then fine, but letting mr attention seeking moron take over every thread is just feeding his ego.

At 04 September, 2006 20:17, Blogger nes718 said...

specialize in snarky commentary

That about sums the purpose of this blog, yep, yep...

At 04 September, 2006 20:18, Blogger nes718 said...

I mean after all if it is on the internet IT MUST BE TRUE!!

I mean after all if it's the gubbment IT MUST BE TRUE?!?!?! :D

At 04 September, 2006 20:21, Blogger shawn said...

I mean after all if it's the gubbment IT MUST BE TRUE?!?!?!

The difference is you'll believe any website if it conforms to your bias - we don't believe the "official story" because the government says it's what happened. It'll be so much easier once you get that through your insanely thick skull.

At 04 September, 2006 20:33, Blogger nes718 said...

we don't believe the "official story" because the government says it's what happened.

I know, the spin was designed to suck in the suckers. Sorry you guys got snared in that trap. It's not hard to free yourself. You just have to believe you're not a bad person for believing the government BS as it was cleverly designed to fool you.

At 04 September, 2006 20:35, Blogger nes718 said...

Basically you're saying that Barnett and the other BPAT team members are lying.

Yes, they are lying.

At 04 September, 2006 21:06, Blogger shawn said...

the spin was designed to suck in the suckers.

Guys, hear that? History, physics, and verifiable facts are now spin!

How I loathe the postmodern mindset.

At 04 September, 2006 21:19, Blogger mbats said...

It's not hard to free yourself.

Wow. He wants to be Neo so bad he can taste it.

At 04 September, 2006 21:20, Blogger shawn said...

Wow. He wants to be Neo so bad he can taste it.

I really wouldn't be surprised if he's insane enough to buy David Icke's take on things.

At 04 September, 2006 22:43, Blogger Falco98 said...

sigh.. it appears that there's a looser making particular trouble on that "David Shaylor Speaks" thing on Youtube. And the 500-character comment limit really limits my ability to lay the smack down...

At 05 September, 2006 08:28, Blogger AbrashTX said...

Congratulations, Nesajinamad. You just accused an entire profession made up of tens of thousands of people worldwide, of complicity in mass murder. You just confirmed what an amoral sack of slime mold you are.

So if the evil Zionist cabal and the Bush administration murdered 3,000 people on 9-11 and are willing to do anything to cover it up--why are you still alive? How come you haven't been silenced?

At 05 September, 2006 13:56, Blogger Alex said...

They couldn't kill someone with his winning personality.



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