Sunday, September 10, 2006

Confronting Terrorism Then and Now

(Note: Click on cartoon 1-2 times to expand to full size.)

Explanation of the evolution of this cartoon is located here.

Our buddy Mark Iradian gets mentioned in the text. Great job Markyx!


At 10 September, 2006 12:14, Blogger nes718 said...

Exactly! The whole scenario is a cartoon. :D

At 10 September, 2006 12:26, Blogger shawn said...


Any takers on nesnyc being about 12?

At 10 September, 2006 12:37, Blogger Alex said...

I think you're shooting high shawn.

At 10 September, 2006 16:31, Blogger shawn said...

Wow that almost has to do with 9/11.

At 10 September, 2006 17:13, Blogger The Artistic Macrophage said...

bombbombbomb bombbombiran...I always like that song...:)

At 10 September, 2006 17:38, Blogger Alex said...

Hah. You're a funny guy Jack. You'd really have to have your head in the clouds to believe that Iran's going to be attacked by the US. I mean, personally I rather hope it happens, but looking at the situation it's quite clear that it won't happen. Bush won't do it anyway which means it'll be at least 2008 before the attack could possibly be launched, and after all the problems the Republicans have been having you can pretty much bet that the Dems will be in power for at least the next two terms. So, in other words, no war on Iran until 2016 at the earliest, unless Iran does something REALLY stupid, like nuke Israel.

At 10 September, 2006 17:38, Blogger Alex said...

And way to steal my neutron star reference. Ass.

At 10 September, 2006 17:46, Blogger shawn said...

If you weren't as dense as a neutron star

Says the guy who believes in unsupported conspiracy theories...

9/11 will be and is being used to justify an attack Iran.

The nuking of Israel is the primary concern.

And the Europeans should be doubly concerned, what with the Samson Option and all.

At 10 September, 2006 17:48, Blogger Alex said...

Also here's a quiz: What has roughly 10^20000 to 10^90000 chance of happening?

You getting laid.

At 10 September, 2006 17:56, Blogger Alex said...

Um, Alex, I'm married.

That just makes it even sadder. Having separate beds must really suck.

And the answer is nothing and spontaneous life from non-living substance.

Because the bible tells you so?

At 10 September, 2006 18:03, Blogger shawn said...

Maybe ad hominem?

You do realize that's if the argument is totally ignored and there are only personal attacks?

Or Post hoc ergo propter hoc?

How about a new one? affirming the consequent?

I like latin, so how about modus tollens?

Why not keep going and list all the fallacies you folks love?

At 10 September, 2006 18:04, Blogger shawn said...

So let's bomb Iran before Israel gets bomb.

Can't attack, we're sunk elsewhere.

And they don't even have the bomb yet. Also, it seems Bush is waiting for Israel to pull another Osiraq.

At 10 September, 2006 18:17, Blogger Alex said...

Ok, now you're just being stupid and immature. Grow up.

I know you are, but what am I.

Nope, MIT mathematicians give those chances. Wait, I bet you never did any study about it and thus knows nothing about the mathmatical chances of life coming from nothingness.

Am I right?

You're absolutely right. Wanna know why I didn't bother with those studies? Because they're a load of crap. We only know of one instance where life evolved from nothing, and even there we're not agreed on how it happened exactly. So how in the fuck can you come up with a statistic when you've only got one example and no way to procure more? That's like...well, I'd have to dream up a pretty messed up analogy, but here goes:

Imagine you're stuck in a padded room for your entire life with no human company EVER since birth. Shouldn't be too hard for you to imagine. Now also imagine you have a 2 inch penis (also shouldn't be hard for you to imagine). Well, you could safely say that you have scientifically proven that all human males have 2 inch penises. Unfortunately, due to your inability to gather corroborating statistics, there's no way for you to test that hypothesis, now is there?

At 10 September, 2006 19:02, Blogger shawn said...

Nope, MIT mathematicians give those chances. Wait, I bet you never did any study about it and thus knows nothing about the mathmatical chances of life coming from nothingness.

Wanna know the probability of life coming from nothingness.


Because it happened.

Do you know why we don't have a example of life coming from non living matter?

Ah the god of gaps argument. We haven't yet figured out how life originated (we're not even certain how the universe started), but that doesn't mean you can just inject God.

I could make the argument that some alien race planted life on Earth, and it's just as likely as God being the creator.

At 10 September, 2006 21:08, Blogger Alex said...

A childish 18-24 year old kid?

Close but no cigar.

Do you know why we don't have a example of life coming from non living matter?


Once again, close but no cigar. The reason we have no example of it is because we haven't been around long enough to observe it. We also have no examples of a supreme being creating life from dirt, but you seem to have no problem believing that.

Another thing you fail to understand is the fact that data is always distoried and never created by random changes. DNA is data, btw.

Bullshit. We've created computer simulations of micro-cosms, where "predator" programs feed on "food" programs, and "food" programs evolve to outwit "predator" programs. In such systems, evolution of code (data) happens on a random basis, but only successful programs survive to create offsprings. Random change is the only process leading to evolution in nature.

Sure, I could believe that, but where does the alien come from?

Where does your God come from Einstein? Let me guess: "he was always there". Well, if you can accept that premise, it's just as easy to accept that the aliens were always there too.

The problem is life is way way way to complex to ever come from a random event.

Uhuh. I guess you never heard the phrase "an infinite number of monkeys on an infinite number of typewriters...."

Not only is that random event extremely unlikely, it's 1000 times mathematically impossible!! It is consider to be mathematically impossiable when the probability is greater the 1 in 10^50

I love it when religious people try to use science to back up their claims. It's almost as amusing as when 9/11 deniers try to use "scholars" to prove the Jupiter anti-matter bombs blew up the WTC.

At 10 September, 2006 23:42, Blogger Unknown said...

Also here's a quiz: What has roughly 10^20000 to 10^90000 chance of happening?

Wow, I love it when people do that. Your intimidated by his intelligence so you throw out something your framiliar with to show that your "smart" and he's stupid.

Intelligence isn't just about knowing facts and studies or trivia. Intelligence can simply be defined as

-The capacity to acquire and apply knowledge.

-The faculty of thought and reason.

I would say that yes we are intelligent because not only do we see the fault in your arguments we can use logic and reason to pick them apart as well as the arguments put forth by your fellow CTers.

So to sum it up, you sir are a frigin moron.

At 11 September, 2006 05:14, Blogger shawn said...

Iran wants to actually START a war

When your missles have "Israel must be wiped off the map" written on them, there's cause for concern.

Pakistan, India


Russia, the US

Used to be MAD.

At 11 September, 2006 08:58, Blogger Alex said...

Ever think such a program could develop from random?

Then why do you think life can come from randomness, when a simple program couldn't?

Well, let's see, whats more likely:

That life on earth began as a random fluke and evolved into what we see today?


That life in some mysterious dimension began at random, evolved into a "god" who then created two of us out of dirt, and those two and their descendants all interbred untill they became the inbred hicks that all of humanity is today.

I dunno man. First option sounds much more likely to me. But either way, you've got to have a beginning. If you beleive that life doesn't begin "at random" then something must have created your god too, and his creator, and HIS creator, and so on. What you end up with is that either life couldn't have been created, or that the universe must be a closed loop in time, with the future creating the past. Either way, your theories get massively complex without any valid evidence. So, even though the odds of life springing up "at random" are low at any given time, they're much better than the odds of some mysterious god springing up out of nowhere and creating life.

At 11 September, 2006 09:07, Blogger Alex said...

Can anyone explain why we should be so worried about Iran potentially having nuclear weapons while Israel already has its nuclear weapons. Not to mention Pakistan, India, Russia, the US, and others. Why is it assumed that Iran wants to actually START a war, particularly a nuclear one?

Shawn already did a good job of answering, but he missed a few points. As far as Iran goes, we know that they support and control Hezbollah, a terrorist organization. If they develop nukes, there's every reason to believe that they may let a couple of them go "missing" and mysteriously end up strapped to super-suicide-bombers in Telaviv and New York. Then, just like with Osama, they can claim they had nothing to do with it, and we once again look like the aggressor. They don't need to develop missiles per say - in fact, if they're just looking to inflict casualties on us they'd be better off not bothering with missiles. No matter how you look at it, we know they're a violent, religiously brainwashed culture, that's shown every indication of wanting to wipe out Israel, isn't at all friendly towards the US, and has demonstrated the willingness to use terrorist groups as proxies.


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