Friday, September 08, 2006

You Say You Want a Revolution...

Okay, we've found the people who are more immature than the 9-11 Deniers; Youth for 9-11 Denial. They have their own section of the Looser forum, and they're plotting the overthrow of the US government:

Maybe it's the teenage anx thats making me think this way but the need for a revolution is rising. I'm sick of taking this sh*t and sitting down and looking away from it, I think it's time to stand up and do something. This government is run by the people, the very well connected, rich, and full of sh*t people, who all speak the same lies and hide the truths from us. The truths that we're to stupid to understand. I, personally, and tired of this.

Yeah, hate that teenage anx! But the responses manage to be both amusing and disturbing. One of the oldsters stops by, but not to provide wisdom:

Sorry to barge in young ones (man I feel old!) but, erm, why not??

Another junior member:

Maybe it's rash, but I don't think we're just going to get the truth about 9/11 by asking politely

It starts to sound a little more serious here:

is there a place we can talk about this without being watched?

i'm seriously asking. like, where can we talk about this? i have ideas. but agreeing to do something that could be considered treasonous can be defined as conspiracy to commit (which violates the constitution, of course - which defines treason as an "overt action", but thats beside the point).

there is a portion of this movement that needs to be underground. pls invite me if there already is or pls lets discuss if not.

But there is some reason for them to be circumspect:

Their FEMA organisation has a lot of 'facilities' (read: concentration camps of a sort) for handling any case where a mass detention is needed. Also, there are probably grounds by which you can be labelled as terrorists (and they get the worst treatment of all) - so keep the risks the risks in mind when planning anything.

Not to mention the Chinese-made guillotines!

Hat Tip: Negativ at the JREF Forums.


At 08 September, 2006 14:04, Blogger Triterope said...

Their FEMA organisation has a lot of 'facilities' (read: concentration camps of a sort) for handling any case where a mass detention is needed.

Is this the same FEMA that's got tens of thousands of trailers sitting around unused more than a year after Katrina?

Yet another case of an incompetent government agency having flawless execution whenever the conspiracy theory requires it.

At 08 September, 2006 15:04, Blogger shawn said...

Imagine the purge if these moron ever came to power.

Uncle Joe approves.

At 08 September, 2006 15:13, Blogger Triterope said...

I don't think we're just going to get the truth about 9/11 by asking politely.

How would you know that? You certainly haven't tried it yet.

At 08 September, 2006 15:15, Blogger The Artistic Macrophage said...

The scariest part though, is it is their mentality that lead to "columbine", so I am not about to laugh at it. I think LC Forum should be reported for encouraging these children.

At 08 September, 2006 19:56, Blogger Unknown said...

What are they planning? Are they all going to put on Guy Fawkes masks, march on Washington and blow up the White House? These guys can't even get their "official" story together. How do they even know what parts of the government to go after? They should put down their iced mocha's and visit Sudan, then we can talk about government corruption.

At 09 September, 2006 07:57, Blogger The Artistic Macrophage said...


For "teaching" people under the age of consent views that are treasonous against their own government. Similar to how Neo-Nazi's should be reported if they were teaching their views to children under the age of 18 without parental consent.

oh by the way, are you the same roger who claimed to be pretending to be Wendy Burlingame over at the LC Forum, or are you another roger?


At 09 September, 2006 09:28, Blogger Alex said...

Yeah, besides, locking up or persecuting them for this sort of behaviour would only encourage more CT's, and convince these children that the big bad CIA boogyman really IS out to get them. Really want to end this nonsense? Start teaching critical thinking skills as soon as these kids get into a school. And set some sort of standard for the goddamn teachers while we're at it. There's absolutely no justification for why someone like Fetzer (or, better example, Prof. Ward Churchill) should be allowed to receive public funding while brainwashing students.

At 10 September, 2006 12:30, Blogger Alex said...

Claiming corpse photos of Pentagon victims are fakes: 5 drinks.

Followed by a shot in the mouth? At the very least, that's a paddlin'...


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