Monday, September 11, 2006

The New Hijackers

Here's an excellent article by Emery Jeffreys about the Deniers and how they've hijacked 9-11 for their own purposes.

Most people see Loose Change on the net. Some people actually buy it. It doesn't have the usual copyright and anti-piracy warnings. Avery urges people to copy it, distribute it and conduct showings in their homes for friends.

"Ask questions." Avery says. "Demand answers."

American citizens have the duty to demand answers from the government about terrorism and its impact on our lives today. But not because of the questions raised by any of the conspiracy theories.

Read it all. Emery Jeffreys is a former reporter for United Press International and covered the first Gulf war


At 11 September, 2006 12:47, Blogger The Artistic Macrophage said...

"Avery's film makes a number of claims that are not substantiated, and asks a number of questions, but doesn't supply the answers. Instead, the film provides just enough information to allow viewers to reach a conclusion through conjecture."

The above is my favorite line from the article. It sums the film up nicely.

As for name calling, I didnt see much, if any in the article.


At 11 September, 2006 15:20, Blogger Alex said...

Not true. People have different takes on the information in Loose Change and, for the most part, they are left wondering what the truth is but doubting that the government and major media have been honest.

Well ofcourse people have different takes on the "information" (disinformation would be more appropriate)in loose change. People have different takes on everything in life. However, the truth is not a democratic institution. You don't get to say "many people believe that the world is flat, therefore it really is flat". You also don't get to say "we're just asking questions! but the world is flat!". Nor do you get to say "Da JOOOS made the world flat!". I mean, you can, and have, said all those things before, so you CAN say them if you wish....but no matter how many people say it, your lies will never become truth.

At 11 September, 2006 15:29, Blogger shawn said...

However, the truth is not a democratic institution.

Quoted for truth.

At 11 September, 2006 16:11, Blogger The Artistic Macrophage said...

Joan you haev made my case for me. The fact that there are different "takes" on the info means that people are left to "conjecture". conjecture is to form an opinion or to speculate do to insufficience evidence to make a statement of fact. If they had sufficient evidence in the film their would only be one take...the truth.

Thanks for proving my point, but I can do it fine myself.



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