Friday, September 08, 2006

Screw Loose Change in France!

We got mentioned in a solid article in Liberation, a French newspaper.

Here's just the last paragraph:

L'expert immobilier de Phoenix Pat Curley «adorerait» lui aussi voir ces vidéos. Mais il doute de l'efficacité de toute preuve tangible sur les conspirationnistes. «Une fois qu'ils ont basculé, il est impossible de les convaincre», constate-t-il. Mark Fenster approuve : «C'est comme un débat entre un croyant et un athée. Il n'y a pas suffisamment de base commune.» «Si une preuve ne soutient pas leur théorie, elle fait forcément partie du complot, reprend Pat Curley. La seule chose que vous puissiez espérer, c'est empêcher ceux qui sont en train d'enjamber la palissade de passer de l'autre côté.»

Using Google Language Tools and my rusty high school French, here's a rough translation:

The real estate expert from Phoenix, Pat Curley, "would love" to see these videos [the reputed Pentagon videos from the hotel, the gas station and Virginia Department of Transportation]. But he doubts the effectiveness of any tangible evidence on the conspiracy theorists. "Once they're hooked, it's impossible to convince them otherwise." Mark Fenster approves: "It's like a debate between a believer and an atheist. There is not sufficient common ground." "If a piece of evidence does not support their theory, it becomes part of the coverup," replies Pat Curley. "The only thing you can hope for is to prevent those who are sitting on the fence from passing over to other side."

Kudos to Laurent Mauriac, who interviewed me earlier this week!


At 08 September, 2006 10:48, Blogger nes718 said...

"Once they're hooked, it's impossible to convince them otherwise."

Once you learn the truth, you cannot unlearn the truth.

At 08 September, 2006 11:11, Blogger Chad said...

Still on about the living hijackers huh?

Sad. Not surprising.

But still sad.

At 08 September, 2006 11:17, Blogger nes718 said...

Still on about the living hijackers huh?

The "debunkers" can cry mistaken identity all they want but the fact remains, the fabricated "evidence" that suggests these guys ever boarded the planes is slim to none.

At 08 September, 2006 11:39, Blogger nes718 said...


If the evidence is "fabricated" why didn't they fabricate enough to prove the point?

Is not equal to this:

The fact that the evidence isn't absolutly overwhelming is indicative that it wasn't falsified.

So which is it? Seems you're confused. I'll clear things up for you, IT'S ALL FABRICATED!

At 08 September, 2006 11:41, Blogger nes718 said...

I suppose the passenger manifests were faked?? So United and American are involved too, huh?

Let's go to the videotape... eh.. oh that's right, THERE ARE NO VIDEOS OF THE HIJACKERS BOARDING! Thanks.

At 08 September, 2006 15:05, Blogger shawn said...


There are no videos of me ever boarding a plane (and I go to Logan all the time, as I live right outside Boston).


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