Sunday, February 04, 2007

Funny Idea of the Truth

I was listening to this interview posted recently by Alfons, of the group Veterans for 9/11 Truth with Michael Cook. Michael Cook is the teacher who showed one of his coworkers his gun, and then when asked by investigators why he carried a gun said it was because the CIA was after him and 9/11 was an inside job. He was soon committed to a mental hospital and is now facing hearings on his sanity. A tragic case regardless.

Anyway, aside from this strange case, I was amazed to hear this part of the interview towards the end, when one of our old friends makes an appearance.

Alfons: Have you heard of a fellow down there named Lauro Chavez?

Michael: Say again?

Alfons: Lauro Chavez.

Michael: Yeah, yeah, yeah, I know him. We hung out a little bit, he came to one of our meetings.

Alfons: Uh huh.

Michael: And we did a Loose Change screening at NKU.

Alfons: Uh huh.

Michael: And he was there. I haven’t talked to him a lot since then. I was out of the loop for 45 days.

Alfons: He was at CENTCOM command and claims to have overheard the reference to the orders for stand-down of NORAD.

Michael: Yeah

Alfons: But he doesn’t have any evidence. I mean he can’t prove it, it is just his word.

Michael: Has it been verified that he was there? Because when I went in the first time, that was all… people were checking him out and wondering whether he was egit.

Alfons: I don’t think it’s verifiable. I don’t think anyone verified that.

Michael: OK

Alfons: But that’s his story and you know…

Michael: Well I thanked him for coming forward. He could be totally on the level. What kind of reason has somebody got to fake something like that?

Alfons: Yeah, I don’t see where there is anything to gain.

Michael: Yeah, exactly, that’s one of the things you look for.

Alfons: Yup.
The thing is, Alfons is well aware that the only evidence out on Lauro Chavez, is that he is a complete fraud with a photoshopped DD-214. I know this because I e-mailed him telling him this, when I found out he was listed in the Veterans for 9/11 truth "list of honor" last October. Alfons replied at the time, rather bizarrely:


Lauro is entitled to membership so far, even if he is a liar, he is telling the right lie, his story is just not strong, it has not been estabished as false as of yet. If he is an operative, we want to keep an eye on him.


Interestingly enough, since being exposed here and in the JREF forum as a fraud, Lauro Chavez has completely disappeared from view, but the truthers continue to cite him as if his story just hasn't been proven and should still be considered.

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At 04 February, 2007 15:02, Blogger Alex said...

"Telling the right lie"?? Wow, is that Orwellian or what? Good way to sum up the twoof movement (and the "peace movement") in one short sentence. As long as you're telling the right lie, you're a-ok with them.

At 04 February, 2007 17:56, Blogger MarkyX said...

Yep, isn't it obvious that these people do not care about the very nature of truth?

You'll notice that even Infowars parrots the same style as many extreme leftists, by either telling a different story or having dozens upon dozens of photoshops, dehumanizing George Bush.

You know what the most funniest part about all of this? They don't need to do this at all to make George Bush bad. They merely have to cite his performance. However, because they appear so crazy, any opposition towards Bush will be labeled as a nut along with these guys.

They tried pushing an agenda, but it ended it being out of bounds. They movement was lost as soon as they started relying on Holocaust Deniers for their information. Before it was a seperate faction of the movement, now it has become the movement.

At 04 February, 2007 19:01, Blogger The Artistic Macrophage said...

I am left speechless....the right lie?



At 04 February, 2007 23:55, Blogger The Girl in Grey said...

He has nothing to gain? What about notoriety? If youre a nobody and can become a somebody by deception... lots of people have taken that route.

At 05 February, 2007 09:04, Blogger Triterope said...

The Twoofers' rotation strategy continues. Whenever one of their whistleblowers is proven to be a fraud, they just put them on ice for six months and trot them out later in hopes everyone's forgotten. It must be Lauro Chavez' turn.


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