Sunday, April 15, 2007

9-11 Mysteries Guide Completed!

Our buddy the Doc has completed his viewers' guide to 9-11 Mysteries. Terrific job by the Doc and those who helped him!

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At 15 April, 2007 09:16, Blogger Steve Horgan said...

Well done to the author for all of his hard work.

At 15 April, 2007 10:08, Blogger The Doc said...

Thanks! for criticism and suggestions :)

Thanks for the plug too SLC ;)

- The Doc

At 15 April, 2007 10:37, Blogger shawn said...

What's the next movie we have to watch? Truthers? We're waiting.

At 15 April, 2007 12:09, Blogger 911kidneydialysis said...

All you people do is build strawman.

Thats OK. The revolution is here. The DOC's going to burn in hell for his lies. Like I'm sure he's really a DOC to begin with. Filthy hellbound liar.

At 15 April, 2007 12:19, Blogger Unknown said...

[bold]The revolution is here[/bold]

Oh yeah? Then how come an outraged America was able to get Imus canned in one week and meanwhile after 5+ years the toofers can't even get more than 15 people to their NYC meetings?

At 15 April, 2007 12:35, Blogger Unknown said...

Why must you idiots call someone a liar and say they're going to a mythical place but you don't have the guts to point out the lies?

List them you moron

At 15 April, 2007 12:52, Blogger 911kidneydialysis said...

So Operation Noerthwoods DOESNT exist? Keep the blinds closed. You'll be the 1st take out by the NWO.

Keep pimpin for the NWO you bunch of ho's. They don't care about you or me. Wake up you bunch of retarded sheeple. You're as gulity as them for doing NOTHING but PIMPING!!

At 15 April, 2007 13:01, Blogger Unknown said...

Can you explain how Operation Northwoods, a plan that was never implemented and declassified, proves there were bombs in the towers?

Can you also explain how someone as retarded as you are manages to dress themself?

At 15 April, 2007 13:02, Blogger Alex said...

I've never tried to hide it. The NWO pays us quite well, and the dental plan is superb!

At 15 April, 2007 13:19, Blogger 911kidneydialysis said...

strawmen & ad hominen.

Like a broken record.
strawmen & ad hominen.
strawmen & ad hominen.
strawmen & ad hominen.
strawmen & ad hominen.
strawmen & ad hominen.

At 15 April, 2007 13:26, Blogger Unknown said...

You'll be the 1st take out by the NWO.

Taken out by the NWO? I AM the NWO! (insert evil laugh here)

At 15 April, 2007 13:36, Blogger Unknown said...

911 kidnydork
Why don't you give us scientific explanations and facts to explain your theories?
You babble on and on asking the same dumb questions that have been answered by real experts.

At 15 April, 2007 13:46, Blogger Cl1mh4224rd said...

911kidneydialysis is trolling. Don't fall for it. Geez.

At 15 April, 2007 14:10, Blogger Unknown said...

Is that what it is, I thought it was just typ toofer mindless babble :)

At 15 April, 2007 15:01, Blogger 911kidneydialysis said...

You haters are exposed.

At 15 April, 2007 15:24, Blogger shawn said...

911kidneydialysis is trolling. Don't fall for it. Geez.

Bingo, I knew he was a troll just from the name.

At 15 April, 2007 15:34, Blogger Unknown said...

Looks like he came here to post BS and try and promote his comedy blogg

At 15 April, 2007 16:05, Blogger Civilized Worm said...

All you people do is build strawman.

Thats OK. The revolution is here. The DOC's going to burn in hell for his lies. Like I'm sure he's really a DOC to begin with. Filthy hellbound liar.


Keep pimpin for the NWO you bunch of ho's.

You appear to have a very poor grasp of how prostitution works. Hint: The ones that pimp are called "pimps".

At 15 April, 2007 20:08, Blogger Yatesey said...

Haha, oh, another great blog, and a blogger desperate to get people to read it.

911kidneyanalysis, you have to find a new trick, that one never worked.

Way to answer the question, by the way, about Operation Northwoods. Oh yeah, you ducked it. At least you're not a typical blind-sheep truther. Wait.

At 15 April, 2007 22:32, Blogger Jenny Quarx said...

Well, look at that! Our Alex is all grown up, with a sense of humor and irony! But then I haven't had a chance to hassle him lately--you're not avoiding Jenny, are you love?

Okay, that's just a feeble wind up. I'm really just looking for material before bed.

BTW: if 911kd is "trolling", then it's just payback for YEARS of trolling we've put up with from debunks". But, hey, I'll tell you what might work--whine to James to delete 911kd's posts and he will.

Wait! Sorry! That only works if the whiner is a sock! Never mind!

Nighty-night, little debunk padawans. ;-P

At 15 April, 2007 23:03, Blogger The Doc said...


Your comments say far more about you than they do about me :)

Instead of condemning me to hell, how about dropping me an email at and offer me some constructive criticism.

I'm sure you must have some due to your behaviour.

The Doc.

At 16 April, 2007 00:34, Blogger Sword of Truth said...

Don't you have crosses to burn somewhere, Fraulein Eva?

At 16 April, 2007 06:59, Blogger spoonfed said...

Ok -- I'm reading the rebuttal to the 'Brad' introduction and you are claiming that he has 'severe mental disorders' due to sleep deprivation?

Is this supposed to be serious? Should I really waste my time reading the rest if you can't get past the introduction without looking like a complete idiot?

C'mon -- this ridiculous. So all parents who have young children have 'severe mental disorders'?

Yeah 'Doc' -- good diagnosis. What a joke.

At 16 April, 2007 07:14, Blogger TruthSeeker said...

Here is something a little off topic but worth it if you have a heart. Wether you are a truther or not. This is a sad story with a wish for glory please read and repost where ever you can pls!!!!!

There is a little boy named Shane Bernier, who has been diagnosed with cancer (Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia). He was doing alright for a while, but had a relapse this past summer. So he is at CHEO ( Children's Hospital of Eastern Ontario and his big wish? To get as many birthday cards as possible for his birthday.

He will be turning 8 on May 30, and he really wants to try to make a record for as many cards as he can. Even if he doesn;'t make this record, apparently he just gets absolutely thrilled with seeing his name on each card.

You can also send them to the local tv station, CJOH. local radio station, KISS FM, or, right to Shanes house:

Shane Bernier
Box 484,
Lancaster Ontario
K0C 1N0

At 16 April, 2007 07:24, Blogger spoonfed said...

I couldn't help myself and had to read more.

"If the towers had indeed “pulverized”, the above dust sample would contain high amounts of steel particles. Although some elements of the towers did pulverize, we can see that they are mostly comprised of fragile products such as insulation and fireproofing."

Anyone looking at the collapse(huge dust clouds) and subsequent debris piles(lack of concrete slabs) can see the concrete was indeed 'pulverized'. And yes, Steven Jones has physical evidence of previously molten steel in the spherules. So don't try the 'it was all drywall and insulation' argument.

"Something more important that we can take from this dust analysis is the absence of explosive products. If the towers were brought down in a controlled demolition of any sort, we would expect to see traces of nitro-glycerin and TNT."

Says who Doc ? Were they looking for traces of explosives? Let's see some proof that they were looking for explosives in the dust analysis and did not find it.

I guess you are assuming that people who read this 'guide' are of the same intelligence as yourself.

At 16 April, 2007 07:34, Blogger Matthew McIntyre said...

Even though it sounds like it might be a hoax, the Shane Bernier appeal is genuine:>

At 16 April, 2007 08:47, Blogger TruthSeeker said...

it is genuine it isn't just some scam. I really want to help this kid. aside from the 9/11 arguments doing this because I have a heart and I suspect that most peiople do too..... Thanks for your help everyone

At 16 April, 2007 09:08, Blogger The Masked Writer said...

Doc you actually started the rebuttal with see the NIST for official videos. The only problem is the NIST hasn't released any 'official videos'. Which makes your very first rebuttal disingenious.

Sleep disorder?? ROFLMAO! Great rebuttal.

The official story never mentions steel melting. apparenlty haven't read the BPAT FEMA report and its final section.

There has been some recent speculation that the modeled plane impact was actually 600mph as opposed to 180mph
You lie. There is 0 debate about the WTC whitepaper establishing just how fast they expected a plane to be traveling in order for the towers to survive. Why don't you mention that white paper, doc??
Why did you leave out Skiling's comments about his own buildings and the loss of life because of fuel fire?? Why didn't you do that, DOC?

The jet impacts on 9/11 were focused into a small area of the building. This caused internal and external damage. This included severing critical core columns and igniting fires within the building.
Please do show us some pictures or factual evidence that those cores were severed, Doc!

The collapse initiation was not a 'pancake' style collapse. The collapse was not initiated by a single floor failing, causing a chain reaction. Instead, all of the floors above the impact point on each tower all came down onto the lower structure at the same time. yes true, not a pancake, but that is one style of collapse theory that was supposed to be the OS until changed. DOC, why did you fail to mention why all of the floors above impact point crashed down at the same time due to assymetrical damage? Care to explain that because even engineers that have posted here cannot explain that.

“Normal building fires and hydrocarbon (e.g., jet fuel) fires generate temperatures up to about 1,100 degrees Celsius (2,000 degrees Fahrenheit). NIST reported maximum upper layer air temperatures of about 1,000 degrees Celsius (1,800 degrees Fahrenheit) in the WTC towers (for example, see NCSTAR 1, Figure 6-36).”

Is there any reason why you didn't list the approx time the fire burned in this rebuttal?

It indicates that a similar effect was created by something that was not actually detonators.
Here is what gets make this statement as if you were an expert. You state that as if you found no evidence. You state that based upon your belief in the official story. ..that was not actually detonators. Really? And how did you prove they were detonators, doc?

Oh well that is all I have to harp on now. Maybe you can address those is 9-11 Mysteries Guide Version 1.a. You might want to critique your own fallacies of ommission, ad hom, arguement from ignorance, etc etc. before attempting to point out others.

Good day doc, nice try but I would have to give you a strikeout on this bunk attempt.

At 16 April, 2007 09:15, Blogger Unknown said...

I couldn't help myself and had to read more.

Wait! You can read? So I guess that means you finally read the NIST report. Did you happen to glaze over the 700+ mentioning of the core columns again?

Anyone looking at the collapse(huge dust clouds) and subsequent debris piles(lack of concrete slabs) can see the concrete was indeed 'pulverized'. And yes, Steven Jones has physical evidence of previously molten steel in the spherules. So don't try the 'it was all drywall and insulation' argument.

Well the argument that 9/11 Mysteries brings up is that the towers were completely pulverized. That includes everything, even steel. Since this is easily demonstrated to be false it makes you wonder why they would claim something so stupid. The dust analysis did find compounds related to concrete so I don't see how you get that were saying no concrete was pulverized. We are aware of the spherules but that doesn't imply total pulverization. Look at any photo of the cleanup and you can see chunks of concrete and steel beams. The only things really "pulverized" were fragile things such as drywall, plaster, glass etc.

Says who Doc ? Were they looking for traces of explosives? Let's see some proof that they were looking for explosives in the dust analysis and did not find it.

It's not like they had a check list of random compounds and they just went through it marking things off. That's the whole point of analyzing something. I'm positive that they used some form of gas chromatography-mass spectrometry to determine the composition of the dust. The computer would have spit out results showing explosive nitrates or thermite compounds if there were any. Since there were not I'd say that doesn't help out your CD theory much.

I guess you are assuming that people who read this 'guide' are of the same intelligence as yourself.

If your not smart enough to keep up that's your problem, not his.

At 16 April, 2007 09:23, Blogger Civilized Worm said...

Ok -- I'm reading the rebuttal to the 'Brad' introduction and you are claiming that he has 'severe mental disorders' due to sleep deprivation?

Is this supposed to be serious? Should I really waste my time reading the rest if you can't get past the introduction without looking like a complete idiot?

The guy said he had been "literally not sleeping for an entire week". So either he was suffering from severe mental problems by that point or he's one off those dipshits who doesn't have a clue how to use the word "literally".

Steven Jones has physical evidence of previously molten steel in the spherules.

When were these collected from the site? It's believed that the fires that remained burning beneath the debris could well have reached tempratures capable of melting steel, so such samples obtained obtained weeks after would prove absolutely nothing.


At 16 April, 2007 09:26, Blogger Unknown said...

Sd sounds a lot like Dr. Ayman al Zawahiri the way he rambles on and on spewing mindless babble and ask questions that he knows can't be answered

At 16 April, 2007 11:02, Blogger CHF said...

Swing's slide into insanity continues....

Why did you leave out Skiling's comments about his own buildings and the loss of life because of fuel fire??

Ummmm...cuz he died in 1998 and thus wasn't around to comment on 9/11? Pretty sad that you're still trying to play that game, Swing.

Please do show us some pictures or factual evidence that those cores were severed, Doc!

This from a guy who says the basement supports were blown up without having a) photos, or b) a collapse from the bottom.

We can all expect to see more of this madness from twoofers. As more time goes by it will become clearer and clearer to them that there will be no revolution and no government appointments as reward for their service. They will get more and more desperate, pathetic and downright creepy.

At 16 April, 2007 11:02, Blogger CHF said...

This comment has been removed by the author.

At 16 April, 2007 12:18, Blogger Unknown said...

Why should we bother to answer anymore of your questions Swing? You have absolutely no motivation to do anything yourself. All of the relevant information you need is out there yet you still demand answers that are literally right in front of you.

Engineering firms

The NIST report


At 16 April, 2007 12:34, Blogger CHF said...


Swing says he has been contacting engineers but so far none have agreed with his brilliant basement bomb = top-down collapse demolition theory.

Naturally, he refuses to re-examine his claims. It's the engineers who must be wrong; not him.

What I find most revealing is that Swing only e-mailed engineers after I continuously urged him to and after I found him the contact info!

He could have found that same engineering firm link by himself in 5 seconds if he'd wanted to (that's how long it took me), but like most twoofers he's all talk and very little action.

Says a lot about the level of confidence he has in his position, his mindless bluster notwithstanding.

At 16 April, 2007 16:48, Blogger Civilized Worm said...

He's smart enough to see through an elaborate government conspiracy yet he's not quite smart enough to do a simple Google search.

At 16 April, 2007 21:07, Blogger The Doc said...


I thoroughly read your criticism and have decided on the following:

a) You are immature
b) Your arguments have been debunked already by posters above me
c) You've missed the point on a lot of my points
d) You accuse me of ad hom, argument from ignorance, etc. And fail to provide one example.
e) You got it all wrong.

Sorry, but your "rebuttal" fails to warrant any changes to the guide.

I'm glad you liked it though.

The Doc.


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