Monday, April 16, 2007

Mark Dice Vs. Jim Fetzer

I came across this radio interview of Jim "Space Beam" Fetzer by Mark "The idiot formerly known as John Conner" Dice. I have never been so conflicted in my life as to whose side to take. How freaking insane do you have to be when someone who calls himself John Conner and films himself running into traffic screaming about 9/11 truth, comes off as the relatively logical and grounded one?

Update: I was in a bit of a hurry when I typed this originally, but I should point out that this interview is actually rather entertaining. OK, it is a bit Jerry Springer to have two complete nuts hurling accusations back and forth at each other, but if you follow these truthers, it is well worth listening to.

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At 16 April, 2007 20:45, Blogger Jenny Quarx said...

Want any more examples of past Nico posts you WILL NOT delete--that are far worse than mine ever have been?

Tell me how again you and Pat know the hoax "Pat and fake Nico come from the same place.

God, evade all you want, but that Nico post I dug up puts it all in perspective.

At 16 April, 2007 20:46, Blogger Jenny Quarx said...

And I still won't mention that other thing...unless I have to.

At 16 April, 2007 20:48, Blogger James B. said...

Jenny, if you are trying to prove that you can always find truthers that are continously more annoying and idiotic, you will certainly not get any argument from me.

That said, if you spam a thread, you run the risk of it getting deleted, even if some people have gotten away with it in the past.

Most blogs would not have put up with you even this much.

At 16 April, 2007 20:52, Blogger CHF said...

Fetzer is gonna get absolutely butchered tomorrow by Roberts.

At 16 April, 2007 20:52, Blogger Jenny Quarx said...

Most blogs would not have put up with you even this much.

Most blogs would have put up with Nico Haupt EVEN LESS.

Now answer the bleeding question.

At 16 April, 2007 20:56, Blogger Jenny Quarx said...

That said, if you spam a thread, you run the risk of it getting deleted, even if some people have gotten away with it in the past.

Whoa, hoss! Contradiction city! Pat said Nico's posts--even his SPAM--was a privilege "he has not abused"!

Sorry, you're giving favortism status to Nico whether you admit it or not! I didn't post a list of links with gibberish--which means you're scared to have the info on your blog, even in the comments.

Well, I shouldn't be surprised --cluck,cluck, Jimbo.

And don't forget the question above.

At 16 April, 2007 21:00, Blogger James B. said...

Well it is a privelege you have abused, that is why you got some of your posts deleted. If you spam a post so much that I have trouble even reading my own post, you run the risk of getting it deleted. If you don't like that, too bad. Don't do something purely for the point of pissing off the owners of a blog, and then complain about it. It is childish.

And Nico may be annoying, but he is not nearly as annoying as you. In fact he has been pretty quiet lately.

At 16 April, 2007 21:12, Blogger Jenny Quarx said...

Jimbo you are so full of shite.

Nico shite is far worse than mine ever has been. Ergo if I have "abused" my privileges, then Nico definately has "abused" his privileges--and yet you have NEVER deleted a Nico post(not counting the imposter).

So you're protecting him for your own reasons. And yeah, I've commented on how scarce he's been--because someone told him to cool it until this Sparks bitch went away, didn't they?

Sorry, love, if he WASN"T working with you, he'd be here posting spam just to spite you, and probably me too.

Now answer the bloody question.

At 16 April, 2007 21:21, Blogger James B. said...

What you think you are Jack Bauer, if repeat the same question over and over again you are somehow going to break me?

Gawd you are stupid. If you want to believe there is somehow this elaborate Screw Loose Change - Nico Haupt conspiracy being run out of Dick Cheney's house, go ahead, I don't care. If you spam a post and intefere with people's ability to read posts, than I do care, and you will get deleted.

At 16 April, 2007 21:31, Blogger Jenny Quarx said...

Oh James! You sound so sexy when you type forcefully!

Nothing needs to be this complicated--you're making it complicated. All you need to do is answer the question--why is that so difficult?

Or is it because Pat wasn't supposed to tell me you lot knew that? Poor innocent Pat...

BTW--you sound not so much forceful than as if you're having a meltdown. Just answer the question--or I call chicken.

At 16 April, 2007 21:34, Blogger James B. said...

I already answered the question. I don't know, ask Pat. How hard is that to understand? Geez, you are stupid even by truther standards. We are getting into Alex Jones/Jim Fetzer levels of stupidity here.

At 16 April, 2007 21:45, Blogger Jenny Quarx said...

I already answered the question. I don't know, ask Pat.

YOU know because Pat said "we found out"--I presume the other part of "we" included at least YOU--and if it didn't Pat would have said so.

But even if it didn't include you, why haven't YOU asked Pat by now? Lost his email address? That minimum amount of reseach beyond you? No wonder you lot use Nico's aggregator...

For that matter, why hasn't Pat just jumped in and volunteered the info for his mate Jimbo? Unless he really doesn't like you... Come on--Pat said "WE" found out--that includes YOU, unless you're about to call Pat a liar.

And if you've really forgotten something he told you only last week , it doesn't speak well for your mental acuity.

So, I call CHICKEN--cluck! cluck!--for the night.

We'll do this again soon.

At 16 April, 2007 21:47, Blogger James B. said...

Because I don't freaking care. Wow, this is just like what you idiots do with the Silverstein quote, an entire conspiracy based on a poorly used pronoun.

At 16 April, 2007 23:43, Blogger James B. said...

Oh now I get it. You are from the Portland area, that is why you would be so freaked out if Pat thought that was where the faker was from. It figures you would be from that Mecca of socialism and granola eaters.

At 17 April, 2007 03:03, Blogger Unknown said...

Are you about 10 years old colonel? If not, then your little tantrum is unbelievable

At 17 April, 2007 06:34, Blogger The Masked Writer said...

Keep going, Jenny. You can tell your getting somewhere when he tries to lump your questions with 9/11 stuff. Nice try at a redirect, James.
Now answer the question!

At 17 April, 2007 08:02, Blogger CHF said...

How's the engineer hunt coming along, Swing?

Or is solving an irrelivant "fake Nico" mystery your new quest?

At 17 April, 2007 08:03, Blogger pomeroo said...

Am I the only person here who can't figure out what Jenny is raving about?

She seems to be complaining that some of her posts have been deleted, but Nico Haupt's have not. Again, I may be missing something, but it's my impression that Nico hasn't attempted to post for quite some time.

At 17 April, 2007 08:29, Blogger The Masked Writer said...

Hey CHF, thanks for asking. I'm having a very difficult time trying to find any firm that has read the NIST report.

At 17 April, 2007 08:33, Blogger James B. said...

Before we were pretty relaxed about posting standards, but now that the truthers are getting more and more annoying disruptive and intentionally forcing us to monitor the comments more, they are complaining about it.

So has anyone listened to this interview? It is actually quite entertaining.

At 17 April, 2007 09:11, Blogger 911_truthiness said...

"So has anyone listened to this interview? It is actually quite entertaining."

What interview?

From the comments you would think this was about some loony chick that has the hots for you.

I see no problem deleting post that have noting to do with the post at hand. Hell even Swing and bg offer a glimpse into the mind of the conspiracy theorist and the current "thinking" of the truthers.

But col. jen has nothing to offer and you have to skip over so many of her post to get to something interesting.

At 17 April, 2007 09:33, Blogger CHF said...

I'm having a very difficult time trying to find any firm that has read the NIST report.

Oh that's your revised goal now is it?

Maybe you should ask em whether they are familiar with NIST's basic conclusion and whether they see anything wrong with it.

Besides, I thought you were gonna show them the brilliance of the demolition theory.

At 17 April, 2007 09:51, Blogger CHF said...

If you ever do find some engineers who have actually read all 10,000 pages of the NIST report.....what will you ask them anyway?

Remember: you haven't read the report either! So how do you plan on questioning someone else's take on it?

Instead of looking for some reason to dismiss every engineer you find, just be direct with them:

- do you think NIST's basic conclusion is correct?

- do you think there is any indication of a demolition job?

- do you think it make any sense at all for basement bombs to aid in a top-down collapse?

- are you aware that I, Swing Dangler, have no engineering education but will still disregard whatever you say unless you support my view?

That about covers it.

At 17 April, 2007 10:06, Blogger Manny said...

Hey CHF, thanks for asking. I'm having a very difficult time trying to find any firm that has read the NIST report.

That's because you are the dumbest motherfucker on the planet. Here is a list of people who have made a public comment directly to NIST about the report. It is reasonable to assume that at least some of these people have read the report; it is certain that some of them are engineers (hint: public commenter Nico Haupt is not). In particular, page two of this document has a list of the members of the board of governors of the American Society of Civil Engineers' Structural Engineering Institute who discussed the report and prepared the Institute's comments. Perhaps you could start there.

At 17 April, 2007 12:40, Blogger Unknown said...

Can't you ban this 'jenny sparks' moron?

Back to the ACTUAL topic:

Wow! Quite a showdown. What were those noises in the background, though? NWO interference, beam weapons? My favourite quote was when he talked about his friends on LSD making more sense than Judy Wood!

If only Mark Dice would use the critical faculties he obviously has and, having realised that the beam weapon is absurd, realise that, in fact, it's all crap.

At 17 April, 2007 15:56, Blogger Jenny Quarx said...

Our Jimbo--always good for a laugh.

Oh now I get it. You are from the Portland area, that is why you would be so freaked out if Pat thought that was where the faker was from. It figures you would be from that Mecca of socialism and granola eaters.

Ooh! Spooky! Scary! OMG HOW DID HE KNOW THAT? Aigh!

Wait--being a member of 911Blogger, he probably just looked up my user profile.

Puh-lease, Jimbo, you know that's where I currently live --not only from 911Blogger, but some debunk posted that HERE months ago. That's common debunk knowledge now. Try to keep up, lad.

Before we were pretty relaxed about posting standards, but now that the truthers are getting more and more annoying disruptive and intentionally forcing us to monitor the comments more, they are complaining about it.


My god, the hypocritical CRAP debunks excrete! Should I post excerpts from JREF where debunks have all but said it's their God given right to disrupt 911activist boards? Sunbeam, this is PAYBACK! And don't bloody well forget it! It's a BITCH, innit?

BTW--I'm not complaining about the deletions--I find them amusing PROOF that you DO give Nico Haupt preferential treatment. So, next time Nico spams, if you want to save the tattered shreds of you credability, he better be deleted PRONTO.

Now, how did you and Pat find out the hoax "Pat" and the fake Nico come from the same place?

At 17 April, 2007 16:22, Blogger James B. said...

No, actually it was the subdermal GPS transmitter we had implanted. You didn't notice that guy poking you with the umbrella in the Safeway last month? We were hoping to have a FEMA camp built for you by now, but you know those damn Portland zoning laws...

At 17 April, 2007 16:33, Blogger Jenny Quarx said...

JamesB-[quote] another distraction/ avoiding the question[/quote]

Cluck, cluck *scratch, peck* BAWK!

Come on sunbeam, answer the question--unless you're about to explain what Pat meant by his "poorly used pronoun". Was is a royal "we"? A Pat and Nico "we"? Or was Pat just being sloppy?

And I thought Pat was supposed to be a good writer. Perhaps you should sack him, love. Personaly I prefer him to YOU, but I know your standards are stricter...

At 17 April, 2007 18:04, Blogger The Artistic Macrophage said...

back to the OP:

Classic...a gem...I give it 4 TAMs.

By far, the best 30 minutes of 9/11 truth audio ever recorded.

My favorite part is when John Conner (now known as Mark Dice) is raking Fetzer for the beam theory, while Fetzer is yelling at Conner for his belief that BUSH worships Lucifer...

OMG what a laugh.


At 17 April, 2007 19:37, Blogger Alex said...

My favorite part is when John Conner (now known as Mark Dice) is raking Fetzer for the beam theory, while Fetzer is yelling at Conner for his belief that BUSH worships Lucifer...

That's the point at which I decided that, as amusing as the argument was, it was probably killing my brain-cells at an unacceptable rate. So I stopped listening.

At 18 April, 2007 05:41, Blogger Unknown said...

I see Dice has posted the following on his website:

I am sorry about the sound effects in the interview.

They were very unprofessional and 'Hannity like' of me.

At 18 April, 2007 07:33, Blogger Civilized Worm said...


I don't know what was more deliciously ironic, Fetzer asking for credentials or Diceman invoking Occam's Razor.


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