Sunday, April 15, 2007

More "Humor" From Kevin Barrett

Wow, this guy is just a laugh a minute. From Saturday's "Truth Jihad" radio, during which he interviews former presidential vanity candidate John Buchanan:

Buchanan: This is a kind of wild idea I am putting out there, that kind of transcends the 911 movement or the impeachment movement, or all of them combined. What if it turns out that God is actually a Muslim?

Barrett: (laughter) Well that is sort of like Jesus being a Christian, it is sort of logically impossible. The word Muslim means somebody who submits to God. And I think God submitting to him, her, itself is impossible since God is a primordial unity.

Buchanan: That I did not know and I apologize...

Barrett: That is OK, we'll just have to cut your head off (laughter).

Later on Barrett sends out a call for listeners to send him more 9/11 jokes. Sorry Kevin, your jokes just aren't that damn funny.



At 16 April, 2007 01:42, Blogger Unknown said...

9/11 jokes?! - Yet more proof that for these guys 9/11 is 'fun'. They don't care about the truth, they just like being in the limelight. I remember seeing a Fox interview asking Barrett how '9/11 Truth' had affected his life; he said it was the best thing that had ever happened to him. Therefore, essentially, 9/11 itself was the best thing that ever happened to him. Sick bastard.

At 16 April, 2007 01:44, Blogger J. said...

Yeah, it probably gets some of these losers laid, in addition to all the money they get from books and donations. It's an attention-whore's dream.

At 16 April, 2007 01:53, Blogger Critical_Thinker said...

Barrett represents the current stereotype of muslims.

At 16 April, 2007 08:45, Blogger Unknown said...

Wasn't this this same guy who taught about islam at a college?

At 16 April, 2007 09:35, Blogger James B. said...

Yeah, Barrett is a part-time lecturer at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. He has stated several times that he doesn't believe there is such a thing as Islam inspired terrorism, and that the suicide bombing attacks in Iraq are carried out entirely as false flag operations.

At 16 April, 2007 10:02, Blogger Civilized Worm said...

Yeah, how could a religion that promises great rewards for martyrs possibly inspire suicide bombings?

Fuck, have that guy teach people about Islam must be like having Kent Hovind teach biology! Funnily enough Hovind is also a twoofer.

At 16 April, 2007 12:27, Blogger Critical_Thinker said...

Yeah, how could a religion that promises great rewards for martyrs possibly inspire suicide bombings?

What most of these suicide bombers (the ones currently recruited in Iraq and other places) want from carrying martydom is the 72 virgins in heaven. Sad thing is that claim is lie used by terrorists leaders and wahhabi missionaries to recruit young sexually frustrated muslims.

The other sad thing is that most victims of terrorists attacks (suicide bombings, etc.) in Iraq are muslims. Funny thing is, last time I read the quran I don't remember it saying it will be rewarding martyrs who are mass murdering innocent muslims.

At 16 April, 2007 13:09, Blogger shawn said...

Funny thing is, last time I read the quran I don't remember it saying it will be rewarding martyrs who are mass murdering innocent muslims.

Their rationalization is that those other Muslims aren't "true" Muslims since they don't follow the exact same sect - and thus are fair game. It gets to the point where the subdivisions can drive a guy bonkers.

At 16 April, 2007 13:29, Blogger Critical_Thinker said...

Their rationalization is that those other Muslims aren't "true" Muslims since they don't follow the exact same sect - and thus are fair game.

As long as the muslim follows the five pillars of Islam and have not caused mischief in the land (as it says in the quran) then they're "true" muslims and cannot be harmed at all, the ones who order the attacks don't care who they kill. And even if they're in different sects, the Shia-Sunni violence in Iraq is mostly political and over control of territories. The terror groups (who are attacking both Shia's and Sunnis) want to create fear and chaos around the country.

At 16 April, 2007 16:34, Blogger Civilized Worm said...

Try explaining that to them.

At 17 April, 2007 11:34, Blogger Der Bruno Stroszek said...

Why is it that the only time Kevin Barrett doesn't make me laugh is when he's trying to?

At 25 April, 2007 16:01, Blogger Jenny Quarx said...

I do not endorse the message that follows. I appologize if anyone is offended or frightened. However it is the example of the sort of thing self appointed debunkers feel is an acceptable way to attack 911activists.

>>>Thursday, April 19, 2007
Jenny Sparks. Wouldn't it be Great?

Wouldn't it be great to wake up with the following news....

Jenny Sparks found dead. Each of her nipples had been bitten off. Her left eyeball had been removed with a pair of tweezers. Two fingers on each hand, along with two toes on each foot had been cut off with scissors. She layed sprawled out on the floor. Her arms nailed to the floor, crucifiction style. Carved into her torso were the word "DIE TWOOFERS" over and over again. The official cause of death was drowning. Her lips had been superglued together and a continuous flow of water was seeped into her nostrils.

Wouldn't it be great?........<<<

You can find the original at

Note--to the best of my knowledge not ONE debunk has flagged this blog or complained to Google--the most efficient way to catch the perp, even if it really was me, as they claim.


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