Thursday, January 17, 2013

More Bad News for the Truthers

The White House has now upped the number of signatures needed to get a response to a petition, so now it looks like the Truthers will get enough people to sign on, oh, about the second Bristol Palin administration.

A petition on the White House's "We the People" website used to require 25,000 signatures within 30 days of being posted to earn an official administration response. On Tuesday, the White House quadrupled the signature threshold. "As we move into a second term, petitions must receive 100,000 signatures in 30 days in order to receive an official response from the Obama administration," said White House digital strategy director Macon Phillips in a Jan. 15 statement. 

 Although the Truthers failed before the new threshold was raised, the petition to build a Death Star did receive a response, albeit negative.

This Isn't the Petition Response You're Looking For
By Paul Shawcross
The Administration shares your desire for job creation and a strong national defense, but a Death Star isn't on the horizon. Here are a few reasons:
  • The construction of the Death Star has been estimated to cost more than $850,000,000,000,000,000. We're working hard to reduce the deficit, not expand it.
  • The Administration does not support blowing up planets.
  • Why would we spend countless taxpayer dollars on a Death Star with a fundamental flaw that can be exploited by a one-man starship?
For added humor, you can check out the response from the Galactic Empire here.


At 18 January, 2013 01:40, Blogger Oystein said...

I have monitored six truther petitions, and of course the AE911Truth petition, in 2012. Add to that one at which I came too late to monitor - it ended with the 12 signatures it got in its early days.

So those six that I monitored all ended the year with less than 1700 signatures, after 5 and more months. The AE911Truth petition added 109 architects and engineers and 2056 other supporters in 12 months (366 days).

I am currently monitoring another "petition": A regional bank in a German city, Trier, mostly surrounded by a mountainous region, sprinkled with small towns, villages and hamlets, is offering three cash prizes (1500, 1000 and 500 Euros) to clubs and groups that are actively involved in celebrating carnival - a cultural mainstay in this part of the country. The prizes are awarded to those groups that collect the most votes online. By yesterday, 27 groups had enrolled. Polling started 10 days ago, and already five of the groups have more than 1000 votes, and I project seven of them to exceed 2000 votes by the end of polling, less than 2 weeks from now.

Remember, this is for village groups. One that I am personally interested in, because a good friend is a member, is a group of just 14 active girls, hailing from a few villages with, combined, less than 5000 inhabitants. But they surely will get more support in 3 weeks than any 9/11 truth petition can muster in a year! They are just good at asking all their Facebook friends, activating the football clubs that their boy friends play in, etc.

Village carnival beats 9/11 Twoof world-wide. Easily.

At 18 January, 2013 02:25, Blogger GG said...

lol, I want this law also in Italy + the Freedom of Information Act.

25000 signatures? A&E for 911 truth need 6 years to have 1000 supporters...

At 18 January, 2013 02:50, Blogger snug.bug said...

So tell me again. How many independent architects and engineers have publicly expressed confidence in NIST's collapse sequence?

Last I checked it was zero, nada zilch.

At 18 January, 2013 04:52, Blogger Ian said...

So tell me again. How many independent architects and engineers have publicly expressed confidence in NIST's collapse sequence?

Last I checked it was zero, nada zilch.

Ah, nothing like waking up in the morning to the hysterical squealing of a failed janitor, liar, and lunatic who can't deal with the fact that the truth movement has failed.

Anyway, Brian, we've been over this many times. My Uncle Steve supports the NIST report. You lose again.

At 18 January, 2013 04:54, Blogger Ian said...

Also Brian, tell me again: How many independent widows have publicly asked questions?

Last I checked it was zero, nada zilch.

At 18 January, 2013 04:56, Blogger Ian said...

It thinks it's funny.

There, I took the time to respond for you, Brian.

Now, you can either face the humiliating fact that the truth movement is dead, or you can run away squealing and crying like you did when Willie Rodriguez challenged you to a debate.

At 18 January, 2013 06:33, Blogger Oystein said...

@ snug.bug:
"So tell me again. How many independent architects and engineers have publicly expressed confidence in NIST's collapse sequence?"

About as many as have signed the following professional petitions:

* British meteorologists warn: Occasional fog in London's winter!

* Astronomers and Geologists point out; Moon consists of rock, not green cheese

* President Obama, please watch this 2-hour video with dozends of experts explaining to America that the sun rises in the east!

At 18 January, 2013 07:57, Blogger Billman said...

Well, geez, if there are so many damn architects, engineers and other experts who believe 9/11 was a conspiracy, how come they aren't signing up for these these? If 84% of the known universe is a 9/11 troofer, why are Death Star petitions getting acknowledged and 9/11 investigation petitions can't even get enough people to sign? Let me guess, everyone is scared to sign, right? Intimidated? So, 84% of everyone who ever existed ever can't join together for one petition to save the world? They can't get ALL of you.

At 18 January, 2013 08:30, Blogger snug.bug said...

Oystein, please identify any independent architects or engineers who have publicly expressed confidence in NIST's collapse sequence. In many years of challenging people I have never been informed of even one.

Ian, there is no reason to think that your Uncle Steve exists, and much reason to doubt it.

Billman, one reason so few people sign up for White House petitions is that people who know what's going on know that Obama is just as much a joke as Nancy Pelosi and there's no point in taking him seriously.

At 18 January, 2013 09:27, Blogger Billman said...

So they refuse to sign a petition THEY CREATE for the white house to acknowledge because they believe Obama is a joke? So why are they wasting time going through the process of creating a white house petition when they know their own kind will not sign it because it's a "joke?"

That's seriously your response?

At 18 January, 2013 12:42, Blogger snug.bug said...

What makes you think the petition was created by "their own kind"?
Anybody can create a poorly-publicized petition drive.

At 18 January, 2013 15:34, Blogger M Gregory Ferris said...

"So tell me again. How many independent architects and engineers have publicly expressed confidence in NIST's collapse sequence?

Last I checked it was zero, nada zilch."

You checked? Where?

Did you conduct a survey at the various engineer, and construction conventions held in San Francisco, Palo Alto, and Silicon Valley.

I'm going to go out on a limb and say no.

There are a couple of enigneers covering this over at the JREF, come by and say howdy.

At 18 January, 2013 16:39, Blogger snug.bug said...

Every time I ask someone to identify an independent architect or engineer who publicly endorses NIST's collapse sequence is an instance of checking whether there are any. They can't do it.

How do you know your friends at JREF are really engineers? Do they give you their real names and their license numbers?

At 19 January, 2013 08:34, Blogger Ian said...

Oystein, please identify any independent architects or engineers who have publicly expressed confidence in NIST's collapse sequence. In many years of challenging people I have never been informed of even one.

Brian, please identify any independent architects or engineers who have publicly expressed confidence in the theory of gravity.

Ian, there is no reason to think that your Uncle Steve exists, and much reason to doubt it.


Billman, one reason so few people sign up for White House petitions is that people who know what's going on know that Obama is just as much a joke as Nancy Pelosi and there's no point in taking him seriously.

Squeal squeal squeal!

Poor Brian, he's hysterical that the truth movement is dead, and he's creating ridiculous excuses for this fact.

At 19 January, 2013 08:38, Blogger Ian said...

Every time I ask someone to identify an independent architect or engineer who publicly endorses NIST's collapse sequence is an instance of checking whether there are any. They can't do it.

Brian apparently thinks its the job of busy architects and engineers to respond to the pointless questions of mentally ill unemployed janitors.

Nobody cares about your questions because you're an irrelevant joke, Brian. You can squeal about this all you want, but it makes no difference in the real world.

The truth movement is dead. Move on. The new hot conspiracy theory is that the Sandy Hook shooting was staged. Maybe you should join that one.

At 19 January, 2013 08:39, Blogger Ian said...

Also Brian, tell me again: How many independent widows have publicly asked questions?

Last I checked it was zero, nada zilch.

At 19 January, 2013 08:41, Blogger snug.bug said...

Ian, we've already been over this and you refuse to learn. The theory of gravity is very esoteric stuff, involving gravitrons and stuff that may not exist. There is no reason for any architect or engineer to comment on the theory of gravity.

You provide no evidence except the empty assertions from a liar that your Uncle Steve exists.

At 19 January, 2013 10:04, Blogger Dave Kyte said...

Imaging the ignorance of Brain dead Brian.

I guess any biologist who does not expressly say they supports evolution is a supporter of creationism.

How much do you want to bet if you asked the best and brightest in structural engineering they would overwhelmingly support NIST.

At 19 January, 2013 10:15, Blogger Dave Kyte said...

You will note the question with REAL engineers is not controlled demolition but how to design given the fact fire caused the WTC fail.

At 19 January, 2013 10:26, Blogger Dave Kyte said...

The lead structural engineer reflects on the rise and fall of the World Trade Center towers.
On controlled demolition here and unlike Richard Gage Robertson knows his shit.

At 19 January, 2013 10:47, Blogger Dave Kyte said...
Why are they NOT talking about controlled demolition? But are talking about The standards for estimating the load effects of potential hazards (e.g. progressive collapse, wind) and the design of structural systems to mitigate the effects of those hazards should be improved to enhance structural integrity.

At 19 January, 2013 11:00, Blogger Ian said...

Ian, we've already been over this and you refuse to learn. The theory of gravity is very esoteric stuff, involving gravitrons and stuff that may not exist. There is no reason for any architect or engineer to comment on the theory of gravity.

There's no reason for any architect or engineer to answer your questions about 9/11, either. Nobody cares either way what you believe about 9/11 because you're a failed janitor who lives with his parents. Architects and engineers have better things to do with their time.

You provide no evidence except the empty assertions from a liar that your Uncle Steve exists.

Squeal squeal squeal!

Brian, you provide no evidence except the empty assertions from a liar that the widows exist.

At 19 January, 2013 11:18, Blogger snug.bug said...

DK, nice of you to show up to support irrational assumptions through inept analogies.

If you have a point beyond the argument of authority implied by yo0ur links, let me know. You seem to believe that if somebody writes an article about fire protection, that somehow disposes of the fact that NIST did not address 10 essential mysteries of the destruction of the buildings.

Ian, the inane ad hominems of an anonymous internet poster (that's you) are meaningless.

At 19 January, 2013 11:32, Blogger Ian said...

Brian, we've already been over this and you refuse to learn. The "10 essential mysteries" are your paranoid, lunatic delusions. Given that you're a mentally ill unemployed janitor who sniffs glue and failed out of San Jose, it's to be expected that you have such paranoid fantasies. Don't worry, though, the adults understand what happened on 9/11.

Also Brian, tell me again: How many independent widows have publicly asked questions?

Last I checked it was zero, nada zilch.

At 19 January, 2013 11:57, Blogger Michael Lewis said...

This comment has been removed by the author.

At 19 January, 2013 11:58, Blogger Michael Lewis said...

So tell me again. How many independent architects and engineers have publicly expressed confidence in NIST's collapse sequence?

NIST's NCSTAR reports have been consistently cited with approval since 2009. Jones and Harritt are cited only by 9/11 Truthers (and the psychologists who study the disorder).

At 19 January, 2013 12:48, Blogger Dave Kyte said...

Those are only mysteries people like you, the low IQ types, the janitor quality people.

REAL engineering companies like Arup use the recommendations from NIST because they recognize it as being true. fire is an issue NOT controlled demolition. The fact a few dim bulb types have questions means nothing in the world of bright people.

In the same way questions on evolution from creationist means nothing, you can not make the stupid people understand thing beyond their mental ability.

That id why you as a person will never get it, why you will be just the guy we hire to mop floors.

At 19 January, 2013 13:02, Blogger Dave Kyte said...

Brian, NIST is not obligated to try and educate people like you with your room temperature IQ level, It would be like trying to get a chimp to read. You can only dumb stuff down far enough.

As for argument of authority you use A&E truth as if they are authorities when in fact none of them are anything more than bargin basement "architects" who you would not trust to design a backyard deck.

If you are going to quote an authority, use a real one like Leslie Earl Robertson one of the structural engineers of the World Trade Center not a Richard Gage.

At 19 January, 2013 13:12, Blogger snug.bug said...

So RGT, how many of those engineers that cited the NIST report were independent and how many of them expressed confidence in NIST's collapse scenario?

DK, thanks for demonstrating that you can not explain any of the 10 essential mysteries of the collapsed of the WTC--all you can do is present an argument from authority and an ad hominem attack.

I've quoted Leslie Robertson. He said he saw "like a little river of molten steel" at Ground Zero. Of course later he made dishonestly deceptive comments about this.

At 19 January, 2013 13:34, Blogger snug.bug said...

For more about Leslie Ro0bertson's "Little river of molten steel" see the youtube video:
The 9/11 "Deep Mystery" and the Crazy Engineers

At 19 January, 2013 15:14, Blogger Ian said...

I see Brian doesn't even address my points about his "10 essential mysteries" being his own delusions stemming from his mental illness, his total ignorance of physics, and of course, the fact that's he's just not that bright.

He also didn't address the fact that there are no independent widows with questions.

You'd think after 4 years of posting dumbspam here and having absolutely nothing to show for it, Brian would accept the fact that the truth movement is dead and would move on. I guess not.

Oh well, Brian will continue to spam this blog, I will continue to humiliate him and enjoy his hysterical squealing.

At 19 January, 2013 15:15, Blogger Ian said...

Also, nobody cares about your hysterical lies about Leslie Robertson, Brian.

At 19 January, 2013 16:08, Blogger M Gregory Ferris said...

"I've quoted Leslie Robertson. He said he saw "like a little river of molten steel" at Ground Zero. Of course later he made dishonestly deceptive comments about this."

You know who doesn't quote Leslie Robertson?

Leslie Robertson.

At 19 January, 2013 16:32, Blogger Dave Kyte said...

Leslie Robertson also talks about the fact fire weakened the structure and fire caused the collapse

"like a little river of molten steel" was something he told by someone else was repeating. The fact a real structural engineer with skills that are magnitudes that of Richard Gage says the controlled demolition bunk.

So keep crying Brian. maybe your mom will make you some cookies, poor little boy.

At 19 January, 2013 17:46, Blogger Michael Lewis said...

So RGT, how many of those engineers that cited the NIST report were independent and how many of them expressed confidence in NIST's collapse scenario?

Those who have failed to object to NIST's collapse scenario may be deemed to have accepted it. I explained that to you once.

At 19 January, 2013 17:52, Blogger sabba said...

and since Brian Good (the anonymous INTERNET Poster known here as snug.bug)
squeals and squeals after being humiliated here by IAN (once again). He will retort like he does every time, he will invoke the object of his homosexual desires and obsessions, Willie Rodriguez. Is the only path for him once he has been defeated on every thread... wait and see.

At 19 January, 2013 17:53, Blogger sabba said...

the clock is ticking...tic toc tic toc....

At 19 January, 2013 21:20, Blogger Billman said...

So, the truthers who have all petitioned the white house in the past (as many archived links on this very blog will prove) are easily forgotten by Brian.

And its funny how he says noone will sign a truther petition because the administration is a joke... But actual facts show that everyone will sign a petition BECAUSE It's a joke, as in the case of the Death Star.

Seriously, your logic only makes sense to you.

At 20 January, 2013 11:57, Blogger snug.bug said...

Ian, I know you would like the toss out the laws of thermodynamics and Newton's laws as delusions, but that only works for intellectual luddites like you.

DK, you just make stuff up--and stupidly, because anybody who bothers to check the 5-minute video I recommended (The 9/11 "Deep Mystery" and the Crazy Engineers) can see that Mr. Robertson says he saw "like a little river of molten steel" himself.

What's wrong with you that you lie about 9/11, pretending you know stuff you don't?

RGT, by your logic all of the engineers who before 2005 failed to object to FEMA's absurd collapse scenario may be deemed to have accepted it. If they accepted that nonsense, then their judgment is very suspect.

Sabba, Ian's Iananity does not have the power to humiliate anyone. You're not very bright, are you?

Billman, if you take at face value the failure of some poorly-publicized petition you're being very naive. Have you not considered that the individuals and firms that did shoddy work on the official reports are highly motivated to create phony failing petitions to give Obama an excuse to leave unturned the stones under which they hide?

Your tortured logic on petition signing is just silly. You seem to think truthers should sign truther petitions as a joke, and by your logic millions of non-truthers should sign a truther petition as a joke--but don't.

You guys are all very confused. I bet most of you are still unable to admit to yourselves that you were gulled by the con artist janitor, Wizzie LiedRugAs,

At 20 January, 2013 13:12, Blogger Dave Kyte said...

And this from a guy who can't rube enough brain cells together to do much more that mop an occasional bathroom.

At 20 January, 2013 14:56, Blogger Billman said...

Well, then how should truthers petition the white house administration to conduct a new investigation into 9/11 if not through the white house petition process? Explain how the hell you think the truthers are ever going to get a new investigation by the government if you're going to label every possible way that can actually do that as "a joke." what is your non joke way of doing it, then, Brian?

At 20 January, 2013 17:37, Blogger snug.bug said...

DK, your belief that I can do no more than mop bathrooms is based on what, exactly?

Billman, we all knew that we could not expect the Bush administration to investigate the Bush administration. Some of us gave the Obama administration the benefit of the doubt until we came to understand that the Obama administration was not going to investigate the Bush administration. Dean Edley of Berkeley Law School revealed that the decision was made early on in the transition process not to prosecute government criminals because they feared that the CIA, NSA, and the military would revolt.

The way of doing it is to agitate in academic circles and professional circles. AE911Truth has at least 10 Stanford engineers on board, 6 Fellows of the AIA, and over 1750 architects and engineers.

The way of doing it is to point out that NIST gave us only half a report and admitted that they can not explain the total collapse of the towers, that we need investigations that cover the 10 essential mysteries that NIST did not explain, and to call for new state-of-the-art computer models that address the issues for which NIST lacked the fortitude.

At 20 January, 2013 18:34, Blogger M Gregory Ferris said...

In other news, last night on Coast to Coast AM, Richard Hoagland endorsed the death-beam theory:

"The data confirmed his theories on torsion field physics and revealed a curious relationship to HAARP. Hoagland suggested that the HAARP signal was received and rebroadcast as a harmonic torsion frequency by the Giza Pyramids to other sacred sites. He also spoke about why he believes torsion field physics was used to bring down the World Trade Center towers on 9/11."

I think this was in the first or second hour, if you care or need a laugh you can find it here:

The highlight is when he accuses those Troofers running the nanothermite theory of being government disinformation agents.

I guess it takes crazy to know crazy.

At 20 January, 2013 18:38, Blogger M Gregory Ferris said...

" AE911Truth has at least 10 Stanford engineers on board..."

Stanford is over rated.

At 20 January, 2013 22:10, Blogger snug.bug said...

Says the guy who can't even remember the heat of fusion from Chem 101. What's over-rated is your own faith in your own bullshit.

At 20 January, 2013 22:39, Blogger sabba said...

Snug.bug AKA willie's bitch said: ...You guys are all very confused. I bet most of you are still unable to admit to yourselves that you were gulled by the con artist janitor, Wizzie LiedSRugAs,

as predicted. Buwahahahahahaha!!!!

wait for more...

At 20 January, 2013 22:45, Anonymous Anonymous said...

not fair Sabba!!! I wanted to predict it first!!... well it cannot count as prediction, we all know about Brian Good gay obsession with Rodriguez and his frustration that nobody cares anymore about his ramblings.

Click here for more information about Brian Good, AKA Snug.bug:

Screw Loose Change to Host Debate Between Brian Good and Willie Rodriguez

or here:
Brian Good Chickens Out On Debate With Willie Rodriguez

At 20 January, 2013 22:49, Anonymous Anonymous said...

snug.bug said...

Says the guy who can't even remember the heat of fusion from Chem 101. What's over-rated is your own faith in your own bullshit.

says the idiot with the with his rakeonrake and meatball on a fork meanderings.

At 21 January, 2013 08:25, Blogger snug.bug said...

What exactly is idiotic about rake-on-rake and meatball-on-a-fork modelings? Do you perhaps have some cognitive defects in the area of analogies? Don't worry, lots of people with subnormal intelligence do.

What do you think of the plum pudding model of the atom?

Willie ran away screaming and crying after I showed that his hero story was a lie from the 15 rescues to the Last Man Out. He didn't even try to defend his lies. He just ran away leaving tools like sabba and BGS behind to lie for him.

At 21 January, 2013 08:56, Blogger Michael Lewis said...

Dean Edley of Berkeley Law School revealed that the decision was made early on in the transition process not to prosecute government criminals because they feared that the CIA, NSA, and the military would revolt.

Chris Edley said that? Where?

At 21 January, 2013 09:05, Blogger snug.bug said...

September 2, 2011 at a 9/11 forum at Berkeley Law School.

At 21 January, 2013 09:24, Blogger Michael Lewis said...

September 2, 2011 at a 9/11 forum at Berkeley Law School.

A secondhand account filtered through the hysterical David Swanson isn't a reliable source.

Edley is asking whether crimes have occurred and if so, whether to prosecute; the individuals misquoting him make the error of assuming crimes have occurred. Thanks anyway though, I had not read that exchange.

At 21 January, 2013 09:43, Blogger snug.bug said...

Andrew Kreig says that Edley confirmed his statements.

Through blatantly selective skepticism you maintain your illusions.

At 21 January, 2013 09:53, Blogger Michael Lewis said...

Andrew Kreig says that Edley confirmed his statements.

Interesting, then, that he forgets to quote that important language in a piece otherwise full of quotes. A critical thinker would be skeptical.

At 21 January, 2013 10:38, Blogger snug.bug said...

Dean Edley was quoted here:

"Ms. Harman accurately conveyed the substance of my comment about the Obama Transition."

I suppose now you'll claim that any true critical thinker will assume the quote is fabricated.

At 21 January, 2013 12:14, Blogger Michael Lewis said...

"Ms. Harman accurately conveyed the substance of my comment about the Obama Transition."

Edley was referring to his private comment to Harman. Edley's reply to Kreig provides no evidence that the Obama team feared coup, revolt, death, or any other fear-word injected by Kreig or Swanson.

I was surprised to see the quote at all because that's not Edley's style. Not surprised to learn it's a false quote.

At 21 January, 2013 12:33, Blogger snug.bug said...

I didn't say Dean Edley said there would be a coup. I said he said there would be a revolt. That's what Ms. Harman said he said, that's what I said he said, that's what Dean Edley confirmed he said.

At 21 January, 2013 12:47, Blogger Michael Lewis said...

That's what Ms. Harman said he said, that's what I said he said, that's what Dean Edley confirmed he said.

Edley confirmed the substance (not language) of his private (not panel) comment to Harman. You're disregarding half the information and inventing your own private meanings for the other half.

At 21 January, 2013 12:58, Blogger snug.bug said...

You are inventing a fight about nothing to try to obscure the fact that you can not refute anything I say. Are you really claiming that when Ms. Harman says Mr. Edley said they feared "a revolt" and when Mr. Edley says she "accurately conveyed the substance" of his remarks that Mr. Edley did not say "a revolt"? What else could he have said that makes Ms. Harman's characterization dishonest but makes Mr. Edley's claim of accuracy correct?

The guys quibble and lawyer and nit-pick and try to bury the facts under piles of unjustified assumptions, but you don't exhibit the same skepticism to the stuff you want to believe.

At 21 January, 2013 13:38, Blogger Michael Lewis said...

What else could he have said that makes Ms. Harman's characterization dishonest but makes Mr. Edley's claim of accuracy correct?

Does this article resonate with you at all?

At 21 January, 2013 14:06, Blogger snug.bug said...

Oh I see. So Mr. Billman's erroneous and irrational statements are my fault, because I take them literally. Thanks for making that clear.

I'll be sure to interpret everything as humorous hyperbole, satire, or just general dumassery from now on.

At 21 January, 2013 15:14, Blogger Ian said...

It's good to see that Brian's hysterical squealing extends to areas other than 9/11 truth when he's exposed as a liar.

Poor Brian. All he ever wanted was for 9/11 truth to give his failed life meaning. Instead, all it did was make him the butt of endless jokes on this blog.

At 21 January, 2013 15:15, Blogger Ian said...

You're disregarding half the information and inventing your own private meanings for the other half.

That's all Brian ever does with anything. That's why he's so confused about 9/11.

At 21 January, 2013 22:02, Blogger snug.bug said...

Just general dumassery from Ian.

At 22 January, 2013 04:48, Blogger Ian said...

Poor Brian. He's been spamming this blog for 4 years now, and he STILL can't get a single question answered for the widows, he STILL can't get a new investigation, and he STILL can't get "meatball on a fork" published in a journal of engineering.

But he has succeeded in being a focus of ridicule on this blog, with many posters dedicated to laughing at him over his homosexual obsession with Willie Rodriguez, or the fact that he's unemployed and lives with his parents, or the fact that he was banned from wikipedia for vandalizing the page of the Chinese Olympic gymnastics team, or the fact that he has been banned from all prominent truther groups for being a liar and a lunatic and a sex stalker.

At 22 January, 2013 05:09, Blogger Oystein said...

@ snug-bug:
"What makes you think the petition was created by "their own kind"?
Anybody can create a poorly-publicized petition drive."

This one:
Do you remember WTC 7 ?
was set up by Chris Sarns. Do you recognize Sarns as a truther, "their own kind"?
It has 226 signatures since February. Frequently, petitions at run into the tens and hundreds of thousands. Why did this fail?

This one:
Properly Investigate the Crimes of 9/11
was set up by James Hufferd. Do you recognize James Hufferd as a truther, "their own kind"?
It has 196 signatures since april. Frequently, petitions at run into the tens and hundreds of thousands. Why did this fail?

This one:
Revise the U.S. government final report on the collapse of Building 7
was set up by Mark Graham. Do you recognize Graham as a truther, "their own kind"?
It has 1706 signatures since may. Frequently, petitions at run into the tens and hunb
dreds of thousands. Why did this fail?

This one:
President Obama: 9/11 Families Ask You to Watch “9/11: Explosive Evidence - Experts Speak Out”
was set up by Richard Gage. Do you recognize Gage as a truther, "their own kind"?
It has about 1700 signatures since june. Frequently, petitions at run into the tens and hundreds of thousands. Why did this fail?

This one:
Statement For 9/11 Justice
was set up by Jon Gold. Do you recognize Gold as a truther, "their own kind"?
It has 1278 signatures since august. Why did this fail?

This one:
9/11 Congressional Review
has 181 supporters since march. Why did this fail?

At 22 January, 2013 21:54, Blogger snug.bug said...

Thanks for proving my point. Anybody can create a poorly-publicized petition. I never heard of any of them except Jon Gold's petition--which I signed.

At 22 January, 2013 23:52, Blogger snug.bug said...

Oh, and where's Wizzie LiedRugAs? He ran away screaming and crying after I pointed out that his hero story was all lies, and he hasn't been seen since.

At 23 January, 2013 04:44, Blogger Ian said...

Poor Brian. He's hysterical because there have been so many truther petitions, and not one of them can get more than a few thousand signatures at the most.

So to change the subject, he'll post hysterical spam about that "strutting, bragging, lying, fabulous Latin dream", Willie Rodriguez.

Nobody cares about your homosexual obsessions, Brian.

At 23 January, 2013 06:20, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Snug.bug (Brian Good) said:Oh, and where's Wizzie LiedRugAs? He ran away screaming and crying after I pointed out that his hero story was all lies, and he hasn't been seen since.

He is so desperate for Willie's attention, he keeps calling his name. He feels sided by the macho latino hero he so much admires. He hates William is always travelling and speaking about 9/11 and he has been unable to stop him to give him attenion. Poor Brian also blames william for being fired from different jobs. He claims Rodriguez blackmailed his employers but will not post any evidence of it.

As Ian said:
"Poor Brian. He's hysterical because there have been so many truther petitions, and not one of them can get more than a few thousand signatures at the most.

So to change the subject, he'll post hysterical spam about that "strutting, bragging, lying, fabulous Latin dream", Willie Rodriguez.

Nobody cares about your homosexual obsessions, Brian."

It is the tactic we are all used to here in this blog, when pointed wrong he will scream "WILLY!!!!!" and
indeed, nobody cares about his gay obsession, but for the record...

"William_Rodriguez has left a new comment on 8/15/11":

"Thank you guys. I see Brian Good is still spewing his hate and racism here. Since he failed to accept my debate on his own town last time, and he failed to call those he supposedly wanted to host an alternate debate. Including people who do not want to deal with him. (I called all of them and they do not want anything to do with him) I will raise the ante here.
I invite Brian Good to come to NYC on 9/11 to meet with LT. Lim and I in person. Notice I said "invite" and not "challenge". We are both going to be at Ground zero for the ceremony and he can "ask" any questions he wants to both of us or separately. Also , he will have the opportunity to meet with some of the families he has offended here with his statements and present his case against me. Of course he needs to let me know by next week so I can put it all together since as you all may know, survivors are not invited to participate this year, let alone people not affected directly by the event. As a Leader of a family group I may be able to accommodate an exception if he so wishes to accept the invitation. Also in case he cannot make it for 9/11, then 9/12 will be the other option for the opening of the Memorial Center. A unique opportunity to see a historical event live even if he wishes to avoid me. Of Course, he will have to pay his own way to NYC. This is your last opportunity to unmask me as you say, in front of the 9/11 families. directly. How can you let this pass you by?"

of course Brian ran away crying for being humiliated by his Hero.

Click here for more information about Brian Good, AKA Snug.bug:

Screw Loose Change to Host Debate Between Brian Good and Willie Rodriguez

or here:
Brian Good Chickens Out On Debate With Willie Rodriguez

Case closed.

At 23 January, 2013 08:25, Blogger snug.bug said...

Ian, certainly I've posted about the "strutting, bragging, lying" William Rodriguez--perhaps in not exact those exact words, but close.

I never said anything about any "fabulous Latin dream". I generally try to avoid the cult of personality--and phony heroes.

BGS, I call Willie out because this forum has been used as a platform to lie about him and about me, and these nodes remain in Google searches. The evidence that I have presented that Willie is a liar and a fraud is irrefutable.

I don't hate William. I pity him. What could possibly be more degrading than to travel around lying about a day when hundreds of true heroes died, and you lived, and you're stealing crumbs of their glory?

I debated William right here, and I proved that his hero story was a lie. He ran away screaming and crying, and now we have only his tools like sabba and Brian Good, Stalker to lie for him.

Were Willie and Lt. Lim at the Ground Zero ceremony last September as Willie claimed they would be? I never saw any reunion video or anything. All I saw was NYWAC sucking up to Willie. Last I heard, Mr. Lim was refusing to comment on Willie's story.

If any family member feels offended because I have attacked William Rodriguez as a phony, a liar, a fraud, and a con artist, let them come here or contact me directly. There is no need for me to travel to NYC. Willie is constantly grandstanding with grandiose proposals--a multimedia debate, he'll fly a panel of witnesses to San Francisco, I need to fly to NYC, the check's in the mail, the proof is in raw video that needs to be transcoded, yadda yadda yadda. They're bullshit. I destroyed Willie right here.

At 23 January, 2013 10:57, Anonymous Anonymous said...

oh Brother, the mental dishonesty of Brian Good...

I will repeat what I said in 2012:
11 October, 2012 11:04, Brian Good, Stalker said...

As Ian said, I will understand WR being uninterested after constantly pounding Brian Good everywhere. After 3 challenges and after Brian Good even refused to pick up the phone to debate him. After offering many times access to families and survivors and even Officers and the nutjob of Brian Good refusing every single time. It is obvious WR realized the waste of time to engage somebody kicked out from every group and every organization due to his obsession with him. Brian being ejected from Richard Gage's group for his postings here are an indication that even the people he claims to be close with, are keeping a distance from him (Brian Good).
As Ian told you ( and I am sure many others in the truth movement as well) ...get help Brian, get help.

At 23 January, 2013 11:01, Anonymous Anonymous said...

snug.bug said...

Ian, certainly I've posted about the "strutting, bragging, lying" William Rodriguez--perhaps in not exact those exact words, but close.

I never said anything about any "fabulous Latin dream". I generally try to avoid the cult of personality--and phony heroes.

Actually you called him "charismatic latin hunk "

You then tried to revert and say it was only a joke when pointed out to be to gay...

At 23 January, 2013 11:28, Blogger snug.bug said...

BGS, I debated Willie right here. I proved that his hero story is a lie.

I've never received a phone call from Willie. I get a lot of hang-up calls.

I don't need any access to family members and survivors. Here I am, here they are not, and Willie ran away screaming and crying.

If I ever called Willie a "charismatic Latin hunk" I was joking. Look at him. He's a walking manboob.

At 23 January, 2013 13:45, Anonymous Anonymous said...

another lie from Brian Good: I've never received a phone call from Willie. I get a lot of hang-up calls.

here from the september 08, 2012 thread:
Audio call to Brian Good at (650) 327-6214

At 23 January, 2013 13:50, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Brian Good saaid to William Rodriguez on Mon, 19 Nov 2007:

"As to a debate, it would be foolish for a balding geek
like me to engage in a charisma contest with a studly hero such as yourself..."

At 23 January, 2013 14:48, Blogger snug.bug said...

This comment has been removed by the author.

At 23 January, 2013 14:49, Blogger snug.bug said...

When I called Willie a "studly hero" I was joking. Why would I call a con artist a studly hero? You're not to0 smart, are you?

Willie has never called me on the phone--except I do get a lot of hangup calls, so maybe one of those cowards was Willie.

At 23 January, 2013 15:32, Blogger Ian said...

Hey Brian, let's stop talking about Willie Rodriguez.

I saw Soundgarden last night at Hammerstein Ballroom. It kicked ass, as they played for a good 2.5 hours, opening with "Jesus Christ Pose" and doing a fantastic encore of "Ugly Truth", "Rusty Cage" and "Beyond the Wheel".

See Brian, there are benefits of having a job beyond not having to live with your parents and being able to afford a decent haircut. You can go to concerts to enjoy cool bands too!

At 23 January, 2013 15:36, Blogger snug.bug said...

I can listen to Black Hole Sun on youtube if I want to, though why anyone would want to I can't imagine.

It's just the same old crap warmed over. "Very nice! Don't call us, we'll call you. Next!"

At 23 January, 2013 18:28, Blogger Michael Lewis said...

I saw Soundgarden last night at Hammerstein Ballroom.

I didn't even know they were back together. Louder than Love was the soundtrack to many a blurry night. On cassette of course.

At 24 January, 2013 04:32, Blogger Oystein said...

@ snug.bug:
"Thanks for proving my point. Anybody can create a poorly-publicized petition. I never heard of any of them except Jon Gold's petition--which I signed."

Then why can't truthers publicise their stuff well?
Why hasn't Jom Gold's petition gone viral? He had himself hoped it would reach "millions" - I am not kidding you!

So you think Richard Gage's "Obama, please watch ESO" petition is "poorly-publicized"? It has been featured on top of the AE911Truth home page for seven months now!

Ok, let's take the AE911Truth petition proper - arguably the BEST publicized truther petition anywhere: In all of 2012, it has been signed by just over 2000 people (109 A&E, 2056 other supporters) - the worst performance of any full year since they started in 2007. In total, 18,100 have signed in 5 2/3 years, after 1.5 million dollars in marketing were spent.

That is a terrible showing!

You know why? Because only a tiny tiny fringe of lunatics buys this woo, 99% of the population, 99.9% of relevant professionals and scientists, do not suppurt this nonsense.

At 24 January, 2013 04:47, Blogger Ian said...

I can listen to Black Hole Sun on youtube if I want to, though why anyone would want to I can't imagine.

It's just the same old crap warmed over. "Very nice! Don't call us, we'll call you. Next!"

Poor Brian. He's hysterical because more people saw Soundgarden last night than signed any of the truther petitions Oystein referenced.

Normal people care about cool music, Brian. Only glue-sniffing liars care about "widows" with "questions".

I didn't even know they were back together. Louder than Love was the soundtrack to many a blurry night. On cassette of course.

Yeah, they got back together a couple of years ago and even released a new record.

I guess I'm slightly younger than you, since "Badmotorfinger" was what introduced me to them. :-)

At 24 January, 2013 13:14, Blogger snug.bug said...

Oystein, you assume that because truthers don't publicise their stuff well therefore they can't publicise stuff well. That's irrational.

There's nothing nonsensical about calling for investigations that are consistent with the laws of physics and that address all the mysteries.

Your belief that "99% of the population, 99.9% of relevant professionals and scientists, do not suppurt this" is based on nothing. By your logic 99.99999999% of the population and 99.9999999% of the relevant professionals do not support the NIST report because they have signed no statement saying that they do.

Poll data from before AE911Truth even started showed that only 16% of the American people thought the government was telling the whole truth, 36% thought it very likely or somewhat likely that the attacks were permitted to happen to provide an excuse for war, and that 16% thought it very likely or somewhat likely that the buildings were blown up.

Your estimates are not just wrong, they're ignorant.

At 24 January, 2013 15:53, Blogger Ian said...

Oystein, you assume that because truthers don't publicise their stuff well therefore they can't publicise stuff well. That's irrational.

False. It's evidence that truthers can't publicize their stuff well. If you stopped sniffing glue, you'd understand this.

There's nothing nonsensical about calling for investigations that are consistent with the laws of physics and that address all the mysteries.

Brian, what you consider "mysteries" and your understanding of physics are what we'd expect from a glue-sniffing lunatic who lives with his parents because he's too incompetent to hold down a job mopping floors.

Your belief that "99% of the population, 99.9% of relevant professionals and scientists, do not suppurt this" is based on nothing. By your logic 99.99999999% of the population and 99.9999999% of the relevant professionals do not support the NIST report because they have signed no statement saying that they do.


Poll data from before AE911Truth even started showed that only 16% of the American people thought the government was telling the whole truth, 36% thought it very likely or somewhat likely that the attacks were permitted to happen to provide an excuse for war, and that 16% thought it very likely or somewhat likely that the buildings were blown up.

Nobody cares.

At 24 January, 2013 15:53, Blogger Ian said...

And let's use this moment to remind Brian that he STILL hasn't gotten a single question from the widows answered. Not one.


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