Thursday, December 13, 2012

Troofers Gain Mainstream Credibility....

Wait for it, wait for it....

In the Onion.

But today, Santa would like to tell you all about something very naughty, something very, very naughty indeed. Dear children, have you not heard? Why, 9/11 was an inside job! Oh, ho, ho, my, yes it was!

I mean, look at the facts, boys and girls! We already know the Bush administration was itching to go to war in Iraq, now, don't we? Yes, indeed we do, my darling ones! The Downing Street memo proves that beyond a shadow of a doubt. Then you look at the Presidential Daily Briefing of Aug. 6, 2001, the one headlined "Bin Laden Determined to Strike in U.S." Ignored! Why, children, they threw that briefing aside like used wrapping paper on Christmas morning, didn't they?

Now, it's a singularly unfunny article repeating many of the usual nutbar talking points--jet fuel can't melt steel, nano-thermite, the BBC reported that Building 7 collapsed before it did, etc. To be honest, I don't know why the Onion posted it, unless, well, maybe it was to see the buffoonish reaction of the Truthers.

what a great christmas present . this should be on the front page

Is this an omen that the "establishment" is ready to face 9/11 truth? We can hope.

BTW, the Onion did a terrific parody of a talk-show debate between a Truther and an Al Qaeda member a few years back.

I love the "talking to you is like talking to a goat" line; talking to Truthers is indeed like talking to a Petgoat.


At 13 December, 2012 19:36, Blogger snug.bug said...

Did you ever actually try talking to a Truther, Pat? I haven't seen any evidence that you did.

At 13 December, 2012 21:56, Blogger Flouride666 said...

I *think* the joke is that belief in santa is roughly equivalent to the skepticism applied to any of the theories he's talking about. Which isn't that witty really, but hey

At 13 December, 2012 23:15, Blogger Steve said...

Pat, did you see this but of news?

At 14 December, 2012 01:15, Blogger Pat said...

Steve, yes, I saw it and may post on it, but compared to the Onion piece it was an easy choice.

Brian I have talked to many Truthers including the incredible idiot known as Petgoat. And it was like talking to a goat.

At 14 December, 2012 05:01, Blogger Grandmastershek said...

Think you might be able to sprinkle some magic dust so on December 25th we wake to find all the perps behind bars?

Hey...magic dust makes about much sense as anything else they claim. Silent explosives, live voice morphing technology, ninjaneers, etc.

At 14 December, 2012 05:05, Blogger Grandmastershek said...

Now that I think about it Santa should be their prime suspect.

-Clandestine manufacturing operation

-Access to any structure.

-Was off on 9/11

This guy can travel around the world and leave presents totally undetected in 1 day! WAKE UP SHEEPLE!!!!

At 14 December, 2012 10:31, Blogger snug.bug said...

Not Santa; his right-hand elf--his operations manager, who started to feel under-appreciated and stifled and decided to go into business for himself. He found that playing Santa to larcenous military contractors was a niche business far more lucrative than bringing toys to good children of the world. The US market for toys is only $20 billion a year. Compare this with a US military budget of $700 billion a year and actual military expenditures when you add everything in (such as off-the-books wars, the AEC, Veterans Affairs) of more like a $1000 billion a year.

And of course none of this hysterical military boondoggle could have happened without 9/11.

At 14 December, 2012 14:11, Blogger Pat Cowardly said...

Since when is "jet fuel can't melt steel" a "nutbar point", Pat?

It's amusing to see the pretendebunkers struggle with this article's intent, especially when they've never been able to "debunk" the topics it raises.

Carry on, fat fuck-up. The more you post, the more obvious the impotence. I enjoy watching you not debunk anything at all, almost as much as I enjoy pointing out your countless lies.

At 14 December, 2012 14:18, Blogger Pat Cowardly said...

"We to this day don't know why NORAD told us what they told us...It was just so far from the truth. . . . It's one of those loose ends that never got tied" -Thomas Kean, 9/11 Commissioner

"Accountability for what?"
-Obese Geriatric Pretendebunker Pat Curley, hiding from the hard truth.

Are you senile, or just lying, Pat?

At 14 December, 2012 15:11, Blogger GuitarBill said...

Oh look! It's frick and frack -- and they're doing their level-best to hijack another thread with their customary non sequitur-laden stupidity and off-topic provocations. Same shit, different day.


Brian Good's Insane Homeless Mullet for sex predators. (Credit to Mike Rosefierce).

9/11 Sex Stalker Brian Good Unmasked!

At 14 December, 2012 15:16, Blogger snug.bug said...

ButtGale can't figure out that his complaints about thread hijacking are like the fool in grade school who keeps going around yelling "Be quiet! Be quiet! You're all making too much noise!"

At 14 December, 2012 15:28, Blogger GuitarBill said...

Accusing your detractor of the crimes you commit again, liar? So what's new, Pinocchio?

Brian I have talked to many Truthers including the incredible idiot known as Petgoat (aka., "snug.bug"). And it was like talking to a goat.


Brian Good's Insane Homeless Mullet for sex predators. (Credit to Mike Rosefierce).

9/11 Sex Stalker Brian Good Unmasked!

At 14 December, 2012 21:51, Blogger PhilBiker said...

Did you see the "Hollywood truth action" video slideshow posted on that page? HA HA HA HA HA HA HA.

At 15 December, 2012 08:14, Blogger Pat Cowardly said...

Poor pathetic Pat, relying on GelatinBalls to speak for him day after day. I guess if you have no sources, no courage, and no respect for the victims, Guitarlatan is all that's left.

"You don't know any more than I do why they lied, we just know that they did lie" -Jon Gold to Pat Curley, on NORAD.

"Correct" -Pat Curley, sheepish and defeated.

"Accountability for what?" -Pat Curley sometime later, doing his best to keep up the pretense.

Cass Sunstein would be proud, if Pat were any good at this. Better use your last line of defense and enable comment moderation again, Fat Scat.

At 15 December, 2012 08:23, Blogger snug.bug said...

Well, at least give him some credit for allowing you to taunt him, PC. Pat does have some principles. Can you think of a truther site that would allow you to razz the management as you do?

At 15 December, 2012 11:07, Blogger GuitarBill said...

This comment has been removed by the author.

At 15 December, 2012 11:10, Blogger GuitarBill said...

This comment has been removed by the author.

At 15 December, 2012 16:02, Blogger Ian said...

And of course none of this hysterical military boondoggle could have happened without 9/11.

Yes, you're right Brian. The US had no standing army on 9/10/01, and I think the Air Force consisted of a dozen P-26 Peashooters.

At 15 December, 2012 16:23, Blogger snug.bug said...

The US military budget in 2000 was 300 billion a year, Ian. In 2011 the military budget was more than 700 billion--and that didn't include extras like Veterans Affairs, AEC, and debt-funded foreign wars.

You're a twit.

At 15 December, 2012 17:34, Blogger Ian said...

The US military budget in 2000 was 300 billion a year, Ian. In 2011 the military budget was more than 700 billion--and that didn't include extras like Veterans Affairs, AEC, and debt-funded foreign wars.

You're a twit

Squeal squeal squeal!

Poor Brian. He tries so hard to sound intelligent and well-informed, and yet he just comes off as a mentally ill unemployed janitor yet again.

At 15 December, 2012 17:36, Blogger Ian said...

Hey Brian, have the widows had their questions answered yet?


At 15 December, 2012 17:37, Blogger snug.bug said...

They're just simple facts, Ian. Try it some time. twit/

At 15 December, 2012 20:23, Blogger Ian said...

They're just simple facts, Ian. Try it some time. twit/

More hysterical squealing.

But hey, if we want to try simple facts, there's these:

"snug.bug" is Brian Good, an unemployed janitor from Palo Alto who also goes by the internet names "Petgoat", "punxsutawneybarney", "contrivance", "truebeleaguer", "truetruther", "poordumbbastard", "watson" and in all likelihood, many other identities.

He was banned from AE911Truth for stalking Carol Brouillet.

He was banned from wikipedia for vandalizing the page of the Chinese Olympic gymnastics team.

He challenged Willie Rodriguez to a debate, but ran away squealing and crying when Rodriguez accepted.

At 16 December, 2012 09:21, Blogger snug.bug said...

Look at Ian, whose idea of a good time in NYC is to libel someone he doesn't even know. I'd like to see you prove even one of your claims, Ian. Of course you'll just say "you admitted it", but you won't be able to say where.

I didn't run away from Wizzie Liedrugas. Here I am. Here he is not. Years ago I challenged him to a debate and he didn't have the guts. Then just to try to show me up he challenged me to one--while he employed a human shield and the "moderators" of the debate demonstrated that they were as much out to get the human shield as they were to get me. That was unacceptable. I tried to find a neutral venue, and Wizzie would not lift a finger to help. I have debated Wizzie (I call him Wizzie because he Wizzes on the graves of dead heroes whose glory he stole) right here and I have kicked his fat jiggly ass into a pulp. His story is a lie. He can't deny it, and he doesn't even try.

At 16 December, 2012 09:38, Blogger Ian said...

Look at Ian, whose idea of a good time in NYC is to libel someone he doesn't even know. I'd like to see you prove even one of your claims, Ian. Of course you'll just say "you admitted it", but you won't be able to say where.

My, such squealing!

I didn't run away from Wizzie Liedrugas. Here I am. Here he is not. Years ago I challenged him to a debate and he didn't have the guts. Then just to try to show me up he challenged me to one--while he employed a human shield and the "moderators" of the debate demonstrated that they were as much out to get the human shield as they were to get me. That was unacceptable. I tried to find a neutral venue, and Wizzie would not lift a finger to help. I have debated Wizzie (I call him Wizzie because he Wizzes on the graves of dead heroes whose glory he stole) right here and I have kicked his fat jiggly ass into a pulp. His story is a lie. He can't deny it, and he doesn't even try.

Nobody cares about your homosexual obsession with Rodriguez.

At 16 December, 2012 09:54, Blogger snug.bug said...

You're a liar, Ian. Lyin' Ian.

At 16 December, 2012 10:19, Blogger GuitarBill said...

See what happens when you give a lying homosexual a computer and access to the Internet?

He gets banned from AE911 Troof for stalking Carol Brouillet.

He gets banned from Wikipedia for vandalizing the Chinese Olympic gymnastics team's web page.

He gets challenged by Willie Rodriguez to a debate, but instead runs away squealing and crying when Rodriguez accepts the challenge.

Should we expect less from a lying homosexual? Probably not.


Brian Good's Insane Homeless Mullet for sex predators. (Credit to Mike Rosefierce).

9/11 Sex Stalker Brian Good Unmasked!

At 16 December, 2012 10:22, Blogger snug.bug said...

You're a liar, UtterFail. You guys spend so much time lying to each other about me you start to believe your own fantasies.

You can't make any rational points about 9/11, and you resent it that I school you in the facts of that day and in the laws of physics.

Finally you're left with nothing but the lying ad hominem to try to prop up your delusions.

At 16 December, 2012 10:34, Blogger GuitarBill said...

If I'm a "liar," you've never managed to prove it, liar.

You, on the other hand, are a proven compulsive liar.

You've never schooled me on ANY SUBJECT. Tell us more about ΔT, liar. And when you're finished, try to apply Boyle's Law when you have no differential pressure or volume measurements, idiot. This proves, of course, that you've never heard of The Idea Gas Law. Thus, we have more proof that you're a college dropout.

You're an idiot who couldn't pass a formal examination in elementary logic, physics, chemistry or mathematics.

But you do lie with abandon -- which, I suppose, makes you perfectly qualified to take up the position as "lying homosexual for 9/11 troof."

So Brian, why do you go out of your way to prove that the smartest thing to ever come out of your mouth was a penis?

And remember, pud huffer, I'm just asking questions...


Brian Good's Insane Homeless Mullet for sex predators. (Credit to Mike Rosefierce).

9/11 Sex Stalker Brian Good Unmasked!

At 16 December, 2012 10:46, Blogger snug.bug said...

I've already told you everything there is to know about ΔT, fool. And nobody who has a degree in Applied Mathematics (as you claim) could possibly think there was anything arcane about such a trivial concept.

Your fantasy about air squirting out of elevator shafts to blow out isolated windows was contrary to the gas laws, UtterFool. You don't need measurements to know that.

I must admit I never heard of "The Idea Gas Law", but the farteous emissions of ButtGale would appear to be clear demonstrations of it.

At 16 December, 2012 10:47, Blogger snug.bug said...

Oh, and how does it feel to get scammed by a janitor, genius?

At 16 December, 2012 10:57, Blogger GuitarBill said...

This comment has been removed by the author.

At 16 December, 2012 11:02, Blogger GuitarBill said...

Brian "lying homosexual for 9/11 troof" Good lies, "...Your fantasy about air squirting out of elevator shafts to blow out isolated windows was contrary to the gas laws...[blah][blah][blah]."

False. More 100% fact-free bullshit, liar? Citing a college dropout as an authority isn't particularly convincing, gay boi.


Brian "lying homosexual for 9/11 troof" Good lies, "...I must admit I never heard of "The Idea Gas Law."

I've already proven that you've never heard of The Ideal Gas Law -- but thanks for admitting that you're a college dropout who can't pass a formal examination in elementary logic, chemistry, physics or mathematics.

The Ideal Gas Law

Brain-dead and ignorant as they make 'em. Right, goat fucker? Yeah, you're an "expert" on 9/11, but you don't know a thing about physical science. Riiiiiiiiight.

Yep, the smartest thing to ever emerge from your mouth was a penis.



Brian Good's Insane Homeless Mullet for sex predators. (Credit to Mike Rosefierce).

9/11 Sex Stalker Brian Good Unmasked!

At 16 December, 2012 11:03, Blogger snug.bug said...

It's not fantasy to point out that blowing out isolated windows is contrary to the gas laws, GasserBag. That's a fact.

I studied the Ideal Gas Law decades ago, and your belief that you've proven I never heard of it only exposes your fundamental irrationality--which goes a long way to explain your frustration, your inability to communicate effectively, and your confusion about 9/11.

And how does it feel to get scammed by a janitor, genius?

At 16 December, 2012 11:18, Blogger GuitarBill said...

Brian "lying homosexual for 9/11 troof" Good lies, "...It's not fantasy to point out that blowing out isolated windows is contrary to the gas laws, GasserBag. That's a fact."

You haven't proven anything, liar. Nor could you prove that pack of lies. After all, watching a couple of YouTube videos about "9/11 conspiracy" will never qualify you as an engineer or scientist.

All you can do is cite yourself as an authority, while you offer not a scintilla of evidence to substantiate your lies, smears and innuendo.


Brian "lying homosexual for 9/11 troof" Good lies, "...I studied the Ideal Gas Law decades ago...[blah][blah][blah]."

Sure you did, liar. That's why you don't know when to apply it. And that's why you just admitted that you've never heard of it until I mentioned it.

"...I must admit I never heard of 'The Idea Gas Law.'" -- Brian "Lying homosexual for 9/11 Troof" Good.




Brian Good's Insane Homeless Mullet for sex predators. (Credit to Mike Rosefierce).

9/11 Sex Stalker Brian Good Unmasked!

At 16 December, 2012 11:25, Blogger snug.bug said...

I didn't claim I'd proven anything. As an educated man I treat the concept of proof with a lot of respect, and I laugh at fools like you who demonstrate their ignorance and irrationality when they throw the word.

I never heard of "The Idea Gas Law" until you mentioned it and demonstrated it, NOP Wonder.

At 16 December, 2012 11:38, Blogger GuitarBill said...

Right! As an Internet blowhard and a college dropout, you're not qualified to think. That's why you're a failed janitor. After all, a man with a university education doesn't mop floors for a living. A college dropout and delusional liar mops floors for a living.

A SANE man with a university education doesn't promote conspiracy theories, either.

So what's your excuse, gay boi?

Oh, that's right! There's no excuse for a compulsive liar and incompetent who doesn't understand simple concepts like ΔT and The Ideal Gas Law.

Face it, you're just another Internet gasbag who tries to nurture his completely unjustified feelings of superiority by lying to his neighbors on Internet blogs.


Brian Good's Insane Homeless Mullet for sex predators. (Credit to Mike Rosefierce).

9/11 Sex Stalker Brian Good Unmasked!

At 16 December, 2012 11:50, Blogger snug.bug said...

What evidence have you that I am a college dropout, UtterFool?

Where do you get the idea that a man with a university education does not mop floors for a living? Have you done a survey?

Also, where did you get the idea that I mop floors for a living?

You to start with unjustified assuptions, often based on inaccurate data, and then you build upon them a tower of irrational and unsupportable conclusions.

Where do you get the idea that I don't understand simple concepts like ΔT and The Ideal Gas Law?

How about you plug into the Ideal Gas Laws some numbers that you consider reasonable to demonstrate you air pushed down elevator shafts by falling debris can blow out isolated windows on the perimeter? Or is that too much of a challenging for an educated Applied Mathematcian like yourself--one who couldn't even recognize the statistical absurdity of a lying janitor's claim that he had saved hundreds of lives on 39 floors when only 100 people died on all 120-something floors under trhe impact zone?

How does it feel to be scammed by a janitor, NOP Wonder, the Utter Fool of Silicon Gutter?

At 16 December, 2012 11:59, Blogger GuitarBill said...

This comment has been removed by the author.

At 16 December, 2012 12:05, Blogger GuitarBill said...

Brian "lying homosexual for 9/11 troof" Good lies, "...What evidence have you that I am a college dropout."

You prove you're a college dropout every time you commit your liver-spotted hands to your semen-encrusted keyboard; you prove you're a college dropout when you refuse to answer a simple question about ΔT; you prove you're a college dropout when you try to apply Boyle's Law when you don't have differential pressure or volume measurements to plug into the equation; you prove you're a college dropout when you promote 100% fact-free conspiracy theories to anyone unfortunate enough to read to your twaddle.

On the other hand, I amply demonstrated my skills when I used Young's Modulus to prove NIST's thermal expansion model is correct.

Once again, you FAIL, cretin.

Brian "lying homosexual for 9/11 troof" Good lies, " who couldn't even recognize the statistical absurdity of a lying janitor's claim"

You've already demonstrated that you don't know fuck-all about "statistics," cretin, so STFU.


Brian Good's Insane Homeless Mullet for sex predators. (Credit to Mike Rosefierce).

9/11 Sex Stalker Brian Good Unmasked!

At 16 December, 2012 12:20, Blogger snug.bug said...

You have some very eccentric ideas of proof, UtterFool. Proof-by-fantasy is a concept indicative of mental illness. You are unablke to distinguish between reality and your own inventions.

I invited you to supply your own pressure and volume estimates to demonstrate your claim that air pushed down elevator shafts by falling debris can blow out isolated windows on the perimeter. Tell us what pressures and volumes would be necessary. You're the one that claims it's possible. You're the one that's always demanding proof. Prove your claim, UtterFool!

I don't need to know anything about statistics to recognize the blatant swindle in Wizzie's claims that he saved hundreds when the survival rates on his floors were no higher than on any of the other floors under the impact zone. And if you knew anything about statistics you would have recognized that too. You were gulled by a blatant con-artist, GoiterButt. How does it feel?

At 16 December, 2012 12:39, Blogger GuitarBill said...

Brian "lying homosexual for 9/11 troof" Good lies, "...Tell us what pressures and volumes would be necessary."

I'm not the one who tries to pass off speculation, smears, lies and innuendo as "proof" -- that's your forte, liar.


"...I don't need to know anything about statistics to recognize...[blah][blah][blah]."

No, you certainly don't "need to know anything about statistics." And you demonstrate every day that you know nothing about mathematics, physics, chemistry and logic, too.

Tell us something we don't know, shit for brains.

Baiseur de chèvre, vous n'avez pas nous faire peur avec vos stupides genoux pliés-courir avancer comportement!


Brian Good's Insane Homeless Mullet for sex predators. (Credit to Mike Rosefierce).

9/11 Sex Stalker Brian Good Unmasked!

At 16 December, 2012 13:04, Blogger snug.bug said...

So at 12:05 you claim that your speculation, smears, lies and innuendo is "proof"; and at12:39 you claim you don't try to pass off speculation, smears, lies and innuendo as "proof".

You can't remember your lies from one post to the next.

So I guess you're admitting that you can't back up your claim that
air pushed down elevator shafts by falling debris can blow out isolated windows on the perimeter.
The gas laws are too complicated for you, genius? Tell us what pressures and volumes would be necessary.

Kindly enlighten us about the statistical significance of Willie's hundreds of lives that he claims he saved out of a pool of 15,000 who had a 99% survival rate.

How does it feel to be scammed by a janitor, genius?

At 16 December, 2012 13:20, Blogger GuitarBill said...

Jackass lies, "...So at 12:05 you claim that your speculation, smears, lies and innuendo is "proof"; and at12:39 you claim you don't try to pass off speculation, smears, lies and innuendo as 'proof'."

There's only one problem, jackass, I don't resort to "speculation, smears, lies and innuendo" -- that's your forte, jackass.

Nor do I need to prove the obvious. My explanation for the alleged "squibs" is far more logical and likely than your controlled demolition theory.

As a result, you need to prove your controlled demolition theory, jackass.

See? You just proved, once again, that you couldn't pass a formal examination in elementary logic, cretin.

Occam's razor, jackass! Occam's razor!

Once again, you FAIL -- you neo-fascist liar.


Brian Good's Insane Homeless Mullet for sex predators. (Credit to Mike Rosefierce).

9/11 Sex Stalker Brian Good Unmasked!

At 16 December, 2012 13:25, Blogger GuitarBill said...

Jackass lies, "...You can't remember your lies from one post to the next."

My memory is just fine, gay boi.

Your ability to read at a third grade level and tell the truth, on the other hand...

Did your mother, Janice the Enabler, teach you to lie with abandon, or did you inherit this lovely trait from the sperm donor who masquerades as your "father"?


Brian Good's Insane Homeless Mullet for sex predators. (Credit to Mike Rosefierce).

9/11 Sex Stalker Brian Good Unmasked!


At 16 December, 2012 13:48, Blogger snug.bug said...

Your explanation for the squibs is contrary to the gas laws, which provide that gaseous pressure is distributed equally in all directions (except in the case of very isolated portals with extreme pressure differential).

Your refusal to run some numbers to demonstrate your theory refutes your claim that it is logical.

At 16 December, 2012 14:00, Blogger GuitarBill said...

Jackass lies, "...Your explanation for the squibs is contrary to the gas laws, which provide that gaseous pressure is distributed equally in all directions (except in the case of very isolated portals with extreme pressure differential)."

Citing a college dropout who doesn't understand how to apply Boyle's Law as an authority isn't particularly convincing. Please cite an authoritative source as opposed to a lying jackass -- and don't forget to show your work, liar.

Shoving words into my mouth, moreover, and then attacking your words as though I said them, is intellectually dishonest -- a straw man argument.


See? You can't pass a formal examination in elementary logic.

Liar lies, "...Your refusal to run some numbers to demonstrate your theory refutes your claim that it is logical."

I don't need to prove anything, liar. My explanation is far more logical and likely than your controlled demolition theory -- you deranged, lying conspiracy theorist.

Again, Occam's razor, jackass! Occam's razor.

So when do you plan to support your controlled demolition theory with something other than lies, smear tactics and innuendo, liar?

Once again, you FAIL, jackass.


Brian Good's Insane Homeless Mullet for sex predators. (Credit to Mike Rosefierce).

9/11 Sex Stalker Brian Good Unmasked!

At 16 December, 2012 14:12, Blogger GuitarBill said...

Jackass lies, "...Your explanation for the squibs is contrary to the gas laws, which provide that gaseous pressure is distributed equally in all directions (except in the case of very isolated portals with extreme pressure differential)."


My explanation assumes equal distribution of pressure.

As usual, you spew nonsense in an effort to sound "intellectual," but, as always, you fall flat on your ferret face.

Your reply is wind -- you moronic gasbag.



Brian Good's Insane Homeless Mullet for sex predators. (Credit to Mike Rosefierce).

9/11 Sex Stalker Brian Good Unmasked!

At 16 December, 2012 14:26, Blogger snug.bug said...

I know how to apply Boyle's law just fine, ButtGirl. That's how I know that your explanation of the squibs is contrary to the laws of physics. Go ahead, run some numbers. Show that it's possible. Gaseous pressure if exerted in all directions, equally.

I was forced to name the air compressor hose exception so you wouldn't accuse me of oversimplifying. And you weren't able to recognize it--even though that's the exception you are claiming for a squib mechanism. So how do you get an air hose in the elevator shaft? And how come the air only comes out in one place, and travels in a discrete jet 50 feet to an isolated window?
What pressure differential would you need to achieve that, ButtGirl? How far will the breeze from a tire inflator blow? How many feet?

And how does it feel to be scammed by a janitor?

At 16 December, 2012 14:34, Blogger GuitarBill said...

This comment has been removed by the author.

At 16 December, 2012 14:50, Blogger GuitarBill said...

It's not incumbent on me to prove or disprove your lies, jackass.

You claim my explanation for the "squibs is contrary to the laws of physics." Prove it.

You claim my explanation doesn't assume equal distribution of pressure. Prove it.

Now, get to work, liar.

I expect to see direct links and citations to support your lies. I also expect that you'll show your work. (Yeah, good luck with that).

And don't make a mistake, goat fucker, because I'll hand you your head so fast you won't know what hit you.

Once again, you FAIL -- you neo-fascist liar.


Brian Good's Insane Homeless Mullet for sex predators. (Credit to Mike Rosefierce).

9/11 Sex Stalker Brian Good Unmasked!

At 16 December, 2012 15:11, Blogger snug.bug said...

It's incumbent upon you to support your points and to stop dishonestly mischaracterizing mine.

Equal pressure in all directions is inconsistent with isolated windows blowing out.

Any explanation must assume unequal distribtion of pressure because isolated windows are blowing out.

At 16 December, 2012 15:27, Blogger GuitarBill said...

The liar lies, "...Equal pressure in all directions is inconsistent with isolated windows blowing out."

False. Still desperately trying to shift the burden of proof, asshole? Well it won't work, liar.

You haven't proven that pressure was equally distributed throughout the building as the collapse ensued. Not even close, liar.

Would you care to prove the air didn't escape the building by emerging through the path of least resistance?

Go for it, liar.

"...Any explanation must assume unequal distribtion [SIC] of pressure because isolated windows are blowing out."


The air pressure was equally distributed as it burst through the path of lease resistance. That DOES NOT mean the air pressure was equally distributed throughout the building. You're making a FALSE ASSUMPTION without the benefit of evidence, liar.

Again, would you care to prove the air didn't escape the building by emerging through the path of least resistance?

Now stop trying to shift the burden of proof, liar, and get to work, because so far you've utterly failed to provide proof in support of your idiotic controlled demolition theory.

And don't forget to bray, "I'm not a conspiracy theorist," while you defend idiotic 9/11 conspiracy theories, liar.

Once again, you FAIL -- you science illiterate cretin.


Brian Good's Insane Homeless Mullet for sex predators. (Credit to Mike Rosefierce).

9/11 Sex Stalker Brian Good Unmasked!

At 16 December, 2012 16:14, Blogger snug.bug said...

You're simply denying the laws of physics. UtterFail, the NOP Wonder of Silicon Gutter.

At 16 December, 2012 17:11, Blogger GuitarBill said...

Still lying, idiot?

I'm not "denying the laws of physics" -- you stupid cocksucker.

I'm telling you that your theory is premised on a false assumption, cretin. Read it again, until you get it through your thick skull, jackass:

"...The air pressure was equally distributed as it burst through the path of lease resistance. That DOES NOT mean the air pressure was equally distributed throughout the building. You're making a FALSE ASSUMPTION without the benefit of evidence, liar."

A skyscraper is not a balloon or an Erlenmeyer flask, jackass. A skyscraper is PARTITIONED; thus, pressure differentials are a reality. The air inside the elevator shafts and stairwells wouldn't have been forced out as easily. Instead it would have been trapped in the shafts and stairwells as the collapse above built up pressure, until it finally broke through at the path of least resistance. This accounts for the ejected air which can be seen several stories below the pancaking floors.

Now, either prove air didn't escape the building by emerging through the path of least resistance, or STFU.

So 'tard, what kind of car do you drive, a short bus?

Once again, you FAIL -- you science illiterate retard.


Brian Good's Insane Homeless Mullet for sex predators. (Credit to Mike Rosefierce).

9/11 Sex Stalker Brian Good Unmasked!

At 16 December, 2012 17:34, Blogger snug.bug said...

You have no evidence that I am a college dropout, and your claim that I admitted to being a failed janitor is a lie. Carol Brouillet never even alleged, never mind proved, that I am a sex pervert.

You are a liar.

What evidence have you that I was kicked out of the 9/11 truth movement? What is your point in bringing up SnowCrash? Seems to me he showed up in this forum a couple of times making really silly claims and then he left.

At 16 December, 2012 17:37, Blogger GuitarBill said...

What are you talking about, jackass? Posting to the wrong thread again, 'tard?

Thanks for giving us another demonstration of your boundless incompetence.


Brian Good's Insane Homeless Mullet for sex predators. (Credit to Mike Rosefierce).

9/11 Sex Stalker Brian Good Unmasked!

At 16 December, 2012 17:41, Blogger snug.bug said...

You have no evidence that I am a college dropout, and your claim that I admitted to being a failed janitor is a lie. Carol Brouillet never even alleged, never mind proved, that I am a sex pervert.

You are a liar.

What evidence have you that I was kicked out of the 9/11 truth movement? What is your point in bringing up SnowCrash? Seems to me he showed up in this forum a couple of times making really silly claims and then he left.

At 16 December, 2012 17:50, Blogger GuitarBill said...

Oh, I see! I proved that your "[a]ny explanation must assume unequal distribtion [SIC] of pressure because isolated windows are blowing out" assertion is a bunch of crap. Now that you're proven wrong and your back is against the wall, you must CHANGE THE SUBJECT IN ORDER TO SAVE FACE.


I don't need to prove anything. After all, you provide all the evidence that's necessary to prove you're an incompetent college dropout who knows nothing about physical science.


So tell us, 'tard, what kind of car do you drive, a short bus?

Once again, you FAIL, cretin.


Brian Good's Insane Homeless Mullet for sex predators. (Credit to Mike Rosefierce).

9/11 Sex Stalker Brian Good Unmasked!

At 16 December, 2012 18:03, Blogger snug.bug said...

You proved nothing. You obviously have no understanding of the concept of proof.

My back is not against the wall and I'm not changing the subject. Yours is, and you are. You have made a joke of yourself once again, ButtGirl, and all you can do is aggressively flip the situation and try to fool people.

At 16 December, 2012 18:11, Blogger GuitarBill said...

This comment has been removed by the author.

At 16 December, 2012 18:14, Blogger GuitarBill said...

Lying again, pervert? Of course you're lying.

I'm not changing the subject. And all I need to do in order to prove you're CHANGING THE SUBJECT is to ask you why you failed to reply to my comment at time stamp 16 December, 2012 17:11.

See? You lie first, last and always.

Now, either prove air didn't escape the building by emerging through the path of least resistance, or STFU.

You truly are a pathetic liar, goat fucker.



Brian Good's Insane Homeless Mullet for sex predators. (Credit to Mike Rosefierce).

9/11 Sex Stalker Brian Good Unmasked!

At 16 December, 2012 18:52, Blogger snug.bug said...

I'm not lying about anything.

You, however, lie libelously about me, making a number of negative assertions with no backup whatsoever.

I can not answer your questions that assume facts not in evidence. When did you stop beating your wife, UtterFail?

At 16 December, 2012 19:00, Blogger GuitarBill said...

Still trying to change the subject, ass face?

So why can't you support your "[a]ny explanation must assume unequal distribtion [SIC] of pressure because isolated windows are blowing out" assertion, ass?

I guess that's the way it goes when you're a science illiterate blowhard conspiracy bullshitter.




Brian Good's Insane Homeless Mullet for sex predators. (Credit to Mike Rosefierce).

9/11 Sex Stalker Brian Good Unmasked!

At 16 December, 2012 19:18, Blogger Ian said...

What evidence have you that I am a college dropout, UtterFool?

You told us yourself that you failed out of San Jose State.

Also, where did you get the idea that I mop floors for a living?

You don't mop floors for a living. You were too incompetent to do so, so you lost your job and now you're unemployed and live with your parents, which is why you can't afford a decent haircut.

You to start with unjustified assuptions, often based on inaccurate data, and then you build upon them a tower of irrational and unsupportable conclusions.

Says the unemployed janitor who believes in modified attack baboons, magic thermite elves, and invisible widows.

Where do you get the idea that I don't understand simple concepts like ΔT and The Ideal Gas Law?

You've proved many times on this blog that you don't understand these concepts, which is to be expected from a mentally ill unemployed janitor.

How does it feel to be scammed by a janitor, NOP Wonder, the Utter Fool of Silicon Gutter?

My, such squealing!

At 16 December, 2012 19:35, Blogger snug.bug said...

How can you dispute the fact that jets of pressure blowing out isolated windows represent unequal distributions of pressure?

At 16 December, 2012 19:45, Blogger GuitarBill said...

I've already explained this to you, jackass.

I'm telling you that your theory is premised on a false assumption, cretin. Read it again, until you get it through your thick skull, jackass:

"...The air pressure was equally distributed as it burst through the path of lease resistance. That DOES NOT mean the air pressure was equally distributed throughout the building. You're making a FALSE ASSUMPTION without the benefit of evidence, liar." -- GuitarBill

A skyscraper is not a balloon or an Erlenmeyer flask, jackass. A skyscraper is PARTITIONED; thus, pressure differentials are a reality. The air inside the elevator shafts and stairwells wouldn't have been forced out as easily. Instead it would have been trapped in the shafts and stairwells as the collapse above built up pressure, until it finally broke through at the path of least resistance. This accounts for the ejected air which can be seen several stories below the pancaking floors.

Now, either prove air didn't escape the building by emerging through the path of least resistance, or STFU.

See? You're a moron who knows nothing about physical science, and you're impervious to elementary logic.

Yep, you do, in fact, drive a short bus.

Once again, you FAIL, 'tard.


Brian Good's Insane Homeless Mullet for sex predators. (Credit to Mike Rosefierce).

9/11 Sex Stalker Brian Good Unmasked!

At 16 December, 2012 20:07, Blogger snug.bug said...

The WTC was partitioned? You don't know what you're talking about! Even if they had offices with gypsum walls, those walls would only go to the level of the suspended ceilings. Pressure would lift the ceiling panels, spread the pressure out, and push down the panels elsewhere to spread the pressure out.

You just make stuff up to try to defend your delusions.

At 16 December, 2012 20:18, Blogger GuitarBill said...

Shit for brains lies, "...The WTC was partitioned? You don't know what you're talking about! Even if they had offices with gypsum walls, those walls would only go to the level of the suspended ceilings. Pressure would lift the ceiling panels, spread the pressure out, and push down the panels elsewhere to spread the pressure out."

Nice job of completely avoiding the content of my reply while misinterpreting my post in the process, jackass. The building was partitioned into elevator shafts and stairwells, too.

Learn to read, liar.

"...The air pressure was equally distributed as it burst through the path of lease resistance. That DOES NOT mean the air pressure was equally distributed throughout the building. You're making a FALSE ASSUMPTION without the benefit of evidence, liar." -- GuitarBill

A skyscraper is not a balloon or an Erlenmeyer flask, jackass. A skyscraper is PARTITIONED; thus, pressure differentials are a reality. The air inside the elevator shafts and stairwells wouldn't have been forced out as easily. Instead it would have been trapped in the shafts and stairwells as the collapse above built up pressure, until it finally broke through at the path of least resistance. This accounts for the ejected air which can be seen several stories below the pancaking floors.

Now, either prove air didn't escape the building by emerging through the path of least resistance, or STFU.

See? You're an illiterate moron who knows nothing about physical science, and you're impervious to elementary logic.

Yep, you do, in fact, drive a short bus.

Once again, you FAIL, liar.


Brian Good's Insane Homeless Mullet for sex predators. (Credit to Mike Rosefierce).

9/11 Sex Stalker Brian Good Unmasked!

At 16 December, 2012 20:23, Blogger GuitarBill said...

Now pay attention, folks! SLC's resident conspiracy theorist will do what he always does when he can't support his idiotic theories with a coherent argument: He will deliberately MISINTERPRET MY REPLY and attack his deliberate misinterpretation.

In other words, SLC's resident conspiracy theorist will resort to straw man arguments.

Yep, you do drive a short bus, cretin.

Once again, you FAIL, jackass.


Brian Good's Insane Homeless Mullet for sex predators. (Credit to Mike Rosefierce).

9/11 Sex Stalker Brian Good Unmasked!

At 16 December, 2012 20:26, Blogger snug.bug said...

Oh I see, the WTC elevator shafts were partitioned off, and that's why the air in the elevator shafts attacked isolated windows?

You have no point, and are only through the employment of spambulous wallpapering attempting to give the illusion that you do. You don't know what you're talking about.

At 16 December, 2012 20:53, Blogger GuitarBill said...

"...Since the stories below the level of collapse initiation provided little resistance to the tremendous energy released by the falling building mass, the building section above came down essentially in free fall, as seen in videos. As the stories below sequentially failed, the falling mass increases, further increasing the demand of the floors below, which were unable to arrest the moving mass...The falling mass of the building compressed the air ahead of it, much like the action of a piston, forcing material, such as smoke and debris, out the windows as seen in several videos." -- NIST Report, page 146.

That's expert testimony, jackass.

And that expert testimony supports MY INTERPRETATION OF EVENTS. All of the aforementioned applies to the elevator shafts and stairwells.

Now, cite yourself as an authority and pretend that watching a couple of 9/11 conspiracy theory videos makes you a fully-qualified civil engineer.

Should we expect less from a retarded gay sex predator? Probably not.


Brian Good's Insane Homeless Mullet for sex predators. (Credit to Mike Rosefierce).

9/11 Sex Stalker Brian Good Unmasked!

At 16 December, 2012 20:58, Blogger GuitarBill said...

Yawn! I think I've wasted enough of my time destroying the conspiracy theories promoted by a retarded gay sex predator for one day. I have better things to do than correct the retard's logical fallacies, smears, lies and innuendo.

Get back to me when you can support your lies, smears and innuendo with something other than the opinion of a retarded gay sex predator. Okay, jackass?



Brian Good's Insane Homeless Mullet for sex predators. (Credit to Mike Rosefierce).

9/11 Sex Stalker Brian Good Unmasked!

At 16 December, 2012 21:23, Blogger snug.bug said...

Your expert testimony says the building fell "essentially in free fall".

According to the first law of thermodynamics that is impossibl, unless the structural resistance below is eliminated by artificial means such as incendiaries or explosives.

I never said the air pressure should be equally distributed throughout the entire building. It should be equally distributed on the floor, which precludes blowing out isolated windows.

At 16 December, 2012 21:50, Blogger snug.bug said...

When you can't make your case without lying--as is the case with you, ButtGirl--then maybe you'd better find another case.

At 17 December, 2012 04:55, Blogger Ian said...

I see Brian didn't respond to me again, because I've thoroughly humiliated him and proved that he's a liar and lunatic who sniffs glue and wears women's underwear and ran away squealing and crying from a debate with 9/11 hero Willie Rodriguez.

At 17 December, 2012 08:35, Blogger snug.bug said...

This comment has been removed by the author.

At 17 December, 2012 08:43, Blogger snug.bug said...

Lyin' Ian, when you can't make your case without lying, then maybe you'd better find another case.

I didn't run away from the proven con artist Willie Fraudriguez. Here I am, and here Old Jigglecheeks is not.

At 17 December, 2012 11:24, Blogger GuitarBill said...

Still citing yourself as an authority, jackass? As I've explained to you on several occasions, "essentially" is a weasel word. When they say "essentially at free fall," they mean "not at free fall." Since you're impervious to truth and logic, you utterly fail to grasp this simple truth.

Wikipedia wrote, "...The use of adverbs such as notably and interestingly, and phrases such as it should be noted, to highlight something as particularly significant or certain without attributing that opinion should usually be avoided to maintain an impartial tone. Words such as fundamentally, essentially, and basically can indicate particular interpretative viewpoints, and thus should also be attributed in controversial cases. Care should be used with actually, which implies a fact is contrary to expectations; make sure this is verifiable and not just assumed. Clearly, obviously, naturally, and of course all presume too much about the reader's knowledge and perspective and are often excess verbiage. Wikipedia should not take a view as to whether an event was fortunate or not."

Perhaps if you weren't such a lying weasel you'd learn to think logically as opposed to thinking with your gut. Fool.

Furthermore, you are ASSUMING equal distribution of pressure where no such assumption can be made. Again, a skyscraper isn't a balloon or an Erlenmeyer flask. As a result, pressure differentials are a given -- and especially so given a progressive collapse.

And, as usual, I cite expert testimony and in response you cite yourself as an authority.

This idiocy passes for "proof" in your diseased mind.

Once again, you LOSE because you're unable to support your malarkey with anything other than the OPINION of a retarded gay sex predator.

Once again, you FAIL -- you neo-fascist liar.


Brian Good's Insane Homeless Mullet for sex predators. (Credit to Mike Rosefierce).

9/11 Sex Stalker Brian Good Unmasked!

At 17 December, 2012 11:30, Blogger GuitarBill said...

You are also guilty of cherry picking fallacy.

When the NIST Report supports your lies and distortions the NIST Report it's true. When the NIST Report proves you're wrong, the NIST Report is "incomplete, unscientific and unbelievable."

Once again, we can see that all you have are lies, smear tactics, innuendo and logical fallacies.

Once again, you FAIL, liar.


Brian Good's Insane Homeless Mullet for sex predators. (Credit to Mike Rosefierce).

9/11 Sex Stalker Brian Good Unmasked!

At 17 December, 2012 17:36, Blogger Ian said...

Lyin' Ian, when you can't make your case without lying, then maybe you'd better find another case.

I have. I proved that you said "there are no widows".

At 17 December, 2012 20:15, Blogger snug.bug said...

Still getting paid by the word, GutterBall?

I never said a skyscraper was a balloon. You seem to think that since a skyscraper is not a balloon, therefore it need not conform to the laws of physics.

You still have this childish thing about proof. NIST doesn't prove its case and it doesn't disprove mine. I don't know where you got the idea that there are sacred texts and heretical texts and never the twain shall meet, but wherever it was, it stunted your powers of reason.

At 17 December, 2012 23:52, Blogger snug.bug said...

Oh, and how does it feel to get scammed by a janitor, genius?

At 18 December, 2012 04:57, Blogger Ian said...

Poor Brian. After 4 years of posting endless dumbspam at this blog, he still hasn't figured out that 9/11 truth is dead, and that he's a mentally ill unemployed janitor who lives with his parents.

And no matter how much more dubmspam he posts at this blog, the above will never change. 9/11 truth will remain dead, and Brian will remain a mentally ill unemployed janitor who lives with his parents.

At 18 December, 2012 07:55, Blogger snug.bug said...

9/11 Truth is not dead, and the increasingly desperate nature of the arguments you guys have to invent to try to combat the very simple and irrefutable proposition that the official investigations were slipshod and inadequate is quite telling.

At 18 December, 2012 07:59, Blogger snug.bug said...

9/11 Truth will never be dead as long as the questions remain unanswered and the essential mysteries remain unexplained.

At 18 December, 2012 11:54, Blogger GuitarBill said...

Goat fucker, you don't know anything about the laws of physics. Tell us more about ΔT. And when you're finished, jackass, try to tell us that one should apply Boyle's law without differential pressure and volume measurements to plug into the equation -- you retard.

For you to suggest that NIST's explanation for the alleged "squibs" somehow violates the laws of physics is just more of your 100% fact-free, science illiterate drivel. Hell, you don't understand the difference between a skyscraper and an fixed volume container. Fool.

Is it any wonder that you're a college dropout? Probably not.

Don't you have an innocent troofer to sexually harass, gay boi?



Brian Good's Insane Homeless Mullet for sex predators. (Credit to Mike Rosefierce).

9/11 Sex Stalker Brian Good Unmasked!

At 18 December, 2012 13:26, Blogger snug.bug said...

This comment has been removed by the author.

At 18 December, 2012 13:37, Blogger snug.bug said...

GoiterButt, your blather about ΔT is dishonest. You falsely imply not only that I haven't already told you many many times all there is to know about ΔT, but that you are referring to some incident in which you got the better of me. Those are both lies. You falsely imply that your knowledge of ΔT is special and superior. There is nothing to know about it, it's a trivial concept, anybody who bothers to google it can see that in seconds, and for you to pretend that there's some secret about it is not just dishonest, but it makes you look very foolish.

For someone who claims to be a mathematician to continue to yammer about Boyle's law, waxing hysterically helpless in the face of a lack of input data is absurd. You know the size of the elevator shafts. Run some numbers already!

With respect to the squibs, NIST not only does not explain them, they don't even address them. They discuss "smoke and debris" being forced out at the collapse zone. They don't discuss jets of pulverized building material blasting out of isolated windows at 150 feet/second, and they don't mention the elevator shafts, and they certainly don't run any numbers. NIST's "explanation" thus does not explain, contrary to your misrepresentations.

The gas laws provide that pressure is exerted in all directions equally. Jets of pulverized material blasting out of isolated windows defies non-explosive explanations--which is why NIST pretends they don't exist.

At 18 December, 2012 14:23, Blogger GuitarBill said...

Yo shit for brains, I found a new website for you to vandalize.


In fact, they're looking for a resident retarded gay sex predator to "edit" their entries.

Opportunity knocks, asshole! You go, gurl!


Brian Good's Insane Homeless Mullet for sex predators. (Credit to Mike Rosefierce).

9/11 Sex Stalker Brian Good Unmasked!

At 18 December, 2012 14:32, Blogger GuitarBill said...

Holy fuckin' cow! I'm too late -- the goat fucker IS an editor!

Proof? Right here:

Newton's laws of motion


Brian Good's Insane Homeless Mullet for sex predators. (Credit to Mike Rosefierce).

9/11 Sex Stalker Brian Good Unmasked!

At 18 December, 2012 14:42, Blogger GuitarBill said...

Yep, this link proves beyond a doubt that Brian Good IS an uncyclopedia editor!

Antifrictional force

Yo go, gurl!


Brian Good's Insane Homeless Mullet for sex predators. (Credit to Mike Rosefierce).

9/11 Sex Stalker Brian Good Unmasked!

At 18 December, 2012 14:45, Blogger GuitarBill said...

Oh, my God! The goat fucker has been busy! Proof? Right here:


How do manage to be such a prolific editor, goat fucker? After all, your ass has been invaded more than Poland.


Brian Good's Insane Homeless Mullet for sex predators. (Credit to Mike Rosefierce).

9/11 Sex Stalker Brian Good Unmasked!

At 18 December, 2012 14:46, Blogger snug.bug said...

In other words, you can't even dispute, let alone refute, any of my points. Your nonsense about ΔT and the gas laws makes you look very, very silly.

At 18 December, 2012 14:58, Blogger GuitarBill said...

Brian "physics illiterate 'tard for 9/11 troof" Good brays, "...In other words, you can't...[blah][blah][blah]."

Logical fallacy: straw man argument

I've already cited NIST and proved that you're wrong, idiot. And your 100% fact-free non-responses and arguments from incredulity don't do a thing to prove NIST is in error. Tell us more about ΔT and Boyle's law, cretin.


Brian Good's Insane Homeless Mullet for sex predators. (Credit to Mike Rosefierce).

9/11 Sex Stalker Brian Good Unmasked!

At 18 December, 2012 15:00, Blogger GuitarBill said...

Look! It's Brian Good's Second Law of Motion.

Good's Second Law of Motion states that F = ma, where F is force, m is mass, and a is acceleration. Therefore this mathematical formula postulates that force is equal to "massacceleration", and that the unit of force is the kilogrammetres per second per second.

See? The goat fucker is chief editor for uncyclopedia.


Brian Good's Insane Homeless Mullet for sex predators. (Credit to Mike Rosefierce).

9/11 Sex Stalker Brian Good Unmasked!

At 18 December, 2012 15:03, Blogger GuitarBill said...

Sorry, I forgot the link. My bad.

Newtonian mechanics -- Good's Second Law of Motion.


Brian Good's Insane Homeless Mullet for sex predators. (Credit to Mike Rosefierce).

9/11 Sex Stalker Brian Good Unmasked!

At 18 December, 2012 15:13, Blogger GuitarBill said...

Look! It's Brian Good's Third Law of Motion!

"Good's Third Law of Motion states that for every action there is a reaction equal in magnitude, opposite in direction, and unknown as to whether or not anyone should actually care about it."

Good's Third Law of Motion.

So do they pay you for this "wisdom"?


Brian Good's Insane Homeless Mullet for sex predators. (Credit to Mike Rosefierce).

9/11 Sex Stalker Brian Good Unmasked!

At 18 December, 2012 15:48, Blogger snug.bug said...

UtterFool, you seem to be suffering under the delusion that it is sufficient to wave the sacred text (citing NIST) and all arguments are won.

NIST does not say what you claim. They do not explain the squibs. They ignore them. They talk about puffs of air and debris at the collapse floors. They do not explain the jets of pulverized building materials exiting at 150 feet/second from isolated windows 40 stories below the collapse zone.

It appears that you went to the Kevin Barrett school of rhetoric. Like you, when Barrett gets hit with a question he doesn't want to answer, he changes the subject and lies and cracks jokes in an effort to distract from the issues.

At 18 December, 2012 16:33, Blogger snug.bug said...

Oh and I forgot--how does it feel to get scammed by a janitor?

At 18 December, 2012 17:07, Blogger GuitarBill said...

Another argument from ignorance, cretin? You couldn't "scam" a child. You don't have the intellectual capacity, dufus. Who do you think you're fooling, jackass? Do you honestly think your lame arguments from ignorance trump the NIST Report?

Once again, you FAIL, 'tard.


Brian Good's Insane Homeless Mullet for sex predators. (Credit to Mike Rosefierce).

9/11 Sex Stalker Brian Good Unmasked!

At 18 December, 2012 17:13, Blogger snug.bug said...

It's an argument from your ignorance, UtterFail.

So now you're reduced to claiming the answers are somewhere in that 10,000-page book but you just don't know where, and somehow it's my
fault you can't prove your lies.

How does it feel to be scammed by the con artist janitor, Willie Fraudriguez, genius?

At 18 December, 2012 18:14, Blogger Ian said...

9/11 Truth is not dead, and the increasingly desperate nature of the arguments you guys have to invent to try to combat the very simple and irrefutable proposition that the official investigations were slipshod and inadequate is quite telling.

Yup, this is the kind of hysterical squealing I expected from Brian when pointing out that 9/11 truth is dead.

9/11 Truth will never be dead as long as the questions remain unanswered and the essential mysteries remain unexplained.

Brian, we've been over this. Nobody cares about irrelevant questions from paranoid lunatics, and the "essential mysteries" are the delusions of a failed janitor, liar, and lunatic. Nobody cares about those either.

At 18 December, 2012 18:26, Blogger M Gregory Ferris said...

"How can you dispute the fact that jets of pressure blowing out isolated windows represent unequal distributions of pressure?"

If you don't understand how the pressure of multiple tons of cement pushing through a semi-enclosed tube, forcing air through known gaps in the damaged inner core, blew out window THAT WERE ALREADY BROKEN then you're too stupid to hang out here.

This is why you can't hang at JREF, you can't compete past a 5th grade level on any subject (science, history, math).

How does it feel to loose the respect of Carol Brouillet to Willie? It eats you up for sure.

At 18 December, 2012 19:39, Blogger GuitarBill said...

Shit for brains lies, "..."How can you dispute the fact that jets of pressure blowing out isolated windows represent unequal distributions of pressure?"

Logical fallacy: straw man argument

I never said any such thing, asshole. I'm not disputing this at all. I've already explained why a building naturally lends itself to pressure differentials.

See? You're an idiot who relies on lies, smears, innuendo and logical fallacies.

And while you're at it, learn to read, liar.

Now, stop spewing logical fallacies and, above all, stop citing yourself as an authority. You're not an authority on any subject. Either substantiate your argument with expert testimony, or STFU.


Brian Good's Insane Homeless Mullet for sex predators. (Credit to Mike Rosefierce).

9/11 Sex Stalker Brian Good Unmasked!

At 18 December, 2012 20:34, Blogger snug.bug said...

Ian, your lying and purely ad hominem attacks discredit only yourself.

MGF, pray tell, how did isolated windows dozens of stories below the collapse zone manage to get broken mostly in the center of the wall? Why is the damage not random? And given that the jets of pulverized building material exited at 150 feet per second (100 mph), why would you think the windows needed pre-weakening? What accelerated the air to that speed?

Willie Fraudriguez hasn't been back to the Bay Area in five years now. I wish he would come. He knows what will happen if he does.

At 18 December, 2012 20:38, Blogger snug.bug said...

UtterFail, you are very confused. You accuse me of indulging in an argument from ignorance when it's you that can't support your lying claims. And then you characterize my own argument as a straw man argument. You are really deteriorating. I warned you that you were going to lose your marbles if you tolerated Ian's lies, and it looks like you have.

The Gas Laws and the NIST report aren't expert testimony enough for you?

At 18 December, 2012 22:09, Blogger sabba said...

Brian the Bitch said:Willie Fraudriguez hasn't been back to the Bay Area in five years now. I wish he would come. He knows what will happen if he does.

We went trough this before Brian Good. You will put on your pink panties and your red lipstick and will try to get willie's attention. You may even bring Janice Good to meet him and give you her blessings (after you change her diapers of course).

At 18 December, 2012 22:36, Blogger snug.bug said...

Wizzie LiedRugAs hasn't been to the Bay Area in five years and he won't come because he knows what I will do--I will send a press release to all the local media, I will picket the event, I will confront him if he has the guts to face me, and I will leaflet progressive events.

Willie stole his hero story from Pablo Ortiz, a true 9/11 hero who died when the towers collapsed. Death statistics show that the survival rates on Willie's 39 floors were no higher than on the other 120-something floors under the impact zone, so Willie's claim that he saved hundreds is a blatant lie. How come none of the hundreds (or their thousands of family members) will thank him? Because Willie is a blatant con artist.

At 18 December, 2012 22:46, Blogger snug.bug said...

He steals his glory from the dead heroes.

At 18 December, 2012 23:41, Blogger sabba said...

Brian the Chicken shit says: I will confront him if he has the guts to face me

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA He has more guts than you have hair.... He has challenged you to do that for the last five years bitch and you still running behind Richard Gage's pants, even though Richard kicked your ass out for the same reason.

and for 5 years you have failed to show up in NY and do your "facing". BUawhahahahahaha. Go put on your pink panties and clean up after Janice, will you....

At 18 December, 2012 23:46, Blogger sabba said...

How come none of the hundreds (or their thousands of family members) will thank you? Because Brian Good is a blatant con artist who was kicked out from Richard Gage's org. for posting here. Also was kicked from the San Francisco Group for stalking Carol Brouilliet and others.

At 19 December, 2012 04:51, Blogger Ian said...

Ian, your lying and purely ad hominem attacks discredit only yourself.

Squeal squeal squeal!

Wizzie LiedRugAs hasn't been to the Bay Area in five years and he won't come because he knows what I will do--I will send a press release to all the local media, I will picket the event, I will confront him if he has the guts to face me, and I will leaflet progressive events.

Poor Brian. He's so delusional, he thinks that the "local media" and progressive groups care about what an unemployed janitor, racist liar, and perverted sex predator thinks about a hero like Rodriguez.

Also, Brian, you're a pathetic coward who ran away squealing and crying when Rodriguez challenged you to a debate. You wouldn't confront him. You like being able to slander him from a distance.

At 19 December, 2012 04:53, Blogger Ian said...

and for 5 years you have failed to show up in NY and do your "facing".

Well, to be fair, Brian is unemployed and lives with his parents. Given that he still has his hideous homeless-mullet haircut, and his wardrobe is all from a Goodwill shop, I doubt he has the money for a plane ticket to NY.

At 19 December, 2012 08:48, Blogger snug.bug said...

Sabba, you're lying. Willie refuses to debate me except in a forum where the moderators indicated that they were more interested in causing harm to Willie's human shield than in sponsoring a dignified examination of the factual basis of Willie's story.

I have already debated him right here, and I kicked his fat saggy ass. Death statistics show that his claim that he saved hundreds is a lie. His claim that he rescued fifteen (15) persons is a lie. He stole his story from a dead hero (Pablo Ortiz) and he's a fraudulent con artist. I've proven that.

I don't need to come to NYC to prove that Willie is a fraud. I've done it right here. Willie hasn't been to the Bay Area in five years, though he's been to Los Angeles in that time for the Freedom Law School. I wrote to the Freedom Law School to tell them about Willie's lies, and it looks like he's lost that gig now.
Willie doesn't dare come to the Bay Area because he knows I will expose him for the con artist that he is.

At 19 December, 2012 11:39, Blogger sabba said...

Brian Good, gay admirer of Willie said: Sabba, you're lying. Willie refuses to debate me except in a forum where the moderators indicated that they were more interested in causing harm to Willie's human shield than in sponsoring a dignified examination of the factual basis of Willie's story.
You lie. Pat never said that. In fact, Rodriguez told you you could ask and bring anything to the debate. Counting he can do the same to prove your lies here. You knew he had to many letters ( he posted some) about what others thought about you including Carol and Richard Gage. Fact is you ran away.

I have already debated him right here, and I kicked his fat saggy ass.
Nope, you did not debate. you spammed the blog as you always do with repetitious nonsense and did not answered a single question coming from him while he answered yours. The only saggy ass that got kicked was yours for everyone to see.

He stole his story from a dead hero (Pablo Ortiz) and he's a fraudulent con artist. I've proven that.
In your stupid mind, you can believe anything you want. Funny thing is that nobody agrees with you. You even failed to take upon his invitation, not once, but several times to meet with the Ortiz family, members of his group. They think you are an idiot by the way.

I don't need to come to NYC to prove that Willie is a fraud.

We know. You cannot afford it.

I wrote to the Freedom Law School to tell them about Willie's lies, and it looks like he's lost that gig now.

Buawhahahahahahahah!!!!!! I just called the Freedom Law School and spoke to the President of that group. His name is Peymon Montahedeh. He told me you are an idiot and they love Willie and respect him very much. Don't believe me? Call them and prove me wrong. You want the number?

Willie doesn't dare come to the Bay Area because he knows I will expose him for the con artist that he is.

Oh you mean, like when he called your phone and you did not want to pick it up? I think the file of that call is still available here in the forum...

He has been there already for Private corporate presentations and you failed to face him. I guess you did not found out about them since it was not Public showings , so sorry for you, you did not have the opportunity to put on your pink panties and the red lipstick to meet him. Do not worry. I know he will show up again for the weeks of the anniversary to kick your ass , again, for the third year on the row. Brian, you are his bitch!

At 19 December, 2012 11:40, Blogger sabba said...

have you called Freedom Law School yet Brian? Buawhahahahahahahahha!!!!

At 19 December, 2012 11:41, Blogger sabba said...

Brian Good doesn't dare come to the New York City Area because he knows Willie and IAN will expose him for the con artist that he is.

At 19 December, 2012 11:58, Blogger snug.bug said...

Sabba, you lie. I never said Pat said what you said I said he said. I didn't run away from debate. I tried to find a neutral venue. I had one of the mods at 911blogger offer to host a debate. Willie ran away.

I kicked Willie's fat saggy ass and proved that his hero story is a lie from the 15 rescues to the hundreds saved.

If Willie has been in the Bay Area in the past five years he has sneaked in and out furtively. He knows that if he ever dares to show his sorry face here I will expose his fraudulence.

He steals his glory from dead heroes, he's afraid to debate me, and I've proven that his claims are lies.

At 19 December, 2012 13:15, Blogger sabba said...

Brian Good the Gay stalker said:Sabba, you lie.

I do not lie. you on the other hand, is more like part of your persona.

I never said Pat said what you said I said he said.

you did.

I didn't run away from debate.

Yes you did. More than once. Several years on a row.
I tried to find a neutral venue. I had one of the mods at 911blogger offer to host a debate. Willie ran away.

Nope, wrong again. Willie contacted the 9/11blogger admin and he said that Willie was welcome anytime and that they did not have any interest on what Brian Good the deranged stalker had to say. Then you mention Mosley, and Rodriguez contacted him, He gave WR the same answer. They had no interest in you but WR was welcome anytime. Then Rodriguez went to your old posting forum at SF9/11 truth and challenged you there. Again, you ran away. You then changed the tune that the only placed you will do it was going to be on Carol's Show. Rodriguez again contacted Carol and proved that "she will never, ever have you on her show".

Willie kicked your ass so hard that you do need Preparation H for a while now.

If Willie has been in the Bay Area in the past five years he has sneaked in and out furtively.

Sneaked? you give yourself way to much importance.

He knows that if he ever dares to show his sorry face here I will expose his fraudulence.

No, you will put on your pink panties and red lipstick and then bring Janice Good with you to meet Willie and then bless you.

He's afraid to debate me...
the only one afraid to even pick up his phone calls is you.

Have you called Freedom Law School yet? do you want the number? Bitch!

At 19 December, 2012 13:33, Blogger snug.bug said...

You lie, Mr. Creepy Anonymous Interney Poster. Why is it that the alleged 9/11 hero Willie Rodriguez's supporters are all liars?

You change the subject to your unverifiable and meaningless claims of phone calls, and panties. You will not discuss the fact that Willie's claim that he rescued fifteen persons is a lie, and you will not dicuss the fact that Willie's claim that he saved hundreds of lives by "opening doors and letting people out" is a lie, and you will not discuss the fact that his claim of a 22-story collapse is a lie.

The 22-story collapse is a particularly interesting lie--because if not for that fantasy, Willie's story goes:

"I climbed up the stairs to the 39th floor and let hundreds of people out who were trapped behind locked fire exit doors. And when I got to 39, David Lim ordered me to leave the building, and I turned my back on hundreds of people trapped behind locked fire exit doors on floors 40 to 87 and left them to die while I went downstairs, taking my lifesaving Key of Hope with me."

But the thing is, the death statistics show that hundreds of people were not trapped behind locked fire exit doors on floors 40 to 88--because 99% of those people evacuated successfully with no help from Willie at all.

At 19 December, 2012 13:42, Blogger sabba said...

Brian the bitch says:You lie, Mr. Creepy Anonymous Interney Poster. Why is it that the alleged 9/11 hero Willie Rodriguez's supporters are all liars?

I don't get it, and your name is?

You change the subject to your unverifiable and meaningless claims of phone calls, and panties.

the only one that changes the subject on every thread in this blog is you. We do not care about your obsession with the Hero. Why don't you try making the calls yourself, it is easily verifiable, but you are spineless and gutless anyway. Have you called Freedom Law School yet? do you need the number?

Now, why don't you go and put on your pink panties and red lipstick and then bring Janice Good with you to meet Willie and then bless you? Bitch.

At 19 December, 2012 13:51, Blogger snug.bug said...

There you go again, changing the subject to phone calls. You have nothing to say about Willie's lies about the 15 rescues, the hundreds saved, the Key of Hope, and the 22-story collapse. Nothing to say about the fact that Willie stole Pablo Ortiz's story and tried to pass it off as his own, that he travels the earth stealing his glory from the dead.

At 19 December, 2012 14:12, Blogger sabba said...

This comment has been removed by the author.

At 19 December, 2012 14:16, Blogger snug.bug said...

I have no need to call Freedom Law School. Old Jigglecheeks's name is not on the roster for 2013. That's all I need to know.

At 19 December, 2012 14:18, Blogger sabba said...

Brian the subject changer said:There you go again, changing the subject to phone calls.

There you go trying to change the subject again to your gay obsession with WR.

You were the one that mention Freedom Law School. I called and I got my answer. How come you will not call them? Do you need the number bitch? or do you need permission from Janice to call? since the phone on your house is under her name and she pays the bill...

At 19 December, 2012 14:23, Blogger sabba said...

Brian the Bitch -snug.bug said...
I have no need to call Freedom Law School. Old Jigglecheeks's name is not on the roster for 2013. That's all I need to know.
19 December, 2012 14:16

Now that is precious....
Gold, pure gold.

At 19 December, 2012 15:05, Blogger snug.bug said...

Willie's hero story is lies. He stole it from Pablo Ortiz. All the phone calls in the world can't change that. For the rest of his life he'll have to live with the fact that he's a lying scumbag who stole his glory from the dead.

At 19 December, 2012 15:10, Blogger sabba said...

Since Janice Good is 84 years old now, and clearly is supporting you, what the hell are you going to do when she passes away? are you going to use her money to push for a new investigation? what better way to honor her memory don't ya think? How about leaving her estate to Richard Gage's organization? ooops, I forgot, you got evicted from it! Ask Janice what she really wants done please. Or should we call her and ask her? will she want to talk about it or talk about willie just like you?

At 19 December, 2012 16:27, Blogger snug.bug said...

IOW, you have no answer to the fact that Willie's story is all lies.

At 19 December, 2012 16:33, Blogger sabba said...

IOW, you have no answer to the fact that you got kicked from Richard Gage's organization?

At 19 December, 2012 16:40, Blogger snug.bug said...

All lies. You can't deny it. I'm not aware that I've been kicked out of Mr. Gage's group. Where did you get that idea?

At 19 December, 2012 16:56, Blogger sabba said...

This comment has been removed by the author.

At 19 December, 2012 16:58, Blogger sabba said...

From Richard Gage. Who else. He doesn't need idiots like you posting in this site and was worried that WR was going to post the emails regarding you. You do not remember? we had a whole thread ( that you hijacked) about this way back. Have you called Richard to corroborate yet?

At 19 December, 2012 20:16, Blogger snug.bug said...

This comment has been removed by the author.

At 19 December, 2012 20:43, Blogger snug.bug said...

Since your sole purpose in posting here seems to be to try to punish me for pointing out that Old Jigglecheeks is a lying con artist, and since you don't even try to muster a single argument disputing the facts of Willie's blatant dishonesty, there is no reason to believe anything you say.

At 19 December, 2012 20:49, Blogger sabba said...

sure, what part you don't believe?
Do not ask Janice. Ask Richard instead.
Have you called Freedom Law School yet? do you need the number?
You wanna call Richard Gage? well, you have that number anyway.

At 19 December, 2012 21:21, Blogger snug.bug said...

I don't need to call anybody and there's no reason to believe you called anybody. You're just blowing smoke to try to protect a lyinf fraudster.

At 19 December, 2012 21:32, Blogger sabba said...

only a bitch like you will say something like that instead of proving me, a known member on this site, wrong. It shows that your idiotic accusations without corroborations are only speculations from an obsessed idiot. You were kicked from SF 9/11 truth group for stalking and harassing Carol Brouillet, you were kicked from Australia's 9/11 forum for spamming your obsessions. You were kicked out from Richard gage's group for posting here and harrasing activists. You live with an incontinent 85 year old woman named Janice. You implied you sent an email to Freedom Law School and due to that they did not use WR for any other events, I called them and proved you wrong. You failed to do the same. Now where did I lie bitch?

Carol Brouilliet will never ever have you on her show. is that a lie bitch?

You will never get to fuck Carol. That is also not a lie.

At 19 December, 2012 22:39, Blogger snug.bug said...

You're lying and blowing smoke to protect a proven fraudster, and none of your lies can change that fact.

You will not discuss the fact that Willie's claim that he rescued fifteen persons is a lie, and you will not dicuss the fact that Willie's claim that he saved hundreds of lives by "opening doors and letting people out" is a lie, and you will not discuss the fact that his claim of a 22-story collapse is a lie.

The 22-story collapse is a particularly interesting lie--because if not for that fantasy, Willie's story goes:

"I climbed up the stairs to the 39th floor and let hundreds of people out who were trapped behind locked fire exit doors. And when I got to 39, David Lim ordered me to leave the building, and I turned my back on hundreds of people trapped behind locked fire exit doors on floors 40 to 87 and left them to die while I went downstairs, taking my lifesaving Key of Hope with me."

But the thing is, the death statistics show that hundreds of people were not trapped behind locked fire exit doors on floors 40 to 88--because 99% of those people evacuated successfully with no help from Willie at all.

Willie stole his story from Pablo Ortiz--a true hero who died on 9/11.

At 19 December, 2012 22:51, Blogger sabba said...

You're lying and blowing smoke to protect a proven fraudster, and none of your lies can change that fact.

False. Not lies on my statements. Ask Janice, Carol or Richard.

Everything else...nobody cares about your obsessions with WR.


At 19 December, 2012 23:22, Blogger snug.bug said...

This comment has been removed by the author.

At 19 December, 2012 23:37, Blogger snug.bug said...

Nobody cares that Willie is a lying con artist? Gosh, whoda thunk that would be the case at a famous debunking website?

At 20 December, 2012 00:23, Blogger sabba said...

Nah, from the moment that WR renounced the many lies and BS of people like you, his errors and his honest views about 9/11, we then became more interested that Richard Gage is a con man and a fraud as well as you. We do not care anymore about your sexual obsessions with the Hero.
Ask Janice...

At 20 December, 2012 00:57, Blogger snug.bug said...

Did Willie renounce the lies of his fraudulent hero story? His hero story had nothing to do with 9/11 truth. It was all about getting financial support for his "mission".

At 20 December, 2012 08:56, Blogger sabba said...

Did Richard Gage renounce the lies of his fraudulent architect for truth story? His presentation story had nothing to do with the victims. It is all about getting financial support for his "mission" and organization and now for his movie which you work on.
Ask Janice, she will tell you.

At 20 December, 2012 08:58, Blogger sabba said...

P.S. Brian Good, you will never get a chance to fuck Carol.

Ask Janice.

At 20 December, 2012 09:02, Blogger snug.bug said...

I will take that as a "no". So Wizzie RugLiedAs did not renounce his fraudulent and patently ridiculous hero story, by which he steals his glory from the dead.

What exactly do you find fraudulent about Mr. Gage's story?

At 20 December, 2012 09:05, Blogger sabba said...

Take it anyway you want Bitch. Who cares and Since Janice Good is 84 years old now, and clearly is supporting you, what the hell are you going to do when she passes away? are you going to use her money to push for a new investigation? what better way to honor her memory don't ya think? How about leaving her estate to Richard Gage's organization? ooops, I forgot, you got evicted from it! Ask Janice what she really wants done please. Or should we call her and ask her? will she want to talk about it or talk about willie just like you?

At 20 December, 2012 09:24, Blogger snug.bug said...

Why do you keep talking about me? Do you have a point?

Is your point "It doesn't matter if William Rodriguez the disaster consultant is a liar who steals his glory from the dead--because snug.bug is a doo-doo-head"?

You're not even trying to defend Willie. All you do is attack me.

Are you the best Willie can find for supporters? What happened to that email list of 70,000 names? Can't Willie find one person who can put on a rational defense?

At 20 December, 2012 09:29, Blogger sabba said...

Why do you keep talking about me? Do you have a point?

You are the only idiot posting here.

Is your point "It doesn't matter if William Rodriguez the disaster consultant is a liar who steals his glory from the dead--because snug.bug is a doo-doo-head"?

We do not care about your sexual obsessions with WR, that has gone too long here with you.

You're not even trying to defend Willie. All you do is attack me.

you are not trying to defend yourself, all you do is attack Willie in every thread... and Barrett and Carol and others...

Are you the best Willie can find for supporters? What happened to that email list of 70,000 names? Can't Willie find one person who can put on a rational defense?

Yeah, we have a bitch in Palo Alto California who is 84 years old but is unable to muster a defense since you do not allow her...

At 20 December, 2012 09:31, Blogger sabba said...

P.S. Brian Good, you will never get to fuck Carol...

At 20 December, 2012 09:54, Blogger snug.bug said...

OK, thanks for demonstrating that you have no point, and that the famous 9/11 activist with an email list of 70,000 names can not get one competent supporter to plead his case.

At 20 December, 2012 09:55, Blogger snug.bug said...

How's Elvis, by the way?

At 20 December, 2012 10:02, Blogger Pat Cowardly said...

You are the only idiot posting here.

Don't forget Pat Curley, the saddest, most pathetic liar of all.

At 20 December, 2012 10:57, Blogger Michael Lewis said...

Don't forget Pat Curley, the saddest, most pathetic liar of all.

Aren't you supposed to be prepping for the Mayan Apocalypse?

At 20 December, 2012 12:12, Blogger sabba said...

This comment has been removed by the author.

At 20 December, 2012 12:17, Blogger sabba said...

You are the only idiot posting here.
Correction- one of two idiots posting here.

Don't forget Pat Curley, the saddest, most pathetic liar of all.

No, I think Brian won that prize, followed by Richard Gage.

Brian will never get to fuck Carol but I believe you may have a chance with Janice.

At 20 December, 2012 12:27, Blogger snug.bug said...

Poor Wizzie. With such friends, he needs no enemies.

But then Wizzie is his own worst enemy.

At 20 December, 2012 12:27, Anonymous Anonymous said...

snug.bug said...
How's Elvis, by the way?

the rumor is that he was licking Janice's pussy and died

At 20 December, 2012 12:28, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Poor Richard Gage. With such friends, he needs no enemies.

But then Richard Gage is his own worst enemy.

At 20 December, 2012 12:31, Blogger sabba said...

Poor Brian Good. With such friends, he needs no enemies...oh wait!!! Brian does not have any friends! Ask Carol Brouilliet.

But then Brian Good is his own worst enemy.

At 20 December, 2012 12:32, Blogger GuitarBill said...

Lying Brian Good lies, "...The Gas Laws and the NIST report aren't expert testimony enough for you?"

You didn't quote NIST, you fucking liar, I quoted NIST at time stamp 16 December, 2012 20:53:

"...Since the stories below the level of collapse initiation provided little resistance to the tremendous energy released by the falling building mass, the building section above came down essentially in free fall, as seen in videos. As the stories below sequentially failed, the falling mass increases, further increasing the demand of the floors below, which were unable to arrest the moving mass...The falling mass of the building compressed the air ahead of it, much like the action of a piston, forcing material, such as smoke and debris, out the windows as seen in several videos." -- NIST Report, page 146.

Once again, you FAIL, liar.

Shit for brains lies, "...And then you characterize my own argument as a straw man argument."

Your argument is a straw man argument -- you lying queer.

Here's what I wrote, liar:

"...A skyscraper is not a balloon or an Erlenmeyer flask, jackass. A skyscraper is PARTITIONED; thus, pressure differentials are a reality." -- GuitarBill at time stamp 16 December, 2012 17:11

I have argued from the very beginning that pressure differentials are normal in ANY BUILDING.

See? You can't be trusted to debate in good faith.

In fact, you're up to your old tricks again, cocksucker?

Your straw man tactics are as transparent as the air between your ears. You twist my argument beyond recognition and then attack your twisted misinterpretation of my argument. And that, jackass, BY DEFINITION, is a straw man argument.

Once again, you FAIL, liar.

See? All you have are logical fallacies, lies, smear tactics and innuendo.

It's any wonder that you're a college dropout and a disgusting sex predator? Probably not.


Brian Good's Insane Homeless Mullet for sex predators. (Credit to Mike Rosefierce).

9/11 Sex Stalker Brian Good Unmasked!

At 20 December, 2012 12:38, Blogger GuitarBill said...

Yo goat fucker! Weren't you diagnosed as "polymorphous perverse"?

This explains why you'll try to fuck anything with a heartbeat. Your sexuality has never developed past that of a 4 year old.

Is it any wonder that Carol Brouillet exposed your perverse sexuality years ago? Probably not.



Brian Good's Insane Homeless Mullet for sex predators. (Credit to Mike Rosefierce).

9/11 Sex Stalker Brian Good Unmasked!

At 20 December, 2012 12:55, Blogger snug.bug said...

Blah blah blah. The only people who are fooled by your nonsense are the ones who think (wrongly) that the reason it doesn't make sense to them is because you're smarter than they are.

So UtterFail, how does it feel to be scammed by a janitor?

At 20 December, 2012 13:01, Blogger GuitarBill said...

This comment has been removed by the author.

At 20 December, 2012 13:05, Blogger GuitarBill said...

What's the matter, asshole, fresh out of lies after I exposed your straw man tactics?

When will you learn that you're no match for someone with a real university education?

So as a polymorphous pervert, who fucks males, females, animals and inanimate objects, do you fuck insects, too -- you needle-dick pervert?


Brian Good's Insane Homeless Mullet for sex predators. (Credit to Mike Rosefierce).

9/11 Sex Stalker Brian Good Unmasked!

At 20 December, 2012 13:09, Blogger snug.bug said...

Oh, you get bitchy when you're razzed about being scammed by a janitor!

At 20 December, 2012 13:14, Blogger snug.bug said...

The quality of your insults reveals the lack of quality of your mind.

At 20 December, 2012 13:20, Blogger GuitarBill said...

This comment has been removed by the author.

At 20 December, 2012 13:22, Blogger GuitarBill said...

Yo pervert! Pat just posted another thread for you to hijack.



Brian Good's Insane Homeless Mullet for sex predators. (Credit to Mike Rosefierce).

9/11 Sex Stalker Brian Good Unmasked!

At 20 December, 2012 13:23, Blogger GuitarBill said...

More 100% fact-free nonsense and lies, loser?

You couldn't scam a child. But given your sordid history of sexual depravity, you'd try to bugger the poor kid.


Your inability to substantiate your lies, half-truths and distortions with anything other than lies, smears and innuendo reveals your congenital intellectual deficiencies.


Once again, you FAIL, gay boi.


Brian Good's Insane Homeless Mullet for sex predators. (Credit to Mike Rosefierce).

9/11 Sex Stalker Brian Good Unmasked!

At 20 December, 2012 13:34, Blogger snug.bug said...

Willie scammed you. You fell for his con hook line and sinker. So tell me, how does it feel to be scammed by a janitor, genius?

At 20 December, 2012 13:42, Blogger sabba said...

Brian Good writes: Oh, you get bitchy when you're razzed about being scammed by a janitor!

No Brian, you get bitchy when nobody here
cares to talk to you about your obsession with WR. The only thing that keeps you going in this life is WR and we do not give you the attention you desperately need. That is why you were kicked out from every 9/11 group out there.

Do yourself a favor. Do not get bitchy and go change Janice's diapers.

At 20 December, 2012 13:57, Blogger sabba said...

Richard Gage scammed you. You fell for his con hook line and sinker. So tell me, how does it feel to be scammed by an architect for truth? genius?

Carol rejected your advances. How does it feel to be rejected by her?

William Rejected your advances and calls for attention. How does it feels to be rejected by a hero?

SanFrancisco 9/11 Truth Group rejected your harassment of others. How does it feels to be rejected by your peers?

The Green Party rejected your claims against Carol. How does it feels to be rejected by the activists?

Richard Gage rejected your actions here and kicked you out after using you for a video. How does it feels to be rejected by your man?

Wikipedia rejected your posts due to harassment and vandalizing. How does it feels to be rejected by Wikipedia?

Democratic Underground rejected your obsession with WR and told you to stop and never raise the issue ever again. How does it feel, Petgoat , to be rejected by DU?

Michael Wolsey, 9/11 blogger, SF9/11 Truth, Australia 9/11 Truth, 9/11Truth Org, DU, Scholars for 9/11 truth etc etc, Rejected you as well. How does it feel when every group think there is something wrong about you?

Face it, here is the only place were you can post your nonsense and we laugh at it.

This is the only place that allows you to spam your obsession with others on every single thread, for years. We do not care to revisit every single ass kicking you have received for every repetitious statements you have done.
Get help.

At 20 December, 2012 14:27, Blogger snug.bug said...

Nice job of not giving me any attention, sabba.

I'm not posting nonsense. I kick UtterFail's ass every time he tries to pretend he has an argument, and I've proven that Willie's hero tale is a lie from the 15 singlehanded rescues to the 22-story collapse.

At 20 December, 2012 14:37, Blogger sabba said...

This comment has been removed by the author.

At 20 December, 2012 14:39, Blogger sabba said...

Nice job of not giving me any attention, sabba.

You are just the fun relief here in contrast from the other places that you were banned from.

I'm not posting nonsense.
don't get emotional bitch.

I kick UtterFail's ass every time he tries to pretend he has an argument, and I've proven that Willie's hero tale is a lie from the 15 singlehanded rescues to the 22-story collapse.

you failed in both counts and proven wrong on both counts. Your desperate spamming of your same obsession to engage the same repetitious arguments are boring already. Nobody cares about your theories and your claims. You have been beaten too many times, over and over and over. Is better for you to give attention to your aging bitch at home. She can lend you an ear...

At 20 December, 2012 14:44, Blogger GuitarBill said...

Lying Brian Good squeals, "...I kick UtterFail's ass every time he tries to pretend he has an argument...[blah][blah][blah]."

You certainly go out of your way to prove that you're delusional. In fact, you're so insane that you'll continue to lie while the evidence against you stares your straight in your ferret face.

Should we expect less from an insane sex predator who was diagnosed as polymorphous perverse? Probably not.

Look! It's Brian Good! Hide your children and the livestock!



Brian Good's Insane Homeless Mullet for sex predators. (Credit to Mike Rosefierce).

9/11 Sex Stalker Brian Good Unmasked!

At 20 December, 2012 14:57, Blogger snug.bug said...

All you guys have is lies. Utterfail, how does it feel to be scammed by a janitor, genius?

Death statistics show that Willie's claim that he saved hundreds is a lie. His claim that he rescued fifteen (15) persons is a lie. He stole his story from a dead hero (Pablo Ortiz) and he's a fraudulent con artist. I've proven that.

The 22-story collapse is a particularly interesting lie--because if not for that fantasy, Willie's story goes:

"I climbed up the stairs to the 39th floor and let hundreds of people out who were trapped behind locked fire exit doors. And when I got to 39, David Lim ordered me to leave the building, and I turned my back on hundreds of people trapped behind locked fire exit doors on floors 40 to 87 and left them to die while I went downstairs, taking my lifesaving Key of Hope with me."

But the thing is, the death statistics show that hundreds of people were not trapped behind locked fire exit doors on floors 40 to 88--because 99% of those people evacuated successfully with no help from Willie at all.

Survival rates on Willie's 39 floors were no higher than on the other 120-something floors under the impact zone, so Willie's claim that he saved hundreds is a blatant lie. How come none of the hundreds (or their thousands of family members) will thank him? Because Willie is a blatant con artist.

Wizzie stole his story from Pablo Ortiz--a true hero who died on 9/11.

At 20 December, 2012 15:06, Blogger sabba said...

Brian Good, we proved you have been kicked out from so many groups that apparently should share your views. They do not.

We proved you harassed and stalked Carol Brouilliet and others.

We proved you lied on predictions you made about others.

You were challenged many times and ran away from questions from those who challenged you.

We proved you are Petgoat.

We proved who you are and where you live.

and over all, we proved you are demented and obsessed.

Have you changed Janice's diapers today?

At 20 December, 2012 15:09, Blogger sabba said...

How come none of the hundreds (or their thousands of family members) will thank you? Because Brian Good is a blatant con artist who was kicked out from Richard Gage's org. for posting here. Also was kicked from the San Francisco Group for stalking Carol Brouilliet and others.

At 20 December, 2012 15:22, Blogger GuitarBill said...

Shit for brains whines, "...All you guys have is [SIC] lies."

Illiterate much, shit for brains?

You claim to be a "college graduate" and you don't know when to use are versus is?

Thanks for proving that you're an illiterate charlatan, pervert.


Brian Good's Insane Homeless Mullet for sex predators. (Credit to Mike Rosefierce).

9/11 Sex Stalker Brian Good Unmasked!

At 20 December, 2012 15:35, Blogger snug.bug said...

Oh look at sabbalita getting all steamy and frustrated, 'cause nothing she can say can change the fact that I've proven that Willie's hero story is a scam.

And look at UtterFail trying to play Grammer Police after punking out in his efforts to show how jets of pulverized building materials could exit at 150 feet per second from isolated windows.

Thanks for the English lesson, ButtGirl. Now I know not to say anything ignorant like "All is lost." I can follow the ButtGirl rules of grammar and know it's "all are lost".

At 20 December, 2012 15:44, Blogger GuitarBill said...

Idiot, are is the plural form of be. Thus, literate people say, "All you have are lies." Sub-literates and masters of Ebonics say, "All you have is lies."

Stupid, arrogant, dishonest and a pervert -- what a charming combination.

And you want to lecture us about 9/11? What a joke.


Once again, you FAIL, charlatan.


Brian Good's Insane Homeless Mullet for sex predators. (Credit to Mike Rosefierce).

9/11 Sex Stalker Brian Good Unmasked!

At 20 December, 2012 16:02, Blogger snug.bug said...

All you have are bull shits.

How does it feel to be scammed by a janitor with a fraudulent herop story, genius?

At 20 December, 2012 16:08, Blogger GuitarBill said...

Shit for brains lies, "...fraudulent herop [SIC] story...[blah][blah][blah]."

Another demonstration of the breadth and depth of your stupidity, pervert? I could eat a bowl of alphabet soup and shit out a smarter statement than that -- you droolin' 'tard.


Brian Good's Insane Homeless Mullet for sex predators. (Credit to Mike Rosefierce).

9/11 Sex Stalker Brian Good Unmasked!

At 20 December, 2012 16:57, Blogger snug.bug said...

You'll never be able to admit you were wrong about Willie.

That's 'cause you're a silly ButtGirl.

At 20 December, 2012 17:02, Blogger sabba said...

You'll never be able to admit you stalked and harassed Carol and Willie.

That's 'cause you're a silly sex pervert incapable of admitting wrong.

Did you clean up after Janice Good today Brian?

At 20 December, 2012 17:04, Blogger sabba said...

Oh look at Brianlessito, getting all steamy and frustrated, 'cause nobody cares about his obsessions. Not even Richard Gage.


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