Friday, February 08, 2013

Art Vandals for 9/11 Truth

One of Gage's gaggle went all nuts recently on a famous painting at the Louvre, not the big one in Paris but a smaller branch:

The 28-year-old woman scribbled "AE911" in permanent marker on a foot long section at the bottom of the painting.
"AE911" is a shortened form of "Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth", a group whose website says they are calling for an inquiry into the World Trade Centre attacks to see whether they were destroyed by explosives. She was immediately seized by a guard and another visitor, and is being questioned by police.
"She appears to be a person with mental health problems," said the local prosecutor, Philippe Peyroux. He also called for the young woman to be examined by a psychiatrist, saying: "She has moments of lucidity and delirious outbursts." 

Judging by the description of the woman, she should pretty much fit right in at the average AE911 Truth meeting.

Fortunately they were able to repair the painting.  H/T to regular reader Guitar Bill for pointing out this bit of nuttiness.


At 09 February, 2013 01:51, Blogger Doug Brinkman said...

This comment has been removed by the author.

At 09 February, 2013 02:10, Blogger Oystein said...


this is anecdotal evidence that AE911 followers are nuts.

It proves that one (1) AE911 follower is nuts. No more, no less.

AE911T can claim close to 20,000 followers from their petition, and actually has over 100,000 followers on Facebook. 0 or 1 of those are now certified nuts.

This anecdote confirms your prejudice. But don't pretend it's significant data. Maybe it could become part of significant data, if and when somebody starts studying truthers vs. general people in earnest.

It shall be inzeresting to watch how other truthers react ;) Kudos to Doug for taking a clear stand.

At 09 February, 2013 02:49, Blogger GuitarBill said...

Oystein wrote, "It proves that one (1) AE911 follower is nuts. No more, no less."


Only "one AE911 follower is nuts"?!?!?!?!? Bullshit.

I beg to differ, your alleged sir.

E.g., [1] Sean Fitzgerald, who stabbed his father, Dr. Edward Fitzgerald, to death while his mom slept in the same bed.; [2] Curtiss Maynard, who murdered his wife, Melissa Meza, 34, before killing himself; [3] James W. Von Brunn, who murdered Holocaust Museum security guard Stephen Tyrone Johns, 39; [4] Kurt Sonnenfeld, who allegedly murdered his wife, Nancy Sonnenfeld, 36. Today, Sonnenfeld is a fugitive who lives in Argentina. He is wanted for murder by the Denver police and the FBI; [5] Richard Poplawski, a rabid 9/11 troofer and devoted Alex Jones fan who killed three Pittsburgh, PA cops; [6] Jared Loughner, who murdered six people in an Arizona shooting spree; [7] John Patrick Bedell, the Pentagon shooter, who was killed after wounding two police officers; and [7] Byron Williams, who instigated a shootout with the California Highway Patrol but failed to kill anyone.

Can you see the pattern, Mr. "inzeresting" [SIC]?

So far, the troofer body count is a grand total of 12. Is that statistic grizzly enough for you, chump?


Brian Good's Insane Homeless Mullet for sex predators. (Credit to Mike Rosefierce).

9/11 Sex Stalker Brian Good Unmasked!

At 09 February, 2013 02:56, Blogger GuitarBill said...


[7] John Patrick Bedell.

Sorry, my bad.


Brian Good's Insane Homeless Mullet for sex predators. (Credit to Mike Rosefierce).

9/11 Sex Stalker Brian Good Unmasked!

At 09 February, 2013 04:19, Blogger Oystein said...

@ GutarBill:
"Only "one AE911 follower is nuts"?!?!?!?!? Bullshit."
Surely you can do better than that. Did I write "only"? No I didn't! You made that up! Why do you resort to low, cheap truther tactics?

"[1] Sean Fitzgerald... [2] Curtiss Maynard... [3] James W. Von Brunn... [4] Kurt Sonnenfeld... [5] Richard Poplawski... [6] Jared Loughner... [7] John Patrick Bedell... [7] Byron Williams... John Patrick Bedell"
Can you substantiate your implied claim that these are AE911Truth followers? Not one of these eight has signed the AE911Truth Petition!

At 09 February, 2013 04:30, Blogger GuitarBill said...

Asshole wrote, "...Did I write 'only'? No I didn't! You made that up! Why do you resort to low, cheap truther tactics?"

Fuck you, liar! Here's what YOU wrote, liar:

"It proves that one (1) AE911 follower is nuts. No more, no less."

Don't fuck with me, Eurofag.

Cretin wrote, "...Can you substantiate your implied claim that these are AE911Truth followers?"

I gave you the hyperlinks to substantiate my argument, you bullshit troofer fraud who masquerades as a "debunker." READ THEM, idiot.


Brian Good's Insane Homeless Mullet for sex predators. (Credit to Mike Rosefierce).

9/11 Sex Stalker Brian Good Unmasked!

At 09 February, 2013 05:01, Blogger GuitarBill said...

Oystein the troofer fraud wrote, "Can you substantiate your implied claim that these are AE911Truth followers?"

Right here, troofer fraud:

Truther Body Count, by Pat, 11 January 2001.

Any questions, fraud?

By the way, TrooferStein, who do you think you're fooling, EuroFraud?


Brian Good's Insane Homeless Mullet for sex predators. (Credit to Mike Rosefierce).

9/11 Sex Stalker Brian Good Unmasked!

At 09 February, 2013 05:03, Blogger Oystein said...

@ GuitarBill"liar! Here's what YOU wrote, liar:

"It proves that one (1) AE911 follower is nuts. No more, no less."

Bill, when you read, do you only look at the first two letters of each word? Do you believe "one" is the same as "only"? Or, for that matter, do you think than "one" is the same as "only one"? If so, then think twice, cuz you're wrong ;)

"I gave you the hyperlinks to substantiate my argument, ... READ THEM."
I checked them all. None of them linked any of these men to AE911Truth.
Sure, they are truthers, and probably some of them had, or would have had, some affinity to AE911Truth. But AE911Truth followers are only a subset of Truthers. Other subsets include Judy Wood nuts and nukers. Those subsets are largely disjoint.

So I asked you if you could substantiate that any of the men you mentioned are followers of AE911Truth. You failed to substantiate that.

So my statement remains correct: In this post and thread, there is proof for only 1 (yes, I am not writing "only" 1 - for which we presently have proof in this thread) AE911Truth follwer who is nuts.
That is NOT the same as "proof that only 1 AE911Truth follower is nuts" - totally different statement, and one I would never make! I think almost all AE911Truth followers are nuts - what I question is if the incidence of criminally and violently deranged individuals is significantly increased among AE911Truth followers. It seems a plausible proposition, and I am not saying it is false. I am just saying we don't have evidence for it. We only currently have this one anecdote of a lady in France who may or may not be among the <20,000 petition signers or 100,000+ Facebook followers of AE911Truth.

"Asshole ... Fuck you ... Eurofag ... Cretin ... bullshit troofer fraud ... idiot"
Everything you write first reflects on yourself, and only secondly on the subject you are writing about. This is especially and notoriously true of insults: They mostly inform us about the speaker, not the insulted party.

At 09 February, 2013 05:07, Blogger Oystein said...

Oops correction:
In my previous post I wrote
"(yes, I am not writing "only" 1..."

Should have been
"(yes, I am now writing "only" 1..."

At 09 February, 2013 05:24, Blogger GuitarBill said...

Oystein the troofer fraud wrote, "...Sure, they are truthers."

LOL! Yeah, and so are YOU.

Oystein the troofer fraud wrote, "...Do you believe 'one' is the same as 'only'?

-- adj -- Without anyone or anything else; alone

One -- adj -- Being a single entity, unit, object, or living being.

You're an idiot, and you've earned the insults, troofer scum.


Brian Good's Insane Homeless Mullet for sex predators. (Credit to Mike Rosefierce).

9/11 Sex Stalker Brian Good Unmasked!

At 09 February, 2013 05:52, Blogger Oystein said...

You know what, Bill?

You are every bit as illogical and fact-free as the worst of the Twoofers.

You are every bit as mentally instable as the worst of the Twoofers.

You are every bit as criminally deranged as that woman in Paris. Actually more so: She only tried to damage an inanimate object. You go out of your way almost every day of your life tring to hurt people as much as you can.

You are every bit as much a failure as the worst of the Twoofers. Even whan you try to insult people.

You are a major embarrassment.

At 09 February, 2013 06:02, Blogger GuitarBill said...

Another 100% fact-free rant, Euro-troofer scum?

So why did you go out of your way to studiously avoid my argument, troofer fraud? So did I substantiate my argument, or not, liar? Go for it, genius.

You're as transparent as the air between your ears, troofer scum.

Now go play in the freeway -- you lying, underhanded Eurofag.

At 09 February, 2013 06:21, Blogger Oystein said...

I wrote in my first comment:
"AE911T can claim close to 20,000 followers from their petition, and actually has over 100,000 followers on Facebook. 0 or 1 of those are now certified nuts."

The French paper "Le Parisien" wrote yesterday:
"C'est une visiteuse du Louvre-Lens, domiciliée dans le Pas-de-Calais, qui a tracé une inscription sur le célèbre tableau de Delacroix peu avant la fermeture du musée, vers 18 heures. Agée de 28 ans et jusqu'alors inconnue de la justice, elle a écrit au marqueur, sur 30 centimètres de long sur six centimètres de haut en bas à droite du tableau, «AE911»."

"domiciliée dans le Pas-de-Calais" means "resident of Pas-de-Calais", if my French is any good. Pas-de-Calais is a Departement, which is an administrative district similar to a County in the USA. I checked my AE911Truth database for signers with a female name from Pas-de-Calais or one of its major towns (Calais, Lens, Arras, Boulogne-sur-Mer, Liévens, Béthune), but came up empty. So it seems this woman isn't even an AE911Truth supporter in the formal sense that she signed the petition.

At 09 February, 2013 06:32, Blogger Oystein said...

"So did I substantiate my argument, or not, liar?"
No, you didn't.

"One" and "only" or "only one" don't mean the same thing.

An example:
"To prove that GuitarBill is a criminal, you have to present evidence that he has been convicted of one crime".
This is NOT the same as saying
"To prove that GuitarBill is a criminal, you have to present evidence that he has been convicted of only one crime"
It is instead the same as saying
"To prove that GuitarBill is a criminal, you have to present evidence that he has been convicted of at least one crime"

Get it?

When I wrote

"It [meaning this anecdotal evidence, refering to a woman in Lens, France, defacing a painting] proves that one (1) AE911 follower is nuts. No more, no less."
the meaning was identical to
"It [meaning this anecdotal evidence, refering to a woman in Lens, France, defacing a painting] proves that at least one (1) AE911 follower is nuts. No more, no less."
and did NOT mean "only one".

This anecdotal evidence however does NOT prove that "two or more" AE911Truth followers are nuts. That anecdotal evidence is indeed proof for "only" this one.

Bill, that's over your head, or you can't read this with your blood-shot eyes, right? Cuz sure as hell you will not apologize for your embarrassing blunder and the unwarranted insults and instead insult me more - am I right?

At 09 February, 2013 07:01, Blogger James B. said...

I never said this was a statistically valid sample of their membership. Doesn't mean I can't make fun of you nut jobs. There is a very strong correlation between mental illness, especially paranoia, and believing in conspiracy theories, for obvious reasons. Conspiracy theorists aren't dumb, in the usual sense, in fact many of them are very intelligent, but they see things that are not there.

At 09 February, 2013 11:15, Blogger GuitarBill said...

Well, if nothing else, we outed that troofer scumbag, "Oystein."

Sucks to be you, TroofStein.




Brian Good's Insane Homeless Mullet for sex predators. (Credit to Mike Rosefierce).

9/11 Sex Stalker Brian Good Unmasked!

At 09 February, 2013 11:25, Blogger GuitarBill said...

And no, TroofStein, I refuse to apologize for your idiotic straw man argument -- you logical fallacy spewing liar.

So TroofStein, how many holographic planes hit the Towers on 11 September 2001?



Brian Good's Insane Homeless Mullet for sex predators. (Credit to Mike Rosefierce).

9/11 Sex Stalker Brian Good Unmasked!

At 09 February, 2013 12:00, Blogger snug.bug said...

UtterFail's still making a fool of himself, I see.

At 09 February, 2013 12:16, Blogger GuitarBill said...

This comment has been removed by the author.

At 09 February, 2013 12:19, Blogger GuitarBill said...

Care to elaborate, jackass? Or are you just tossing scat at the wall like a brain-dead troofer monkey?

Or maybe you can tell us more about ΔT and the proper application of Boyle's Law vs The Ideal Gas Law-- you science illiterate compulsive liar.

Sexually harassed any innocent troofer swine lately, Lothario?


Brian Good's Insane Homeless Mullet for sex predators. (Credit to Mike Rosefierce).

9/11 Sex Stalker Brian Good Unmasked!

At 09 February, 2013 12:32, Blogger snug.bug said...

I've already told you all there is to ΔT, and my application of the gas laws was entirely correct. You are trying to create the false impression of controversy where there is none.

Where's old Jiggle-Cheeks, anyway? How does it feel to be scammed by a janitor, Einstein?

At 09 February, 2013 12:40, Blogger GuitarBill said...

More historical revision, liar? You didn't know a thing about ΔT until I explained the concept to you, liar. Furthermore, you tried to apply Boyle's Law where no differential pressure or volume measurements exist. Thus, you're a PROVEN science illiterate retard, liar.

You, moreover, have NO moral authority, liar. After all, you're a science illiterate cretin who was kicked out of the 9/11 "truth" movement because you're a pervert and a liar. I guess on planet petgoat perverts and liars are "moral authorities."

So what's the matter, pervert, are you pissed off because I exposed your sock puppet, TroofStein?



Brian Good's Insane Homeless Mullet for sex predators. (Credit to Mike Rosefierce).

9/11 Sex Stalker Brian Good Unmasked!

At 09 February, 2013 12:46, Blogger snug.butt.plug said...

Where's old Jiggle-Cheeks, anyway?

I'm not a deranged homosexual who's obsessed with Willie Rodriguez...I'm not a deranged homosexual who's obsessed with Willie Rodriguez...I'm not a deranged homosexual who's obsessed with Willie Rodriguez...I'm not a deranged homosexual who's obsessed with Willie Rodriguez...I'm not a deranged homosexual who's obsessed with Willie Rodriguez...I'm not a deranged homosexual who's obsessed with Willie Rodriguez...I'm not a deranged homosexual who's obsessed with Willie Rodriguez...I'm not a deranged homosexual who's obsessed with Willie Rodriguez...I'm not a deranged homosexual who's obsessed with Willie Rodriguez...I'm not a deranged homosexual who's obsessed with Willie Rodriguez...I'm not a deranged homosexual who's obsessed with Willie Rodriguez...I'm not a deranged homosexual who's obsessed with Willie Rodriguez...I'm not a deranged homosexual who's obsessed with Willie Rodriguez...I'm NOT....I'm NOT....I'm NOT!

At 09 February, 2013 13:08, Blogger snug.bug said...

Butt Gale is so full of himself he has no idea how silly he is.

Hey, speaking of Willie R, guess what! It seems he's reinvented himself as a "twoofer" again!

So I guess his career as a non-conspiracy-theorist disaster management consultant wasn't working out so well for him. Probably Barrett got this gig for Wizzie, 'cause Barrett has a good "in" with Press TV. Wizzie is still flogging his "Key of Hope" crap.

At 09 February, 2013 13:18, Blogger snug.butt.plug said...

Willie Willie Willie Willie Willie Willie Willie Willie Willie Willie Willie Willie Willie Willie Willie Willie Willie Willie Willie Willie Willie Willie Willie Willie Willie Willie Willie Willie Willie Willie Willie Willie Willie Willie Willie Willie Willie Willie Willie Willie Willie Willie Willie Willie Willie Willie Willie Willie Willie Willie Willie Willie Willie Willie Willie Willie Willie Willie Willie Willie Willie Willie Willie Willie Willie Willie Willie Willie Willie Willie Willie Willie Willie Willie Willie Willie Willie Willie Willie Willie Willie Willie Willie Willie Willie Willie Willie Willie Willie Willie...WILLIE!

Speaking of Willie R, I'm not a deranged homosexual who's obsessed with Willie Rodriguez...I'm not a deranged homosexual who's obsessed with Willie Rodriguez...I'm not a deranged homosexual who's obsessed with Willie Rodriguez...I'm not a deranged homosexual who's obsessed with Willie Rodriguez...I'm not a deranged homosexual who's obsessed with Willie Rodriguez...I'm not a deranged homosexual who's obsessed with Willie Rodriguez...I'm not a deranged homosexual who's obsessed with Willie Rodriguez...I'm not a deranged homosexual who's obsessed with Willie Rodriguez...I'm not a deranged homosexual who's obsessed with Willie Rodriguez...I'm not a deranged homosexual who's obsessed with Willie Rodriguez...I'm not a deranged homosexual who's obsessed with Willie Rodriguez...I'm not a deranged homosexual who's obsessed with Willie Rodriguez...I'm not a deranged homosexual who's obsessed with Willie Rodriguez...I'm not a deranged homosexual who's obsessed with Willie Rodriguez...I'm not a deranged homosexual who's obsessed with Willie Rodriguez...I'm not a deranged homosexual who's obsessed with Willie Rodriguez...I'm not a deranged homosexual who's obsessed with Willie Rodriguez...I'm not a deranged homosexual who's obsessed with Willie Rodriguez...I'm not a deranged homosexual who's obsessed with Willie Rodriguez...I'm not a deranged homosexual who's obsessed with Willie Rodriguez...I'm not a deranged homosexual who's obsessed with Willie Rodriguez...I'm not a deranged homosexual who's obsessed with Willie Rodriguez...I'm not a deranged homosexual who's obsessed with Willie Rodriguez...I'm not a deranged homosexual who's obsessed with Willie Rodriguez...I'm not a deranged homosexual who's obsessed with Willie Rodriguez...I'm not a deranged homosexual who's obsessed with Willie Rodriguez...Willie Willie Willie Willie Willie Willie Willie Willie Willie Willie Willie Willie Willie Willie Willie Willie Willie Willie Willie Willie Willie Willie Willie Willie Willie Willie Willie Willie Willie Willie Willie Willie Willie Willie Willie Willie Willie Willie Willie Willie...WILLIE!


At 09 February, 2013 13:31, Blogger snug.bug said...

So Wizzie's back to his "twoofer" lies, guys. How does it feel to be gulled by a janitor who tells you what you want to hear, eh?

At 09 February, 2013 14:39, Blogger snug.butt.plug said...

I do NOT hijack SLC's threads with my off-topic homosexual obsessions...I do NOT hijack SLC's threads with my off-topic homosexual obsessions...I do NOT hijack SLC's threads with my off-topic homosexual obsessions...I do NOT hijack SLC's threads with my off-topic homosexual obsessions...I do NOT hijack SLC's threads with my off-topic homosexual obsessions...I do NOT hijack SLC's threads with my off-topic homosexual obsessions...I do NOT hijack SLC's threads with my off-topic homosexual obsessions...I do NOT hijack SLC's threads with my off-topic homosexual obsessions...I do NOT hijack SLC's threads with my off-topic homosexual obsessions...I do NOT hijack SLC's threads with my off-topic homosexual obsessions...I'm NOT a fudge packing troll...I'm NOT a fudge packing troll...I'm NOT a fudge packing troll...I'm NOT a fudge packing troll...I'm NOT a fudge packing troll...I'm NOT a fudge packing troll...I'm NOT a fudge packing troll...I'm NOT...I'm NOT...I'm not!

I would never cite an Iranian propaganda network...I would never cite an Iranian propaganda network...I would never cite an Iranian propaganda network...I would never cite an Iranian propaganda network...I would never cite an Iranian propaganda network...I would never cite an Iranian propaganda network...I would never cite an Iranian propaganda network...I would never cite an Iranian propaganda network...I'm NOT a lying propagandist...I'm NOT a lying propagandist...I'm NOT a lying propagandist...I'm NOT a lying propagandist...I'm NOT...I'm NOT...I'm NOT!

Willie Willie Willie Willie Willie Willie Willie Willie Willie Willie Willie Willie Willie Willie Willie Willie Willie Willie Willie Willie Willie Willie Willie Willie Willie Willie Willie Willie Willie Willie Willie Willie Willie Willie Willie Willie Willie Willie Willie Willie...WILLIE!


At 09 February, 2013 20:08, Blogger M Gregory Ferris said...

Back to the original post.

Of all the things one could write while defacing a legendary work of art she chose that. Nothing about Syria, The Congo,the echoes of French colonialism, Gerard DePardieu, or thousands of other real problems in the world she went with 9/11 Trooferism.

It is beyond sad.

Fortunately the damage was quickly restored.

At 10 February, 2013 09:39, Blogger snug.bug said...

There's a great risk that if I simply dispute MGF's treatise on the triviality of 9/11, certain dishonest habituees of this forum will accuse me of defending an art vandal.

That said, I'm going to defend the importance of the 9/11 issue. 9/11 has been used as an excuse to create an unprecedented doctrine--The USA may use drones to assassinate anyone, anywhere, any time, even US citizens, for any reason or no reason at all.

This makes it important to ensure that our opinions about 9/11 are based in established fact.

At 10 February, 2013 21:24, Blogger Flouride666 said...

Off-topic: truther Phillip Marshall, author of 'False Flag 911: How Bush, Cheney and the Saudis Created the Post-911 World', killed his kids, his dog, and himself last week:

At 11 February, 2013 14:03, Blogger Pat Cowardly said...

Why would James call her 'one of Gage's gaggle'? Is her name anywhere on the petition, or is it yet another example of James' bias and poor research skills? How Curleyian of him.

At 11 February, 2013 15:29, Blogger M Gregory Ferris said...

"That said, I'm going to defend the importance of the 9/11 issue. 9/11 has been used as an excuse to create an unprecedented doctrine--The USA may use drones to assassinate anyone, anywhere, any time, even US citizens, for any reason or no reason at all.

This makes it important to ensure that our opinions about 9/11 are based in established fact."

The drone thing should be argued on its own merits within the framework of the Constitution, and established case law. The second you drag "9/11 was an inside job" into this conversation you lose.

At 12 February, 2013 01:31, Blogger Oystein said...

"I never said this was a statistically valid sample of their membership."
Correct. I just wanted to warn against taking anecdotal evidence too far. Not saying that you do.

"Doesn't mean I can't make fun of you nut jobs."
Absolutely ;)

"There is a very strong correlation between mental illness, especially paranoia, and believing in conspiracy theories, for obvious reasons."
This you have established how? I am currently not aware of studies that have established that.

The same traits, mental illness, especially paranoia, are sometimes evident in debunkers. Take GuitarBill as an obvious example!

"Conspiracy theorists aren't dumb, in the usual sense, in fact many of them are very intelligent, but they see things that are not there."
Agreed ;)

At 12 February, 2013 01:36, Blogger Oystein said...

@ Pat Cowardly:
"Why would James call her 'one of Gage's gaggle'? Is her name anywhere on the petition, or is it yet another example of James' bias and poor research skills? How Curleyian of him."
Actually, no, she is most likely not on the petition. I did a search on all signatures from France (A&E as well as other supporters), and no felame signers are from the Département Pas-de-Calais or any of its main towns (Lens, Arras, Boulogne-sur-Mer, Liévens, Calais)

At 12 February, 2013 05:02, Blogger Michael Lewis said...

This you have established how? I am currently not aware of studies that have established that.

Agree, most people are naturally "conspiracy theorists" to some degree. It's a long way from "Obama fudged the jobs data" to "Obama was born in Kenya", and longer still to "Obama is covering up 9/11".

Where it crosses into illness is defined by where you land on that absurdity spectrum, and the degree to which your belief drives your life.

The same traits, mental illness, especially paranoia, are sometimes evident in debunkers. Take GuitarBill as an obvious example!

Uh oh...

At 12 February, 2013 10:03, Blogger GuitarBill said...

Yo TroofStein! How mentally ill does one need to be in order to masquerade as a "debunker," while you secretly believe 9/11 was an "inside job," liar?

Typical troofer -- always accuse your opponent of the crimes YOU commit.

Fuck you and the horse you rode in on, Eurofag liar.


Brian Good's Insane Homeless Mullet for sex predators. (Credit to Mike Rosefierce).

9/11 Sex Stalker Brian Good Unmasked!

At 12 February, 2013 13:33, Blogger Pat Cowardly said...

James: why do you and Pat insist on always proving me right about the clear ineptitude in your "debunking"?

Maybe you should stop taking advice from 'Testicles and GutterBalls...

At 12 February, 2013 17:05, Blogger Oystein said...

@ GuitarBill:
"Yo TroofStein! ... you secretly believe 9/11 was an "inside job," liar? ... Fuck you and the horse you rode in on, Eurofag liar."

Hehe thanks for proving my point about you suffering from paranoia. :D

At 13 February, 2013 08:40, Blogger GuitarBill said...

Another demonstration of the breadth and depth of your dishonesty, douche-bag?

So now you're a psychiatrist, too? Yeah, troofers are self-appointed experts in every field. Ask Brian "sex predator" Good.

Thanks for proving that you're an idiot. TroofStein. After all, it's not "paranoid" to point out that you're a troofer, it's the truth.

In fact, the real paranoid can be found between your chair and your keyboard. After all, you're the "paranoid conspiracy theorist," not me, cretin.

So when do you plan to apologize for the straw man fallacy you used against me up thread, liar?

Oystein -- flaming Euro-asshole.


Brian Good's Insane Homeless Mullet for sex predators. (Credit to Mike Rosefierce).

9/11 Sex Stalker Brian Good Unmasked!

At 14 February, 2013 06:59, Blogger Pat Cowardly said...

Do you always make friends this easily, Billy? And your characterization of Oystein as a troofer shows that your research skills are on the level of Pat's and James'.

He actually fancies himself a "debunker", although he never seems to debunk anything at all. Kind of like you, Pat, and James.


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