Monday, February 22, 2010

Steven Jones on the "Fake" Haitian Crisis

I mentioned this before, and I believe there is more, but I can't find a recording of it, but here is the clip of him bringing up Haiti from the recent AE911 pressless press conference:

A & E for 9/11 Truth Press Conference End from MysterE Productions on Vimeo.

Another one that you might never have thought of, that I will be addressing this next little while is Haiti. Now Haiti you wouldn't think of as a generated crisis. But did you know that tremendous oil reserves have been found in the bay, in that area right around Port-au-Prince. Tremendous oil reserves reported in 2008 to be larger than the oil reserves of Venezuela, which is one of the largest oil producers in the world. So again is this a "natural" or "real" crisis or is it one of Biden's generated crises? That's what I will be talking about the next hour. I don't have an answer for sure on that yet.

If there were still any doubts that the so-called leading scientist of the 9/11 truth movement was a complete crackpot, this pretty much erases it.

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At 22 February, 2010 22:15, Anonymous paul w said...

"is this a "natural" or "real" crisis?"

It was a fucking earthquake, you total, utter moron.

An earthquake because 'they' wanted oil?

Oh, dear god...

At 23 February, 2010 05:02, Blogger Unknown said...

ever notice that they pinned 9/11 on Cheney and now they're putting this one on Biden?

At 23 February, 2010 05:09, Anonymous bobby deniro said...

anybody ever seen "wag the dog"?

At 23 February, 2010 05:12, Blogger angrysoba said...

Oh Christ! Here's somewhere the Truthers will always get airtime.

This is from a few days ago.

At 23 February, 2010 05:40, Anonymous ConsDemo said...

Is there any ill in this world twoofers don't blame on the US?

While Jones is at it, he should investigate the claims the Corps of Engineers blew up the walls protecting New Orleans when Katrina hit.

At 23 February, 2010 05:53, Anonymous Patrick from Cincinnati said...

Let me give you Boris' comments before he shows up:

"Well James I don't know why you call it a "fake" Haitian crisis. Experts are coming out of the woodwork right now who are challenging the notion that the Haitian crisis is real. There is evidence of abiotic oil under Haiti, and it seems more than coincidental that once that evidence reached a critical point, there was suddenly an "earthquake" in Haiti."

To which I would have replied:

"Boris, shut up. Boris, are you still stalking people?

Heh everyone - don't give this asshole any personal information."

Thought I'd get that out of the way.

At 23 February, 2010 08:03, Anonymous Spud1k said...

Good grief, this clown had tenure at one point. Anyone else find it scary that he was once allowed to teach people stuff?

At 23 February, 2010 08:20, Anonymous Roid Rage said...

Who? Shyam Sunder?

At 23 February, 2010 08:28, Anonymous Roid Rage said...

Who? Kevin Barrett?

At 23 February, 2010 09:28, Anonymous GuitarBill said...

The Raging Diaper sccribbles, "...Who? Shyam Sunder?"

Bite me, asshole.

So tell us Glenn, how many 9/11 conspiracy videos were you required to watch in order to become a fully-qualified and licensed civil engineer.

One? Two?

At 23 February, 2010 10:18, Anonymous GuitarBill said...

My mother proudly sucks cocks in hell.

At 23 February, 2010 10:21, Anonymous GuitarBill said...

"...My mother proudly sucks cocks in hell."

Confusing my mother with your sister again, Glenn?

At 23 February, 2010 10:44, Anonymous NoIdentity said...

There's more oil off the coast of Florida than in Haiti. Haiti is a God-forsaken hell hole with no value whatsoever be it economic or otherwise. We're there because we're bleeding heart do-gooders who want to help. And probably prevent a refugee crisis.

At 23 February, 2010 10:47, Anonymous NoIdentity said...

There is evidence of abiotic oil under Haiti, and it seems more than coincidental that once that evidence reached a critical point, there was suddenly an "earthquake" in Haiti.

I don't know what I find more ridiculous, "abiotic oil" or earthquake machines.

Abiotic oil is to geology as intelligent design is to biology.

At 23 February, 2010 11:18, Anonymous Roid Rage said...



At 23 February, 2010 11:26, Anonymous GuitarBill said...

The nutbar scribbles, "...45% ANGLE CUTS."

Off with that old canard again, shit-for-brains?

The "911 truth movement" likes to present still photos of the columns as proof of "controlled demolition." However, it's not what the "911 truthers" tell you that counts, it's what they don't tell you.

Here's an example of a video by the "911 truth movement" that's a good example of the deceptive techniques they employ to substantiate their assertions:

Source: YouTube: Deceptive video by 911 "truthers" claiming Thermite was used to bring down the towers.

Now, let's watch the film which is the source of the still photos.

This film is an interview with two clean up workers at ground zero. Notice that one clean up worker states, "...You can see where they've made the cuts along...right above, that's the bow tie connection. They're cutting at about three to five foot above the bow tie connection, where it starts into the forming of the candlestick."

The video follows:

Source: YouTube: WTC Angle Cut Columns during cleanup. Proving the clean up crews cut the columns, not thermite.

Obviously, the clean up workers cut those columns at three to five feet above the bow tie connection. The "911 truth movement" edited the film and removed the statements by the clean up workers. Next, the "truthers" falsely claim this severe angle of cut on the columns is "proof of controlled demolition".

Now, if that doesn't prove to you how dishonest and malevolent the "911 truth movement" is, nothing will.

At 23 February, 2010 11:44, Anonymous NoIdentity said...

Tremendous oil reserves reported in 2008 to be larger than the oil reserves of Venezuela, which is one of the largest oil producers in the world.

Wow. The only sources I can find corroborating that claim are on and stormfront's forums. Only the most reputable sources of course.
I finally found a name to go with this insane claim, French "scientist" Daniel Mathurin. I haven't been able to find any more information on him, but I'm sure he's a widely respect scientist in his field...hah.
The reality? There's probably oil in Haiti's waters but oil in the hundreds of millions of barrels, maybe billions. To put that in perspective, the World consumes 80 million barrels of oil a day and roughly 29 billion barrels a year. So we're talking small potatoes.
Venezuela on the other hand has upwards of 80 billion barrels of (woefully neglected) conventional oil and the equivalent of hundreds of billions of oil in its oil sands. Of course extracting those is incredibly expensive and environmentally devastating (See Alberta).

At 23 February, 2010 11:54, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Can't anything go wrong anywhere in the world without it being blamed on the United States?

At 23 February, 2010 11:58, Blogger Dan K. Stanley said...

Anyone see this? Sarah Palin wants a new investigation of 9/11!

Good stuff, lmfao!!

At 23 February, 2010 12:00, Blogger TANSTAAFL said...

"Anonymous said...
Can't anything go wrong anywhere in the world without it being blamed on the United States?"

Raging diaper's brain.

He HATES the United States.

At 23 February, 2010 12:16, Blogger Dave Kyte said...

Of course everyone knows these cuts were made with a simple cutting device called a thermic lance or burning bar. Not hard to find pictures of workers at ground zero doing these exact same 45 cuts using these long cutting rods. CHECK AND MATE. BITCHE!1!!! And yes, these thermic cutting bars leave the same slag seen at the WTC site.

What is remarkable is that anyone with an IQ above room temperature would look at this so call smoking gun and think it prove something. How inadequate in thinking ability do you have to be to not be able to find the truth in this scam? What next Crop circles?

At 23 February, 2010 12:17, Blogger TANSTAAFL said...

"Dan K. Stanley said...
Anyone see this? Sarah Palin wants a new investigation of 9/11!"


Stupid fucking twooooofers™.

Gotta love 'em.

At 23 February, 2010 12:20, Blogger TANSTAAFL said...

Oh, and THAT was Alex Jones?

What a fucking fruitcake HE is!

Blathering about insnae conspiracy theories for 10 minutes to introduce the earth shaking video of fsome lunatic screaming at Sarah Palin in an envoirenment so loud that you can't hear yourself think, while she's distracted signing autographs.

Good job, you fucking retarded marmosets.

Good job.

At 23 February, 2010 12:24, Blogger Dave Kyte said...

"I don't know what I find more ridiculous, "abiotic oil" or earthquake machines."

Or hurricane machines. You can always get the weak of mind to believe this shit.

At 23 February, 2010 12:44, Anonymous Bikerman said...

Oh Jesus, that Alex Jones Sarah Palin video is hiLARious!!!!

Hope the people who grasped on to Van Jones signing some stupid 911 Truth petition that he didn't know what the hell it was see that.

She clearly agrees we need a new investigation!!! What a f**king DINGBAT she is!!!

At 23 February, 2010 14:58, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Truther or not, Van Jones had to go. Good riddance to Marxist rubbish.

At 23 February, 2010 15:34, Anonymous Roid Rage said...



Of course, I didn't actually say this. The "angle cuts" bullshit is something I would never defend.

But nice false flag attack there! You know how it works, dontcha fellas!

Keep defeating fake versions of me, it's the only ones you CAN defeat!

ROFLMAO!!! ... I could have never predicted the level of ineptitude, and utter pathetic, desperate, cheating and cowardly sock puppetry now used by the SLC cult to regain prestige. Ultimate fail, fellas! ROFL!

At 23 February, 2010 15:41, Anonymous Dylan Unsavery said...

I watched (well, skimmed through) all four segments of Fat Alex's interview with Medina. I don't think he asked her one question about 9/11. Now, he complains Beck has tricked the media into believing she's a troofer when she's not. So Alex, no questions about 9/11 and you state she's not a troofer, but you still endorse her.


At 23 February, 2010 16:00, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Still waiting on that Afghan oil pipeline too. You'd think matching the Vietnam War time commitment and going beyond it would give them enough time to do whatever they needed to do. But I suppose it's all part of "Teh NWO".

At 23 February, 2010 16:02, Anonymous Marc said...

What is it with conspiracy nuts and Vice Presidents who must have supernatural powers?

The problem, which has already been addressed here is that Florida has a lot of oil just off shore. California and Alaska also have a bunch of oil, we just aren't drilling for it yet.

If there was oil in Haiti then why aren't there a bunch of oil companies already there? Haiti is a corrupt country who's leaders can be easily bought out, so if there actually was oil there the oil companies would have shown up long ago with suitcases of cash.


At 23 February, 2010 16:31, Anonymous paul w said...

Nothing is as it was before. Since Mr. Rudnap had had his tea, the world changed completely. He smiles. Had these ministers appreciated the mouths after the voluptuous screen? The month of trouble expected him, but to pace reached it!

A rice weapon badly functions, but we are the sacrifices of practice. Whom cannot the obligation of age visit? What had congregations undermined? Its generation is vendetta. How are the cigarettes of ammunition dying? Whom are coffees controlling? The venture of color -- the bean of school -- spread us.

Unless we were the occasions of terror, the coast of matter newly died. Fees found the law; every track was ceremony. Whom had attention balanced? How had you expanded? You twist, but inventions wouldn't rush. Their bag enters. Whom won't the lip of vertigo reveal? Where is card worrying? To balance is the vulva of vapor, and to unbend is your yard. Before so rusted a surface slides, smoke burns us. Her apartment: the railroad. Unless her calendar is any tradition, couldn't so unlikely a restaurant droop?

An expanding restaurant is an assignment on a base under the package. Though I was a stress, duties greatly defined her. The ending like so honest a congregation is validating this, and my information is rising. Why have you guessed? Before you shout, how are you shaking?

Before to work crashes, where is their instrument belonging? No term will transform ceremony, and mercy really reflects.

Very important!

At 23 February, 2010 16:34, Anonymous ConsDemo said...

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At 23 February, 2010 16:39, Anonymous NoIdentity said...

...Yet, in just under four years, the 9/11 “truth movement” has ground to a halt. Apart from the fundamental incoherence of their theories, the downfall of the 9/11 denier juggernaut was good old-fashioned skepticism at its finest, the kind that conjures visions of James Randi challenging psychics and faith healers on their home turfs and winning. Skeptics are better at their jobs than they think, and its important to give credit where credit is due.

We need to come to grips with conspiracies. Conspiracies are as American as apple pie. All they require is that two or more persons collaborate in actions to bring about illegal ends. When two guys knock off a 7/11 store, they are engaged in a conspiracy. Most conspiracies in our country are economic, such as Enron, WorldCom, and now Halliburton as it exploits the opportunities for amassing profits in Iraq. Insider trading is a simple example, since investors and brokers collaborate to benefit from privileged information. Ordinarily, however, the media does not describe them as "conspiracies". The two most important conspiracies in our history are surely those involving JFK and 9/11.

One fascinating aspect of 9/11 is that the official story involves collaboration between some nineteen persons in order to bring about illegal ends and thus obviously qualifies as a "conspiracy theory". When critics of the government offer an alternative account that implicates key figures of the government in 9/11, that obviously qualifies as a "conspiracy theory", too. But what matters now is that we are confronted by alternative accounts of what happened on 9/11, both of which qualify as "conspiracy theories". It is therefore no longer rational to dismiss one of them as a "conspiracy theory" in favor of the other. The question becomes, Which of two "conspiracy theories" is more defensible?

At 23 February, 2010 16:50, Anonymous NoIdentity said...

Wow. That's a lot of bullshit to attribute falsely to my name. Someone is imitating RR, LL, and now me? THEYRE GONNA THROW THE DEBUNKERS INTO A STATE OF CHAOS!
Or just cause minor annoyance.

At 23 February, 2010 17:00, Anonymous NoIdentity said...

My impersonator makes some valid points. A conspiracy is simply a collaboration between two or more people to commit a crime. However, "conspiracy theory" has taken on a meaning beyond simply a theory about a crime involving two or more people. It has come to mean a theory about the government being behind a crime attributed to someone else, like Al Queda or McVeigh. So to be technical we should call them "government conspiracy theories" but that would be annoying.

It is therefore no longer rational to dismiss one of them as a "conspiracy theory" in favor of the other.

Yes it is. The insane theories involving fake physics and woeful ignorance about geopolitics can be dismissed.

The question becomes, Which of two "conspiracy theories" is more defensible?

The one about the Arabs.

At 23 February, 2010 17:02, Anonymous GuitarBill said...

"...Wow. That's a lot of bullshit to attribute falsely to my name. Someone is imitating RR, LL, and now me? THEYRE GONNA THROW THE DEBUNKERS INTO A STATE OF CHAOS!
Or just cause minor annoyance."

It's Roid Rage.

He's also made posts that are falsely attributed to my handle.

At 23 February, 2010 17:11, Anonymous NoIdentity said...

It's Roid Rage.

He's also made posts that are falsely attributed to my handle.

And how do I know this is really you? There's a lot of impersonation going on at the moment. Until you register an account here, I'm going to assume you are simply anonymous. Maybe I should register too.

At 23 February, 2010 17:12, Blogger TANSTAAFL said...

"It's Roid Rage.

He's also made posts that are falsely attributed to my handle."

He should be banned.

I asked the admins to remove the fake posts on another thread, and they graciously complied.

At 23 February, 2010 17:15, Anonymous GuitarBill said...

"He should be banned.

I asked the admins to remove the fake posts on another thread, and they graciously complied."

I agree. It's the only way we can beat him. We must ban him. Time to take the kid gloves off with the nutters.


At 23 February, 2010 17:16, Anonymous GuitarBill said...

"...And how do I know this is really you? There's a lot of impersonation going on at the moment. Until you register an account here, I'm going to assume you are simply anonymous. Maybe I should register too."

It me.

What good will a registered account do?

Just askin...

At 23 February, 2010 17:17, Anonymous GuitarBill said...

"...I agree. It's the only way we can beat him. We must ban him. Time to take the kid gloves off with the nutters."

I didn't write that post.

I think it's time for the moderator to ban Roid Rage.

Adios, amigo.

At 23 February, 2010 17:25, Anonymous NoIdentity said...

And how do I know this is really you? There's a lot of impersonation going on at the moment. Until you register an account here, I'm going to assume you are simply anonymous. Maybe I should register too.
That wasn't me either.
This guy thinks he's really funny.

At 23 February, 2010 17:26, Anonymous NoIdentity said...

I think it's a truther who hates Roid Rage for being insufficiently committed to truther doctrine.

At 23 February, 2010 17:29, Anonymous Roid Rage said...

Yeah. And of course, nothing was the matter when the sock puppetry affects me and you start defeating my so-called "arguments" invented by one of your sock puppet friends, eh? Or did you do it yourself? Scumbag?

I mean... Angled cut theory? Are you fucking kidding me? So yeah, two can play that game of disruption. As you have discovered, it can become pretty unpleasant.

At 23 February, 2010 17:32, Anonymous NoIdentity said...

It's not really unpleasant, just a minor annoyance. He'll get bored eventually and go back to stalking his ex on myspace.

At 23 February, 2010 18:38, Blogger ConsDemo said...

The post allegedly written by me at 23 February, 2010 16:34 is another sock puppet attempt. I actually have a google account, I just don't often use it.

At 23 February, 2010 20:24, Anonymous G. Shumway said...

Oh - I would never read such an article - these guys brought it to my attention:

They really do give you a lot of credit though.

Will you be covering the Steven Jones man made earthquake to get to the
abiotic oil under Haiti next?

--- On Mon, 2/22/10, Jennifer Harper wrote:

From: Jennifer Harper
Subject: Re: Message via the Web site
Date: Monday, February 22, 2010, 3:35 PM

well, thanks for reading. An update on an ongoing argument.

On Feb 22, 2010, at 4:33 PM, wrote:

> Why in the hell would you give any press to that nutball Richard
> Gage? Are you insane?

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At 23 February, 2010 20:37, Blogger TANSTAAFL said...

"Roid Rage said...
Yeah. And of course, nothing was the matter when the sock puppetry affects me and you start defeating my so-called "arguments" invented by one of your sock puppet friends, eh? Or did you do it yourself? Scumbag?

I mean... Angled cut theory? Are you fucking kidding me? So yeah, two can play that game of disruption. As you have discovered, it can become pretty unpleasant."

So, the scumbag unmasks.

Is that syphilis?

At 23 February, 2010 21:26, Anonymous Roid Rage said...

So, the scumbag unmasks.

Is that syphilis?

Is that one eyebrow, eyes too close together, and deformed fingers I see with you there, Dorothy? Serious case of inbreeding depression. Just go the way of the Dodo and do not further corrupt the gene pool please.

At 24 February, 2010 05:20, Blogger TANSTAAFL said...

"Is that one eyebrow, eyes too close together, and deformed fingers I see with you there, Dorothy?"

Glenn is talking to Dorothy again.

That's just..... weird.

At 24 February, 2010 15:41, Anonymous New Yorker said...

No, Steve, it ain't a real crisis, it's just an earthquake that killed a quarter of a million people and left the rest destitute in the poorest country in the western hemisphere.

Jesus H. Christ on a popsicle stick.

I'm guessing the whole "the US invaded Haiti for the oil" will be the new "Afghan pipeline" in it's absurd attempt to hammer the square peg that is "war for oil!" into the round hole that is Haiti.


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