Monday, August 28, 2006

Morgan Reynolds Endorses the Onion's Single Plane Theory

Holy smoke, this guy's pinned the Nutbar-O-Meter!

Here is more food for thought: the same chameleon plane could have appeared at all three events: 9:03a at WTC 2, 9:32-9:37a at the Pentagon, and 10:06a at Shanksville, PA. In truth, the perps only needed the disappearing plane trick at WTC 2 but it is a promising possibility for Shanksville too. The Pentagon event did not really need an airliner but the single plane theory proposed this month as a parody of the JFK single-bullet theory actually might make sense! The same disappearing act by the same secret plane could have been used at all three locations! We shall see if future work bears any of this out.


At 28 August, 2006 14:51, Blogger The Artistic Macrophage said...


OMG...He is so insane, he actually makes me feel insane when reading his theories...I know that makes little sense, but it is is like he gets me so riled, that a man of his persuasion and influence could be such a nutbar, that I fear I will actually go bezerk reading it...

At 28 August, 2006 17:54, Blogger AbrashTX said...

Of course you guys would never entertain the idea that this highly educated former high ranking member of the Bush administration is nothing but a government disinformation agent

That's called arguing from authority. Can you please be a bit more subtle when committing logical errors? This one was a bit boring.

At 28 August, 2006 19:11, Blogger James B. said...

Of course you guys would never entertain the idea that this highly educated former high ranking member of the Bush administration is nothing but a government disinformation agent


really now, whos the crazy one ... ??? ? ?

Is there anyone involved with the 9/11 conspiracy theory movement who is not a government disinformation agent?

The CTs claim that 70 million people believe that the government was behind it. Well, apparently 69,999,990 of them are government disinformation agents, and the other 10 are still under investigation.

At 28 August, 2006 21:19, Blogger AbrashTX said...

Per Andrew's comment at 8:17:

There you go, arguing from authority again. At least you're consistent.

Let me give you a tip: It doesn't matter what kind of degrees a person has. It doesn't matter what kind of resume they have unless it's relevant to the subject at hand. Why do you think a batshit economist who babbles about Area 51 is more believable than the structural engineers who took verified samples?

What matters is whether people can back up their claims with solid evidence--or whether they pull stuff out of their asses (or from some bizarro universe, as Reynolds does).

At 28 August, 2006 22:01, Blogger Pat said...

Andrew, it's a double-edged sword. The Deniers embraced Jones and Reynolds precisely because they couldn't be laughed off as nutbar leftists who hated Bush.

But I would certainly agree that the movement should henceforth be very skeptical of conservatives, Republicans and even Democrats who aren't very, very liberal who pretend to join the movement. Everybody's suspect!

At 29 August, 2006 05:58, Blogger Chad said...

I stopped reading after "chameleon plane"....

Can't. Wrap. Brain. Around. Stupidity.

At 29 August, 2006 12:08, Blogger The Artistic Macrophage said...


The trouble with S.Jones is not that he is a govt shill, as I do not think he is.

The problem is that he is trying to prove something he wants to believe happened, but didn't.

Same goes for all of the "Scholars" who have written papers, every one of them flawed, not through the science they apply, but through the factless base the science is applied to...

At 29 August, 2006 21:03, Blogger rocketdoodle said...





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