Monday, September 11, 2006

Idiotic Loose Change Forum Post of the Day

The Loosers never fail to express inappropriate thoughts on every occasion, but especially today.

When I turned on the news today I expected extensive coverage of everything going on at ground zero. Boy was I disappointed when I found out that today’s news coverage consists of "remembrance". Human beings are perfectly capable of remembering 9/11 on their own; they don't need the news to implant the "right" memories into their heads.

In nearly 4 hours of watching various channels I have only seen 20 seconds of ground zero, and the only sound was of some news anchor talking about people remembering. They then cut to other stories that we "need" to remember; like George Bush's professionalism in front of the pet goat children and how he didn't leave fast because of the children. Then they went to footage of news people at the pentagon talking about their personal stories of 9/11.

Because, you see, the fifth anniversary is all supposed to be about the idiots wearing "Investigate 9-11" tee shirts.

Update: As pointed out in the comments by Shawn, you can see some photos of the idiots at Ground Zero at LGF.


At 11 September, 2006 15:20, Blogger shawn said...

LGF has some pictures of these grimebags defiling the site.

At 11 September, 2006 15:59, Blogger The Artistic Macrophage said...

as long as they were peaceful and respectful, let them have their little gathering. Soon enough USa will turn Democrat, and they will fade into the insignificance of JFK CTs.

At 11 September, 2006 16:16, Blogger shawn said...

9/11 as it happened.

CNN footage starting before the second plane hit.

At 11 September, 2006 16:38, Blogger shawn said...

Has any commented there and told them that its wingnuts of all corners of the political spectrum?

Many times. I just get shouted down.

I explained that most of them are far-right anti-government types, although zombie over at LGF made a good argument that she sees all the CTs at obviously Leftist (read: ANSWER supported) gatherings.

At 11 September, 2006 19:18, Blogger shawn said...

using their confirmation bias to associate the movement to their political opponents whilst not researching the matter themselves.

Some of the comments over there are scary. I think Charles Johnson is doing a great service putting these stories on his blog, but a lot of the comments remind me that the Left and Right are equally clueless as to what this fight is about.

At 11 September, 2006 21:36, Blogger blind avocado said...

I explained that most of them are far-right anti-government types, although zombie over at LGF made a good argument that she sees all the CTs at obviously Leftist (read: ANSWER supported) gatherings.

Sorry to inform you, but almost none of them are from the right. That is why you have to go to Universities and left wing bastions like San Francisco and Bezerkly to find the CT crowd. Of course if I am wrong you can always show me some pics of all these "right wing" CTers.

At 12 September, 2006 05:13, Blogger shawn said...

Of course if I am wrong you can always show me some pics of all these "right wing" CTers.

Alex Jones, for one. All the "Jews" and/or "Israel" did it are far-right. What I'm talking about are the militia types (you know, like Tim McVeigh).

The Lefties didn't latch on till Loose Change started pouring through their campuses.

At 12 September, 2006 09:31, Blogger Alex said...

I'd still say that a much larger percentage of the 9/11 denial movement leans to the left of the political spectrum. In Canada for one, we don't really even HAVE a real right-wing party. Many Canadians are fond of saying that the Canadian right ends where the American left starts. Ditto with countries like France and Belgium. Yet 9/11 CT's are way more popular here (and France etc.) than they are in the US. Moreover, avocado's exactly right, the majority of the loud/militant 9/11 crowd are university kids being fed crap by socialist/communist/"liberal" professors.

You're right in that a lot of the extremists of the 9/11 movement tend to be ultra-right wing. The ones who have really gone off the scale and believe in every single CT, in the NWO taking over the world, and in Da Joos running everything. However they don't exactly make up the bulk of the movement.

At 12 September, 2006 19:13, Blogger Triterope said...

I'd still say that a much larger percentage of the 9/11 denial movement leans to the left of the political spectrum.

I agree, just because of the natural tendency for people to be more critical of those they're opposed to. "Bush did 9/11" is an easier sell to people who already oppose Bush than to those who support him or are undecided. If a Democratic or otherwise leftist president were in office, the ideology of the Troof movement might lean to the right of the political spectrum.

The ones who have really gone off the scale and believe in every single CT, in the NWO taking over the world, and in Da Joos running everything, tend to be ultra-right wing.

Left/right distinctions should only exist if it matters which side is in power. It should be moot to anyone who professes a belief that elections are irrelevant because some faceless evil really runs things behind the scenes.

Anyone who professes to support one side or the other in upcoming elections or general ideology, and then claims that the Illuminati or someone similar is really calling the shots, is full of crap.

At 12 September, 2006 19:17, Blogger blind avocado said...

All the "Jews" and/or "Israel" did it are far-right.

Sorry, wrong again. There is far more anti-Semitism on the left then the right.

What I'm talking about are the militia types (you know, like Tim McVeigh).

I don't deny that right wing militia groups are CTers but they are very few and very much on the fringe. 911 CTers are very much in the mainstream of the left; believers are running for congress, for heavens sake.

The Lefties didn't latch on till Loose Change started pouring through their campuses.

What are you talking about? I don't think the WTC dust had settled when the lefties started screaming "Bush did it". I have been following this for years.

At 12 September, 2006 23:11, Blogger shawn said...

There is far more anti-Semitism on the left then the right.

Internationally, no question whatsoever (though I'm speaking of the West). Domestically, it seems more wishy-washy.

I'm probably just deluding myself though. When I see signs saying "Nazi kikes out of Lebanon" in American protests I know what world my grandparents lived in in the 30s.


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