It's Tempting to Laugh
But I felt more like crying as I read this post over at the Loose Change Forums:
I don't know about any of you guys but I have been having one difficult time trying to discuss this subject (the subject of 9/11 and what really happened) to anyone -- I include in this group of people who would rather not hear me: my wife, my adult son (age 37), my three daughters (all adults), and a few friends (a couple of whom I can't fault as they were being polite in an exchange of conversational points on the subject, but they also couldn't wait to leave the BBQ most quickly after I brought up the subject).
I've tried and I've tried to approach this subject (again -- 9/11, and what really happened) from what I consider to be a series of intelligent segways, cautious as to when the time seems otherwise appropriate to make it the subject of conversation, watching body language and facial expressions of the listeners when striving to express the mass of obvious contradictions in what we have been led to believe by our government. Nothing seems to work folks, not really.
I suppose I have managed to get enough points across to plant a seed for some, seeds that will hopefully grow into more understanding. I really feel frustrated in the entire matter.
I believe and I expect everyone to believe or at least give the matter sufficient and due concern to believe because the same is extremely important to us and our freedoms. I mean, for no other reason than there were thousands of lives lost that day, all innocent and many more innocents that have followed since as a result of our initially appointed President sending in the troops. What a waste of life and what a waste of belief in a network of lies that has absolutely no merit in truth -- yet the masses seem unmoved in their rock solid beliefs. They know what they saw on television that day and they just don't want to accept anything as horrid as a corrupt government behind the death and destruction. Getting beyond this belief barrier seems for some to be an impossibility.
I even approached the subject by sending an 'old' girlfriend, my first love that still means the world to me even today, a copy of the video speech made my Professor David Ray Griffin (I consider it to be very well done, very professional, packed full of facts and things to consider on their own right) -- the response was sadly something similar to others I have received -- Don't send me such trash again, saying she didn't have the time or desire for such nonsense. That breaks my heart, let alone confuses the dickens out of me. I am starting to wonder what it was I ever saw in this person in the first place if she wouldn't (or couldn't) accept the TRUTH in what actually happened to us as a people, as a nation. I'm lost and I'm even more confused (as to 9/11 facts) and it goes way beyond what it was that any alledged terrorist may have done to us -- I'm lost and I'm confused as to how best to get the word out to the non-believers, especially those I love and care about, let alone complete strangers. Maybe you can help?
This is the downside of conspiracy theories. I talk to a couple of my friends about the debunking we're doing here, but I don't dwell on it because I know it's not interesting to them. And I'm not obsessed with it. Well, maybe a little obsessed, but you know how it is; I believe that 19 Muslim fanatics trained by Al Qaeda committed 9-11, which is a whole lot less terrifying than thinking Dick Cheney and Donald Rumsfeld committed 9-11.
My suggestions to Jerry B. would be to not think of his family as a sounding board for his 9-11 thoughts. There are many men (me for one) who watch NFL football with a passion. But I don't expect to have a twenty minute debate with my sister about whether Matt Leinart is the savior of the Cardinals' franchise. She doesn't care, and it doesn't bother me that she doesn't care. She might put up with five minutes because she loves me, but after that she's tuning out just as I would if she started talking about scrapbooking or something similar.
Find people who are into what you're into and talk about it with them. The good news is that you can do this a lot easier with the net than you could in the old days, and not just cyberfriends but real friends that you can meet with on a regular basis. I also really recommend blogging--duh!--because you can influence far more people with a blog post than you can by cornering them next to the barbecue.
I'd also recommend that he drop this conspiracy nonsense but we all know that's not going to happen. But I do feel for the guy, as I do for our CT readers. I know that you're serious about this, that this isn't a game to most of you. I'm not sure about some of the scam artists like Dylan and his buddies at LTW; as we have discussed in great detail here, they have played fast and loose far too often for me to believe they are really interested in the truth.
BTW, this post does reveals the flaw in the recent 9-11 Truth poll, which purported to find something like 40% of the people believe in some sort of coverup or conspiracy. If that's the case, how come this guy can't get anybody to talk with him about it?