Birds of a Feather...
Box Boy Richard Gage is flush with excitement after making a presentation. Where? Let's let him tell us:
AE911Truth was flown into Jamaica earlier this month to present the evidence for the explosive destruction of the three WTC skyscrapers to their top 250 associates. Why? Wealth Masters International is a company of 20,000 associates seeking to build and maintain their wealth in the face of a declining economy and the largest wealth transfer in history.
So I Googled Wealth Masters International, and look at two of the related searches that Google suggests:

Hmmmm, "scam" and "rip off"? Those certainly are not good signs. Here's a review of the company, with some warnings, and a 2-star (out of a possible 5 stars) rating:
The Wealth Masters business is promoted as a direct sales model, but the compensation plan is a multi-level plan consisting of only two levels. Combined with the quota requirement to continuously recruit new members in order to continue to receive the second level income precludes the ability to build a real business that will provide a residual income.
Reading the review, it appears that you have to pay for seminars that teach some financial management skills. The way you earn money is by selling others on taking those same seminars.
Box Boy reports his usual terrific results:
Before the presentation to 250 attendees, 55 believed the Official Conspiracy Theory, which believes that the planes and fires brought down the towers, and 40 were unsure. Afterwards none believed the OCT and only 7 were unsure.
It's certainly interesting to learn that even before the presentation, there were 155 crackpots in the audience.
Labels: Richard Gage