Update: According
to this, the articles posted on that website are not approved or screened by Buchanan himself. A former Buchanan staffer named Linda Muller runs the website and is apparently responsible for the kookery.
* Who owns this website?
* Since 1995, Buchanan.org is owned and operated by Linda Muller. While Pat Buchanan is our inspiration, he is not editor, publisher, or manager, and does not decide any of the content.
I'm a bit surprised that he allows her to create the impression that it's his website when it's not. Still, Buchanan's off the hook for now.
Hat Tip to Bill Giltner.
Well, well, well, Pat Buchanan
finally signs onto 9-11 Troofy Troof. He posts uncritically an entire article by Alex Jones' flunky Paul Watson on controlled demolition at the WTC.
Now, given that it's Pat Buchanan, can you possibly guess what might have attracted him to the cause of Truthiness? I'll give you a hint; it starts with "J" and ends with "ews".
By way of background, Alan Hart, a former news reader on the BBC, who's got a bee in his bonnet about those evil Zionists, appeared on Holocaust Denier Kevin Barrett's radio program. Hart presented his rather novel views on Israel's history, including (inevitably) the USS Liberty incident. Barrett segues into the "Jews did 9-11" tangent and Hart reveals that he's a thorough crackpot.
Adam Holland transcribed the segment:
Hart: So basically, I've stayed away from it because it give them the focus to take the attention away from your main message. But, since you've mentioned it, I'll tell you what I honestly believe. I think it probably started out as an all Muslim operation, okay? But I think it would be very quickly penetrated by Mossad agents. I detail it in my book. From almost the moment Israel was born, it had its agents penetrating every Arab government, every Arab military organization, and every Arab terrorist group, whatever. So they certainly would have penetrated this. And at some point they said to the bad guys in the CIA, "this is running, what should we do with it?" And the neo-cons said "let's use it".
The twin towers were brought down by a controlled ground explosion, not the planes. Now I'm going to tell you in passing that one of my friends is a consultant for one of the world's leading engineering firms. I'm not going to name him. They've studied the films and they've found that there's no doubt whatsoever that the planes were brought down... sorry, that the towers were brought down by controlled ground explosion. And then we have the film of the -- what is sometimes called the five dancing Israelis. Are you aware of that Kevin?
Yep, he goes into the dancing Jews were Mossad bit, then we get the eight hijackers are still alive crap. But that part above about how consultants for one of the world's leading engineering firms are convinced that the towers were brought down by controlled demolition is his real addition to the 9-11 conspiracy theories. Well, that and this:
Hart: That's right. It's established fact. It suggests that they knew that it was going to happen. It was possible, and this is Alan Hart speaking, that the planes were fitted with transponders, and these guys were calling in the planes to the targets. It's not impossible.
Yeah, and monkeys could fly out of my butt. It's not impossible. At any rate, you can see what attracted Buchanan to the story; he's long supported any conspiracy theories involving Jews, including Justin Raimondo's natterings about the Israeli Art Students.
It will be interesting to see if the Troofers follow up on this information. Surely Hart will not be allowed to remain silent about the identity of his consultant friend. Over
at Flogger, this topic comes up.
Come ON, Alan. If you are going to make a claim as potentially earthshaking as this, please let us all know the identity of this civil engineering firm, the people to whom you spoke, the people who conducted the study, and evidence of the text of the study!
I don't agree with the "Truthers" often, but in this case I'll make an exception. Alan Hart needs to come clean about his source.
BTW, check out Buchanan.org's sidebar links. American Free Press, Paul Craig Roberts, AE9-11 Truth, Global Research, Max Keiser... it's a cornucopia of craze.
Labels: Alan Hart, Celebrity Kooks, Kevin Barrett, Pat Buchanan