Amusing 9/11 Blogger Comments of the Day
I cracked up reading this comment in a thread at 911 Blogger on Jesse Ventura's new show.
I think it is obvious that most of us here at blogger have ABOVE average intelligence. If Jesse's Conspiracy Theory reaches those in the middle of the bell curve then I applaud the effort.
Yeah, real bunch of geniuses there....
On a related note. From another post.
Last week’s breakin at Senator Mary Landrieu’s office in the New Orleans Federal
Building was more than it seemed, much more. All of the 4 arrested had been trained by the CIA and, possibly, Israel. One arrested, Stan Dai, is listed as an Operations Officer of the Department of Defense Irregular Warfare Program and a known expert and lecturer on, not only surveillance but explosives training, assassinations and “false flag operations.” If you wanted a plane to crash, an enemy to get sick and die or a building to blow up, Dai would be the man to know how to make it happen. Problem is, his skills were being used as part of a criminal conspiracy inside the United States against members of our own government.
For those of you who have not been following this story, this was the result of a guerilla journalism effort launched by James OKeefe, the guy who embarassed ACORN by getting them to give him advice on his prospective career as a pimp. Apparently we are to believe that this brain trust thinks this guy is an elite CIA operative.